Showing posts with label CorpGloboHomo despots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CorpGloboHomo despots. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Independence Day!


Have a great day with family and friends as we celebrate our freedom from British tyranny. You can imagine what that'd look like now, a Whitehall mandated rainbow flag on every corner and don't you dare disagree, serf, or you'll go to gaol for Hate Thought like the brazen transphobic Nazi you are. 

In the meanwhile, London bureaucrats would be sending billions of your tax Dollars Pounds to fund literal Nazis in Eastern Europe. For moneylaundering freedom and the Liberal World Order.

What a terrifying vision! Thank God we fought against such perfidious despotism and won, but you know the saying, "A Republic if you can keep it." That in mind, the flag of Liberty flies high at the Compound and burgers are about to hit the grill.
