Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Warty Overweight Joke?


oh my, you're almost NULAND UGLY, and that's saying something

SS diversity hire Cheatle's said her SS (Excuse me! Uncle Sepp) couldn't control the Trump shooter's rooftop because it was sloping. Presumably her DEI agents would've slid down the sloping roof and fallen to their deaths if they'd tried. Cheatle, apparently promoted from Pepsi to the SS by Jill Biden, has told the world that the "buck stops with me." Yet she refuses to resign. So here we are. And what does "are" mean?

Some kind of total incompetence met with malfeasance, skullduggery, deceit and demonic influence in high places? Perhaps, and scriptural readers will note the Apostles' warning against "spirits of the air" and "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Yes indeed. That's our fight. You will note Satan increasingly deploys defective staff; Biden's the latest and surely most obvious example. And, when his toys fail to perform he drops them, perhaps you'll have noticed this pattern at the risible presidential debate. So here's a question, and it's a serious one.

Why did Biden's handlers allow their puppet to ascend the stage? Why did they do that? No one in their right minds would've allowed that to happen, but they did. It's like, Trump didn't even have to say anything. Are we talking a coup or simply a rational meltdown in demonic ranks. Huh, I don't know.

On topic, the curiously named head of America's SS, the grotesquely ugly if massively rich Kimberley Cheatle, has a reported net worth of over $10MN USD, was paid >$1MN USD per year at Pepsi and now languishes, grievously onna lowball salary of $280k. But what shall it profit a possessed Clay Golem to gain the whole world and yet forsake it's soul? 

Exorcisms and nooses down the Mall, anyone?

Your Old Pal,


Bridge of Sighs


I've always loved this album by Trower, and maybe you do too. Here's the signature tune, turn it up if you like, I have:

Righteous as you like. Topical? Your call.

Rock on,


Monday, July 15, 2024


\Went to the lake today to fish, and lost count of the perch, fierce little beasts. Then there's this:


What's your take. Massive, egregious incompetence or something more sinister? Either way it's bad for CONUS looking forward. Just sayn.

Your Pal,



Sunday, July 14, 2024

Like Wow


How does he even do this, superpowers?


All In A Day


First up, brew strong covfeve on the Compound's annoyingly electric stovetop, must get a gas variant, so much better. Regardless, I use one of those Pedrini espresso contraptions, which offers up the right stuff, at least for me. Perhaps you have a different method and that's fine, no rule. Coffee on the go, feed the dog on the back porch, scan Telegram channels for Ost Front news, and go back in the house, your coffee's ready.

Drink that, take a morning constitutional to the Pick 'n Steal, run through your homily on the Front Porch, it should be memorized, then launch into Mass #1. This is said, oriented, Rite I 1979 BCP, Which means, all you liturgical trads, that it's seemly and in order, if not in Latin. OK, maybe that's a defect, but liturgical Tudor ain't bad either.

The sacrifice ascended, get in the rig and drive to the lake for Mass #2. This too is oriented, face the East and rising sun all you priests, who are supposed to lead the people towards the risen Christ as opposed to chairing some kind of circular Punch 'n Judy show. Well, there's room for that too, perhaps, but this Mass is sung and again, all is seemly, reverent and in order, in a country mission kind of way.

Curiously, the people won't leave their seats until all the candles have been put out on the Altar after Mass. "I say," I asked a former Provost of Baylor who attends faithfully, "Are we all Zeroastrians now?" He chuckled in a provostian kind of way, but surely it's a good thing for the congregation to sit in silent prayer for a few minutes after Mass. In fact, we're supposed to give thanks for inestimable benefit of the sacrament we've received and so reverent silence is by no means out of place. And then?

After a few sunny hellos, climb back in the rig to give Last Rites or Extreme Unction to man in ICU in Cleburne. He's a good man and a faithful, devout, catholic Christian who ran into a cactus and got spiked by a needle. The wound became infected and he, in his '80s, fell into grievous condition. You might pray for him, his name is Jack.

Sickbed seen to, head for home and, if you're me, try to take a short nap. But how can you when the times we live in are so interesting, if appalling. Question: How did Trump's security team fail to surveil the shooter's position and, if they'd done so, why did they allow the boy to loose off a few rounds? Rumors of malfeasance abound.

Your Old Buddy,


Saturday, July 13, 2024



There they were. One side won, the other lost, and so you have it.

Your very best pal,


Excuse Me!


Were you part of this? I wasn't, though I know some who were and others again who maybe are still. One of them, an ex-SAS friend in the '90s, in a Porsche, obvs, invited me 'round LL's place, the SF Club in Kensington. Thank you very much.

This is the same man who went 'round our office in South Ken in tears, totally crying. Why? Because Lady Di had died. My Boss, you might say Guv'nor, looked at him and said, "But Roddie, my dear fellow, you're an arms dealer."





Shot of the Decade

President Trump was shot this evening at a massive rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Approximately nine bullets were fired, one of which grazed Trump's ear. The presidential candidate then fell to the ground before getting up, shielded by Secret Service, and raised his fist, urging his followers to "fight." Trump survived.

