Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Curse Of The Skinny Suit



Look, I know there's a lot of terrible things going on the world, like the stars aligning for WWIII, the rank apostasy of Western institutional religion, the trans climate rainbow cult, a demented Old Crook in the White House and so much more. But have you noticed this, the Skinny Suit?


The Skinny Suit is a suit that's cut several sizes too small for the wearer and I noticed them, in abundance, in London last year. There were all these guys walking around in these stupid skinny suits, as if they'd been bought a suit by their parents for their 18th birthday and... kept wearing it into their 30s.


Why, we ask, do people spend money on these hideous looking so-called "suits" which don't fit them? Is there some kind of message in this, some weird and distasteful message? Possibly, but whatever's behind this hideous trend, it needs to stop. Look, here's a real suit, perhaps you can spot the difference.

awesome, note sharkskin

House Cut,


Friday, January 19, 2024

Is Nico Good Or Bad?


What's your take on Nico, punters, Andy Warhol's Velvet Underground songstress? Described as "half goddess, half icicle" Nico sang with the Underground, obvs, was pals with Jim Morrison, went solo and died in the '80s in Ibiza, from a brain haemorrhage. On a bicycle ride, curiously.

dear readers, note skag skin

My take. This inconsequential mind-blog scorns heroin and all of that, but I feel her voice was haunting. Perhaps this is a sign of weakness in me; feel free to disagree. In the meanwhile, here's a tangential tribute:

Stay Healthy,


Just Follow The Dam Science


You got that, right? Follow. The. Science. Yeah, and what does The Science teach us? That men can have babies, censorship is freedom, taxation is wealth, war is peace and trannies in the Army increases "force lethality," and on, and on. 

I tell you, if you buy into this dropped-on-head-as-infant insanity you are a brazen fool and a willing satrap of the forces which wish to enslave us. So here's a Space Rock anthem by way of illumination:

Obey your Rulers, serfs.

Et nunc et semper,


Wednesday, January 17, 2024



You're signing up for this, right? Here's a song:



And The Stats Are In


We reached out to a qualified demographic with the question, "Is Taylor Swift a Devil Clone?" and the results are in. An overwhelming 77% majority said yes, she definitely is a Devil Clone of Zeena Lavey.

However, a surprising number thought the smash hit pop icon wasn't a Devil Clone. Fully 15% of respondents gave Tay-Tay a pass, with one stating, "The official Vatican position is no."

Again, perhaps surprisingly, a minority of 8% sat on the wall. Maybe the billionaire Illuminati leftist is a Devil Clone, maybe she isn't. They weren't sure. "She needs to be carbon dated first," replied a cautious UK respondent.

Here at the Compound we believe figures don't lie. Have you seen Zeena and Tay-Tay at the same cocktail party? Exactly, time to follow the science.



Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Frau Ley


Maybe the most beautiful of NSDAP women, Inge Ley. Blonde, talented and gorgeous, Inge was born in 1916 in Poland and went on to become a ballerina and singer, a mezzo soprano. The talented and beautiful young woman met Robert Ley, head of the NAZI Labour Front (DAF) in 1935 at a concert in Berlin where she was performing.

Ley, a World War One veteran pilot and violent drunk, seduced Inge with flowers, power and NSDAP funded travel, not least to the Baltics. After a year of Ley's power-Nazi courting, Inge fell prey to her drunken, violent, overweight beast.

Was she seduced by power? Wouldn't be the first time and if so she paid a heavy price. Inge got herself addicted to morphine and threw herself out of a window in 1942. Suicide attempt failed, Inge tried again and succeeded, she shot herself on December 29 1942.

Make of this what you will,


Is Taylor Swift A Devil Clone?


note devil horns

Readers of this low-level kebob stand on the Information uperhighway are no strangers to pop icon, super celebrity, smash hit wonder Taylor Swift. But is Tay-Tay really Tay-Tay or is she a devil clone of notorious Satanist Zeena Lavey?

Zeena Lavey and Tay-Tay

Photographic evidence shows Swift and Lavey looking eerily similar, so similar that pundits claim the two women are one woman, an infernal clone bred on the dark altars of the Satanic Temple. Others are more prosaic and suggest Swift is simply Zeena's secret daughter.

the great replacement

Others again, replacement theorists, believe the billionaire leftist superstar has been replaced by a Luciferian construct who looks like the devil clone of Zeena Lavey but is, in fact, a kind of Illuminati golem.

Devil Clone? You be the judge

Here at the Compound we believe Tay-Tay's a Devil Clone. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions. But that's just us, what's your call?

Out Demons Out,




A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:12-19

That is all,


Monday, January 15, 2024

Ship of Fools


Just stand back in awe:



There's Bad And There's Awesome


This is exhausting two-bit CIA rubbish

There's Bad

note Bonnoe Blue

And there's awesome

Your Buddy,




Look how the roads are cracking in the cold

You'll laugh and snort into your claret at the Ranchmen's Club or the Eagles' Nest eyrie of your mountain redoubt, but Texas isn't prepared for subzero weather, for ice and snow. No, things pretty much shut down apart from essential services, a bit like the scamdemic when you think about it. And do we cower in servile, serflike fear before our old enemy, the Weather?

No, we do not. On the contrary, we go out on recce patrol into the frozen tundra of this once bustling farming community. What was it like? The roads were deserted, predictably, and I let the dog off the leash to prowl and explore.

OK, time for you to go off-leash

He found the new Ice Age exciting and so did I, it was like being in Calgary but in Texas and without any traffic, though there were a few cars at First Baptist. Perhaps their riders got trapped there after worship on Sunday when the snow came in. Who knows, maybe they're burning cheap editions of Calvin's Institutes to keep warm. Good luck.

The Pick 'n Steal was open though and so was Brookshires. You see, essential services  are up and running here thanks to the dogged determination that is Texan spirit. Well done people, never surrender, never, ever give up in the face of adversity.

Do not ever, ever give up

Back at the Compound a soldier stated, "I went outside for a smoke. Damn it's cold, feels colder than Calgary. How'd you do that walk?" Rhodie bounded through the door, pleased to be home, and I replied, "Yes, son, it is quite chilly."

More from this new front in the War on Weather as it unfolds. Pray God we survive.

Your Frozen Friend,


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Taylor Swift Is Not An Intel Psyop


Like no kidding. Surely America's beloved Tay-Tay isn't some kind of CIA or NSA stooge. So maybe she's an FBI or an ATF stooge. What? Huh.

Hold on, could she be an IRS stooge on a DHS, DOE, NRO tip? Who knows, but Tay-Tay's net worth is a neat 1.1 BN USD.

Good socialist cash if you can make it, eh? Obviously not an Intel psyop, whatever that might happen to mean.

Never getting back together



Just coz: