Saturday, October 29, 2016

Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine

It sure is. At the eleventh hour, right before Campaign Hillary was gearing up for a final push to victory, the White House and power, out pops the infamous Weiner. And everything inside the proverbial goldmine of the presidential race gets weird and unhinged.

It seems that the disgraced Congressman wasn't content to send lewd photos of himself to underage girls, he also had thousands of incriminating Clinton emails on his laptop. And these were, lo and behold, discovered by the FBI. All thanks to his long-suffering Djinn wife, Huma Abedin, Hillary's notorious "right hand," who used the Weiner laptop.

Bad news for the Djinn, bad news for Hillary, bad news for Weiner, maybe he's on "suicide watch." Who knows.

What we do know, of course, is that FBI Director James Comey decided to break this news, despite AG Loretta Lynch's recommendation, to Congress at a critical point in the Clinton Campaign's bid for power. Why? Because he was genuinely afraid that the scandal would leak and he'd look like even more of a corrupted crony than he already does? Because some one or thing paid him a bigger fee than he'd already received from Team Clinton?

Or perhaps because the Deep State finally decided that leaking, scandal-ridden, incompetent, psychotic Hillary was a liability and had to be taken down. Sorry, Jim, this is just the way it is. Make the call. We need to bring the Dybbuk down.

What can we say, weird scenes inside the goldmine indeed.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Word to the Wise Before You Fry Your Hand

You might think that sloshing a load of scalding hot oil on your hand while frying up burgers diner style is no big deal. Or maybe you're looking for kicks and want to try out something new.

Whatever the case, factor this into the calculus of your decision. Don't plan on doing much with your hands. You know, like tying shoe laces, holding a phone, riding, typing, pulling on boots, working a fishing reel, etc., all those things that involve fingers. 

Take it from me, they're not so much of an option when you've fried your fingers. And here's a tip, apart from Neosporin, check out Bio-Oil. It helps.

God bless,


LSP in the City

If you're fortunate enough not to get killed by insane drivers, you can drive to Dallas from the Compound in around 45 minutes, all thanks to Texas' own "corridor of fame," I35. I did exactly that on Monday.

The Eye Liars

But why, LSP? You ask wonderingly. Because I had to take Ma LSP to the eye surgeon early Tuesday morning, in a place they call "Arlington." What is this "Arlington?" I'll tell you, it's a road. In fact it's many roads, and it's a strip mall, make that many strip malls. It's like a vision of ersatz eateries in the midst of a traffic experiment. People live there, too, lots of them and there's Eye Surgeons.

Oh Look, a Strip Mall

So we climbed in the rig and headed off for Mid-Cities metrosprawl action and we didn't want to be late, because the surgery was scheduled for 10 am. Be there on time, went the implicit warning, or you'll miss the eye doc.

See it? A Fake Eatery

Ma LSP went under the laser at around 11 am. Good time keeping, Eye Liars, leaving me to knock about the health services strip park while gazing over the highway at the strip mall.  And then it was done, cataract gone, and back to Dallas HQ.

On The Road

What was it like in the big city? A bit dislocating after the country, the roads are a right menace, and why does there have to be so many fake eateries in phony town centers, aka strip malls. That aside, there's an energy to Dallas which I like and the skyline looks neat at night.

Drive safe,


Monday, October 24, 2016

Vote For The Dog!

No! Not Hillary "Wild Dog" Clinton, I'm talking about another candidate altogether.

Blue Ballot Box the Unbribable. He's running on a popular "steaks for all" platform. 

I like that.

God bless,


Friday, October 21, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton An Android?

Why doesn't presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, sweat? Why do her eyes operate independently of one another? Why does her speech sound fabricated, somehow false and inhuman, and why does she appear strangely unsexed? Is it because "she" is, in fact, an "it," an android artificial intelligence?

Robot Eyes

According to a well placed source in the Intelligence Community, Hillary, or "Hillbot" as it's called by its handlers, is in reality a DAARPA manufactured android:

The Witch Mk II is good for what it is, but it's DAARPA 2gen tech (second generation technology). Sure, it can look good and even sound pretty human, then it starts to go awry. Its hands tremble, it falls over, its eyes don't focus and it gets locked into this creepy grin. Sometimes it swears uncontrollably. It's cold-fish-frigid, we call it 'Hillbot.'

The malfunctioning 'droid admitted it was a robot in an interview with the millionaire socialist fashion magazine, Vanity Fair

AI Crash

You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago. People think that, you know, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they created it. Oh no. I mean, a man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.
I thought he threw away the plans, at least that’s what he told me when he programmed me — that there would be no more. I’ve seen more people that kind of don’t sweat, and other things, that make me think maybe they are part of the new race that he created: the robot race.


Hillary Clinton, a robot. In its own words.

You be the judge,


Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Genius of Donna Brazile

How did DNC chairwoman, Donna Brazile, get town hall debate questions from CNN ahead of time? Good question, Megynne Kelly, let's see how Donna explains it, in her own words:

"As a Christian woman, I understand persecution. Your information is false. What you're -- well, for suggestive e-mails were stolen. You're interested and you're like a thief that wants to bring into the night the things that."

Got that? Then, just to hammer her point home, Donna finished off the segment by telling Megynne:

"Go to Russia."

Now we know. Megynne Kelly is a Russian saboteur in the service of the Red Spymaster, Julian Assange, attempting to destroy and persecute the gospel Christian citizenry of the Democratic National Committee.

Well there's genius, and there's genius. But Megynne Kelly, a saboteur? That's a different story.