But the reported shooter, Thomas Crooks, did not. He apparently fired from a rooftop 200 yards from the rally and is now dead. According to ZeroHedge and social media, one of his shots killed a bystander on the bleachers. ZeroHedge reports that several people attempted to warn the Secret Service of this threat before the rally but were ignored.

Beast Mode

So what is this? A rando crazy commie, Democrat hit job gone badly awry or something else? Who knows. Taking an AR type rifle .22 rifle  to a 200 150 yard kill shot competition doesn't seem utterly professional to me. But that's up for debate, I don't know, but what I do I know is this.

The photo of El Senor pounding the air beneath the flag after a narrowly missed assassination attempt by a deranged, ahem, registered Republican has to be the photo of the decade (thx, GWB). Is 45 now unstoppably 47, and what does this mean?

Your call,


Friday, July 12, 2024

Empire Of The Summer Moon


Have you read this book? If not, you should. SC Gwynne tells the story of the war against the Comanche in the western plains, and what a story it is, of ferocious violence, savagery and bravery, in which War Chief Quanah Parker was ultimately defeated by General Ranald Mackenzie.

We're inclined, these days, to decry the Red Indian smackdown, and there's justice in that; how many treaties broken. Still, consider the nature of the adversary:

Seven men were killed in the raid, though that does not begin to describe the horror of what Mackenzie found at the scene... the victims were stripped, scalped and mutilated. Some had been beghaded and others had their brains scooped out. "Their fingers, toes and private parts had been cut off and stuck in their mouths... upon each exposed abdomen had been placed a mass of live coals..."


One man, Samuel Elliot, had been "roasted to a crisp" between two wagon wheels, and on. The Comanche, under Quanah, weren't fooling around, and perhaps we forget their ferocity in penance for our own misdoings. But remember this: 

What those heathen savages did to our people moving West, they did to their own people too, to other tribes. Scalping, torture, enslavement, killing children, gang raping and enslaving women, some of whom adopted the lifestyle, not least Quanah's Mother, Cynthia Parker.

After defeat by Mackenzie in 1875 at Palo Duro Canyon, Quanah and his war band were folded into the Rez. He became a friend of Teddy Roosevelt, curiously. And all this happened about 150 years ago, not that that far away, when you think on it.

Read Empire, it's a good book,


Thursday, July 11, 2024

War And A Brazen Box


just a typical LSP box

Major powers, see Napoleonic France, Nazi Germany and beyond, have a habit of going to war against Russia. It's like a thing, attack that backward bear of a beast and collect the spoils. So they launch, and what happens? Disaster.

Typically, the Russkies fall back in corrupt, foolish, useless disarray and then recoup, famously, and smash the opposition. See Boney's retreat from Moscow and Operation Bagration. Imagine, if you can, being on the receiving line. Flash forward to today.

oh look, a German Siler Cross!

We went into a proxy war against Russia via Ukraine. As in, "we're gonna take that corrupt, useless, inept, idiotic 13 time zone state apart and install our own rulers, our corporate rainbow rulers, who will collect the fat of the land." What can I say, good luck, it's worked so many times before.



PS. I ask you, patriots, who is more Communist Red, America or Russia? Let's put it another way, which country allows Christian prayer in its state schools? Hint, not the USA. And again, which country has a flat tax of 13% (?), us, or them? Which country locks up malfeasant Bolshevik agitators like P Riot. Us or them? Always them, we are the new nihilist Bolsheviks, with corporate rainbow backing.

I am against that, in whatever country it's satanically incarnate.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024



Wonder at the Offertory, here's Farrer:

THE alms for which your generosity is asked are nothing exterior to the sacrament, but a part of it.  If you were living in the days of the ancient church, you would be bringing not money, but cakes of bread and flasks of wine.  All would be placed upon the altar; part would be consecrated for the eucharist, the remainder would be given to the sick and poor.  Now you bring money.  But your money is still presented along with the bread and wine, and it still means the same thing.  The offering is your offering; it is you yourselves who are laid on the altar to be consecrated, and to be made the body of Christ.  Your gift is a token of yourself.  I break the bread for the death of Christ, and we are all sacrificed to God in Christ's death, dying in him to our own will, and receiving Christ our true life in communion. is you yourselves who are laid on the altar to be consecrated, and to be made the body of Christ. Reflect on that, dear readers, all three of you, as you approach the altar with altar with joy and gladness, to say nothing of fear and trembling before the living presence of God.

If you think, in your vain, worldly conceit that you can somehow ignore this and come out smiling like a gilded loon at the other end you are sadly mistaken. I'll put it another way. God will not be mocked, not least by the risible Rainbow Cult which is a mockery in itself. Homily over and mind how you go.



Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mel Gibson Writes Vigano


Mel Gibson, who is a Catholic, has written Archbishop Vigano, who is also a Catholic, a letter of support. As you know, Vigano has been excommunicated by the Red Pope for schism. Perhaps calling on the Swiss Guard to arrest the Red Pope may have triggered Bergolio and the sodomite poofs who stand around him in the Rainbow Grindr Poofican, aka Vatican. Regardless, here's the letter:

Dear Archbishop,

I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.

I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.

You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero.

As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church!

You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime.

Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution.

Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath

He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).

As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.

So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.

Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith.

God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help.

With admiration & undying respect.

Mel Gibson

Make of this what you will,