Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Independence Day!


Have a great day with family and friends as we celebrate our freedom from British tyranny. You can imagine what that'd look like now, a Whitehall mandated rainbow flag on every corner and don't you dare disagree, serf, or you'll go to gaol for Hate Thought like the brazen transphobic Nazi you are. 

In the meanwhile, London bureaucrats would be sending billions of your tax Dollars Pounds to fund literal Nazis in Eastern Europe. For moneylaundering freedom and the Liberal World Order.

What a terrifying vision! Thank God we fought against such perfidious despotism and won, but you know the saying, "A Republic if you can keep it." That in mind, the flag of Liberty flies high at the Compound and burgers are about to hit the grill.



Sunday, July 3, 2022

Another Year Around The Sun


Here it is, another year 'round the sun and I've cheated the prophets so far, "Try and make it to 40, fella," said a friend in a Bayswater pub in the '90s, over cold-as-you-like lager. Lo and behold, against the odds, Force LSP fought through that objective and set up Ops in the New Country. And I can't complain, Texas, especially, has been good. All hail country life, to say nothing of God and Guns.

To mark this achievement, the Specialist came home with totally unaffordable steaks. We'll grill those in a bit and celebrate, asparagus wrapped in bacon and baby potatoes alongside. So there it is. But speaking of celebration, I've got a good mind to take a train journey.

You know, for several days, with a Pullman, Diner and all the rest. Traverse this land by rail, as a kind of recce perhaps. But witch way? Maybe the Dallas-Chicago-Detroit run or go West, up to Montana and then Alberta? Then again, perhaps something more... specialized?

All advice welcome and in the meanwhile, one song to rule them all.



Saturday, July 2, 2022



Yes, what a band.

Rock on kids,


Armored Trains


Here in America we think of armored trains, if we think of them at all, as relics of a bygone age. Perhaps we recall steel clad locomotives steaming across the African veldt, armed with Martini Henrys, gatlings, Lees and Maxims. Or World Wars I and II, in which battle trains were famously active. Today? Not so much. But hold on, readers.

Armored trains are very much alive and well, especially in Eastern Europe. Serbia, for example, deployed the famous Krajina Express. Here's a photo:

And Russia notoriously armored up some rolling stock in the Chechen conflict, Baikal, Amur, Terek, and Don. These battle wagons were armed with 23 mm ZU-23-2 guns, a T 62 on a flatbed, and 30 mm BMP cannon, to say nothing of small arms, jamming equipment, missiles and whatever else the Russkies strap onto the rolling beasts.

After the second Chechen war these ferocious trains were put in storage only to reappear in rail intensive Ukraine, where they've seen extensive service. Apparently several Chechen conflict trains have been combined into one train, the Volga.

What can we say? The message is clear, surely, armored trains are awesome and we want one, or more. Texas demands it.

Casey Jones,


Thursday, June 30, 2022

Just Follow The Science


Have you noticed how the same people who billboard Follow The Science, as they gleefully get their fourth booster and die from blood clots, are all in favor of Drag Queen Story Hour? How very science, but science of what. Science of degeneracy?

Science of abusing your children? And face it, no kid ever thought up Drag Queen Story Hour, that's on their parents, and then some.

That in mind, how could it be there's a 50% rise in kids thinking themselves transsexuals, as in blasphemous parodies of men and women. Could it be that these young, developing minds and souls are being influenced by nihilists, intent on the erasure of perceived gender stereotypes and hence, to their warped minds, oppression?

Something like that, and I call you back to the Hungarian Bolshevik revolution. This floundered and was kicked back when people like Lukacs  tried to foist perversion and degeneracy on school kids. We call it "Sex Ed" here in America and you'll note history rhymes.

On that point, Satan always, everywhere, overplays his hand. And note, the gates of Hell shall not prevail.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Just Go To The Lake


Movement, says the Philosopher, is a sign of life and that in mind I loaded a couple of rods in the rig and moved off to the lake. Yes, I was alive, but what about the fish? Good question. Soldier's Bluff, once a reef in a vast inland sea, shone under a fierce Texan sun, teenagers did backflips into hot water, all was alive, but the fish weren't moving.

Don't get me wrong, I tried, with worms and shad but no, our piscine enemy were lying low, immobile, playing dead. So much for this game of soldiers, I thought grimly to myself, and moved to another location, across the dam.

Boom, right out of the gate a ferocious Drum pulled rod #2 along the fishing pier. Off I ran, alive, picked up the rod and reeled him in. Good fight, well done fish. He went back, living, to fight again another day. Next up, Gar.

The thing about Gar, if you're me, is they're easy to get on but hard to hook. You see, they'll play with your bait and drop it if you attempt a premature hookset, which tends not to work because of the bony toughness of their long prehistoric beaks. So what to do?

Try a small #6 hook, baited with frozen shad, on a 12" leader weighted with split shot beneath a small float. If you're smart, unlike me, make that leader steel. Launch the shad near the Gar, he'll see it, move in and it.