Your Old Pal,


Neutron Bombs Blast The Elitocracy

"The shells of our institutions maybe survive the 2016 campaign, but they will be mere husks," writes Victor Davis Hanson for the National Review, before going on to blast the institutions of US governance and its bi-coastal insider elites.

For Hanson, the edifice of a working democracy may remain in place after November 8, but the reality is a hollowed out sham run by a self-interested club of profiteers. For example:

In theory, there are nominally still such things as a D.C. establishment, the Republican party, still abstractions known as “fact-checking,” still something in theory called “debate moderators,” still ex-presidents’ “foundations.” But, in fact, after this campaign, these are now mere radiated shells.

He continues:

Collate the Podesta e-mails. Read Colin Powell’s hacked communications. Review Hillary’s Wall Street speeches and the electronic exchanges between the media, the administration, and the Clinton campaign. The conclusion is an incestuous world of hypocrisy, tsk-tsking condescension, sanitized shake-downs, inside profiteering, snobby high entertainment — and often crimes that would put anyone else in jail.

And much more. You can, and should, read the whole scathing indictment here.

While you're at it, check out Mark Steyn on Hillary's risible portrayal, by people you'd have thought to be her opponents, as a "beinign moderate centrist:

The idea that the most personally corrupt candidate in modern American history will govern as some sort of benign moderate centrist placeholder until the wankers who thought Jeb Bush was a superstar shoo-in come up with their next inspiration is utterly preposterous.

Peasants, revolt.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Last Debate

There were no flies on Hillary tonight, as she defended partial birth abortion and accused WikiLeaks, and presumably Julian Assange, of being Russian saboteurs.

Really, the Podesta emails are a Russian plot? As one commentator put it, "So the Russians hacked their emails, but what's in them?" Nothing good for the Clinton campaign, which is perhaps why Hillary seemed off-balance at this debate, often stumbling in her delivery and resorting to endless ad hominem attacks on Donald Trump. Sure, smug blasts of shrill maybe one form of attack, but it didn't sound good.

Unlike Hillary's self-assured "strong defense of borders" delivery, which sounded great until she was asked by the moderator to explain her  leaked speech to Brazilian bankers stating, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” That sounded bad, as if, sink me, she was a liar. 

Hillary tried to explain that away by referring to bankers and the movement of money, or something. Whatever, it sounded weak, and that's just it.

Hillary sounded shrill and lame tonight and Trump sounded more assured and on top of the debate than he's done so far. Perhaps that's not saying much, but there it is. Not so much the mad bomber as the less-orange-than-he-used-to-be President in waiting and a man who wants to reverse the hollowing out of America. 

Face it, let's get jobs and industry back resonates.

Hillary pretty much began the debate by defending partial birth abortion and concluded by telling the world that she was the champion of children. 

The flies were obviously invisible.


The Crossing

One of the baker's half-dozen who reads this eccentric internet backwater sent this in, by Cormac McCarthy:

"Every man's death is a standing in for every other. And since death comes to all there is no way to abate the fear of it except to love the man who stands for us. We are not waiting for his history to be written. He passed here long ago. That man who is all men and who stands in the dock for us until our own time comes and we must stand for him. Do you love him, that man? Will you honor the path he has taken? Will you listen to his tale?"

I reflected on that as I fished below the dam after a round of bereavement visits. We must stand for him; I like that, in fact I like all of it.

God bless,


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Corrupt As The Day Is Long

According to Washington D.C. attorney Joe DiGenova, more FBI agents will be talking about the problems at bureau and specifically the handling of the Clinton case by Comey when Congress comes back into session and decides to force them to testify by subpoena.
DiGenova told WMAL radio’s Drive at Five last week, “People are starting to talk. They’re calling their former friends outside the bureau asking for help. We were asked to day to provide legal representation to people inside the bureau and agreed to do so and to former agents who want to come forward and talk. Comey thought this was going to go away.”
He explained, “It’s not. People inside the bureau are furious. They are embarrassed. They feel like they are being led by a hack but more than that that they think he’s a crook. They think he’s fundamentally dishonest. They have no confidence in him. The bureau inside right now is a mess.”
He added, “The most important thing of all is that the agents have decided that they are going to talk.”

And if you're in the mood for more corrupt elitocracy, you can watch part 2 of the Project Veritas expose here.

UK correspondents are saying that they're unable to access the National Enquirer Hillary sex scandal story. Looks as though the Sceptered Isle doesn't want its subjects debt serf peasants to read bad things about their new Queen, Hillary.

Yours, from the Banana Republic,


Crooked Democrats Rigging The Election, Veritas Video

In a normal world I'd like to report on Patriarch Kirill being presented with an adorable Corgi pup in London, and the renaissance of Christianity in Russia after 70 years of harsh Communist oppression. But we don't live in a normal world, so I'm reposting, via LL, O'Keefe's Democratic Party incitement to violence expose.

See LL for short commentary. Here's a snapshot:

If it had been Republicans doing this, the Department of Justice/FBI would have been all over it. Indictments would have been handed down, the outrage from the left would have been dripping from every media outlet. It only underscores the corrupt system that we live under and the tolerance that the progressives have for felonious misconduct when it is perpetrated by their own.

O'Keefe's slot on Fox News was pulled. Watch the video before it's banned.


Operation Vigilant Defender

Wisdom suggests that the enemy likes to attack in the mists of first light, so stand to before dawn.

Stand to, LSP. But it's dark! Exactly.

Which is just what Blue Eschaton does, serving as a first line of defense tripwire against perimeter infiltration. (PI) And as an alarm clock. Thanks, Blue 2IC.

Safe Inside The Wire

But the enemy didn't choose this morning to attack, fortunately for them, and fighting/recce patrols returned unscathed.

As you were,