Watch the Pleistocene creature gobble that bait fish down; seriously, let the fish do its thing, give it line, allow it to pretty much eat the shad and then run with it. It'll run, allow some 8 seconds into this then set that hook.

Fish On, Just Doesn't Know It

Wow. Stand up, rod double, line out, leaping, thrashing, diving, running fish action. Just a lot of fun. But word to the wise. I say again, if you're fishing from some kind of pier use a steel leader, otherwise the fish will bite through your line as you haul him up, which is what happened to me today. Still, good fight, great result, thank you fish.

Back at the Compound we're reflecting on this real-life parable. It's the Feast of SS. Peter & Paul, who followed Christ and became fishers of men.

Tight lines,


Sunday, June 26, 2022



OK. Mindblog consensus says LSP, keep the kitten. WSF bets on it, Wild quietly approves, Adrienne demands it and DOS offers practical advice, "Blue looks like he's like some company. Just keep the cat as an outdoor variety to keep the mice, chipmunks and squirrels in check. My $0.02."

Who am I to deny your collective wisdom? The cat stays, per DOS, ON. THE. PORCH. He's happy there and keeps mice and all the rest at bay. But what do we call this CAT? "Bobby" clearly won't do and my first instinct was to call it Cat. Simple as that, but maybe Private is better. After all, he's obviously a battlecat.

In other news, a friend from across the pond sent this in, go on, have a look.

Perhaps someone should contact marketing?

Your Best Friend,


Sunday Reflection - Discipleship


As Jesus sets his face towards Jerusalem he calls a man to follow him: 

And to another he said, “Follow me.” But he replied, “[Lord,] let me go first and bury my father.” But he answered him, “Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:59-60)


Christ's words sound callous at first glance, but surely it's the business of those whose home is the world and walk according to the flesh, who are spiritually dead, to attend to the end of their condition. The disciple on the other hand is to proclaim the Kingdom of God, life itself,  a proclamation which demands total "assent to Jesus' summons" to follow him as Lord and Savior.

Benedict XVI comments:

What is made clear to us here is that assent to Jesus' summons has priority and demands totality.  That means it takes precedence and demands the totality of our being.  One cannot simply offer a piece of oneself, a portion of one's time and one's will.  In that case one has not answered this summons that is so great that it really demands and fills a whole life, but only fills it if it is offered totally.

This also means that there is a moment of Jesus Christ which one cannot put off and calculate and say: "Yes, I want to all right, but at the moment it is still too risky for me.  At the moment I still want to do this and that."

One can miss the moment of one's life, and with prudence gamble away the real worth of one's life never again to be able to recover it.  There is the time of being called in which the decision is present, and it is more important than what we have thought out for ourselves and what is in itself quite reasonable.  The reason of Jesus and his summons have precedence: they come first.  This courage to defer what seems so reasonable to us in favor of the greater thing that he is, is decisive not only in the first moment but continually on all parts of the way.  It is only in this way that we really come close to him.


This courage to defer what seems so reasonable to us in favor of the greater thing that he is, is decisive not only in the first moment but continually on all parts of the way.  It is only in this way that we really come close to him. Amen to that.

May God grant us such courage,


Saturday, June 25, 2022

On The Way


One of the crew ended up in hospital the other day with a heart condition, but by the grace of God he survived and one pacemaker later was back in his newbuilt home today, recovering. I drove out to see him, and I tell you, it felt good to be out in the country. There it is, lying there in the searing heat, Texas. Good too to find my friend in good spirits and recovering, though weak. We prayed for a full recovery.

In other news, the Russkies had a good week, capturing Sverdonetsk along with neighboring territory and look set to capture Lisyshansk (across the river from Sverdonetsk) shortly. Smart UKR troops made it out of the encirclement, on foot?, and fell back to the Bakmut/Kramatorsk defense line. Expect RF forces to move West to test this after securing their rear. Or not. Here's a map from Rybar:

It's similar, when you think of it, to a mini version of Operation Bagration, but at a company and battalion level as opposed to divisional, and both sides seem to be operating on something like the 1944 playbook. Mini or not, it's no joke when it's your kid who dies in the fury of thing. And die they have, to the tune of tens of thousands. 

This is hideous, unlike Blue's new friend who's cute as all get out. But here's the thing. No cats in the house and this one's going to a different home after being rescued from ghetto street life by a soldier. 

He calls it "Bobby," which is sweet, but "Bobby" is not taking up residence, plaintive, sentimental, unrealistic, pugnacious protests notwithstanding.

Your Pal,


Friday, June 24, 2022

SCOTUS Rules For Life


So they actually did it, SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade this morning by a 5-4 majority, ruling that abortion's not a constitutional right but falls under the legislative authority of the states. At the time of writing two states, Missouri and Texas, have declared abortion illegal.

Wow, what a victory for life and what a blow to the satanic death industry and its cult. Now watch the Left erupt with demonic rage; who knows, maybe they'll set some cities on fire in time for the mid terms. That in mind, it's surely a good thing SCOTUS ruled in favor of the 2nd amendment right to open carry earlier this week. I wasn't expecting that one either.
