Showing posts with label grateful dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grateful dead. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

Morning Dew


I steal your face, no small thing, eh? So I asked a nun, once, "Weren't you at the Fillmore? You told me you were." She looked at me, all Habit and steely eyed aged, and said, "No, I was not." Wow, why did you just lie to me, old woman? Perhaps she thought she'd look in-a-gadda-da-vida bad.  On the contrary, sister.

Oh well, I file this intriguing story under "anything else I care to think of." More guns, fishing, country life to follow. God's a given.

Morning Dew,


Saturday, March 23, 2024

A Good Man


He was a good man and I felt privileged to deacon his requiem. He believed in the electric universe, to say nothing of Christ Himself, and here's a song:



Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tucker Rips Biden's State Of The Union


Did you watch the ranting, deranged Old Crook speak the other night? I won't comment, Tucker says it all, crazy talk. You'll note, in passing, the Democrats baying for war while Mike Johnson nods in agreement. 

There will be a reckoning,


Monday, November 27, 2023

Just throwing It Out There


Thank Gaia the Left is in control of everything

A dime for a cup of coffee? Good luck with the Bidenomics, fool. Then there's Ukraine, how many millionaires have become multimillionaires dealing on the we must stop evil Putin autocrat before he invades us all and bans trans bathrooms!

Pax et Bonum,


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ukraine War Infographic


Maybe you had too much too fast?

Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart for at least two wars. Like no kidding. Pray for our kids who are being deployed and everyone else.

Your Old Pal,


Friday, September 15, 2023



If you live in, say, Wales, Scotland or anywhere else in the UK you might get a bit fed up with rain, "Oh, look, it's raining again, like it always does." True enough, but here in Texas it's a whole different story, we want rain. And sure enough we got some, for two days running. What bliss.

After Morning Prayer on the porch it seemed good to go for a stroll in the deluge, and deluge it was as thunder rolled, dark, low clouds blew in from the West and rain crashed down from the sky. And there I was, grinning under an umbrella on the way to the Pick 'n Steal as day turned to night. 

Typical London Street Scene

The women at the PnS were caught up in the apocalyptic excitement of the thing too, fast-talking Mexican while they made up breakfast burritos on the sizzling griddle of the shop. It was like a party in there, all thanks to the rain, and I loved it.

I would have loved one of those burritos too, cheap and delicious, but settled for coffee in an RTIC 20 oz tumbler, which does the same thing as its Yeti equivalent for a fraction of the price, and headed back to the Compound. In the rain. Beautiful.

The skywater's stopped for now and humming birds hover about trumpet vine while swarms of iridescent green June Bugs fly low over the ground, and all is well. Our Weather Shamans tell us there'll be more rain tomorrow and this too is good.

Wake of the Flood,


Wednesday, August 23, 2023



What a band. Please disregard Bob Weir's shorts in other videos, a terrible indiscretion. Speaking of which, I knew a couple of nuns who used to dance at the Fillmore, before being nuns, obvs. One of them, all very Habit and no kidding, denied this, like Peter in the face of further questioning, we were on a Retreat. 

"Hey now, sister, in a gadda da vida, eh?" pause, "No, I was never there." Eagle-eye glance, "But last night you said you had been, what changed?" Who knows, good question. Her Mother Superior was transparently holy, seriously, and if she went to Woodstock it didn't matter.

See you at the Laager,


PS. Are you watching the bogus GOP Primaries? I'm not, I choose to stand against the GloboHomo NWO.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Dallas After Midnight


En lieu of anything remotely resembling serious posting, here's another old hippy, Ray Wylie Hubbard. Remember him? All very dance at the pyramids with the Dead.

Nice, but for goodness sake, Oak Cliff Ray, time for a shower and haircut, eh? Reeking hippies aside, maybe Ray tells it like it is. Your call.

Be careful out there Kids,


Monday, April 17, 2023

JBL Flip 6 Review


Here's the deal. Your old home office aka "kitchen" bluetooth speaker dies, so what to do? Mourn the passing of your faithful 40 buck Anker Soundcore Select solution, which has served you well over the last 5 years, and go out and buy a new speaker. But which one?


There's plenty to choose from and I went for JBL's Flip6 because I know these speakers work for the same price they came in at 4 or 5 years ago, $99. You can open the speaker's attractive box with an old Kershaw but that's up to you, here's the marketing:

The beat goes on with the JBL Flip 6 2-way speaker system, engineered to deliver loud, crystal clear, powerful sound. Its racetrack-shaped woofer delivers exceptional low frequencies and midrange, while a separate tweeter produces crisp, clear high-frequencies. Flip 6 also features optimized dual passive radiators for deep bass, fine-tuned with using Harman's advanced algorithm.


Does the beat go on with the JBL Flip 6 2-way speaker system, does the advanced algorithm perform? To find out, I tested the compact and absurdly easy to set up beast against Waylon's Ghost of Robert E. Lee, Bonnie Koloc's awesome Roll Me On The Water, the Dead's Stagger Lee, McCreesh's Venetian Coronation, Lully, and Yes' Würm. Test the lo, mid and hi sorta thing.

Verdict? Bear in mind this is a $99 portable speaker and that said it works just fine, with an emphasis on low freq bass while mid and hi come through pretty much as advertised, and it's certainly powerful enough to fill the Compound's kitchen. You can even take it on walkabout, to the living room, front porch, back deck and beyond; Bluetooth, no wires you see.

So, if you're looking for a value for money, bassy, tabletop wireless speaker solution JBL's Flip 6 might be for you. The thing works, and that's at a premium in these dark, broken and barbarous times.

Rock on,


Sunday, March 5, 2023



Sometimes an infovid's worth more than a thousand words. And, to be fair, it's always fun to post the Dead's awesome China Cat Sunflower. Rumours that Russia's run out of tanks, planes, missiles, men, computer chips, knives, washing machines and on were apparently premature.

look at this wicked greasy satan

But serious question, who's FORPOL better, Victoria Nuland or Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin?

See you at the Dorchester,


Saturday, March 4, 2023

History Rhymes


a cautionary tale

Years ago I used to get a ride into Oxford from Wootton, near Woodstock, in a half-timbered Morris Minor. "What was it like, at the end of war?" I asked the driver. He paused and, doubtless taking pity on me because I was eight years old and a child replied. "They were incredibly disciplined, even in retreat," and on we drove.

Pan to the Bakhmut pocket. Do you think, mind-band punters, that history rhymes? Russian guns, it seems, are a constant, as is the West's perennial push to take out and own Moscow. All hail the Panzers. We nearly got there in '41, and then we didn't, Rudel and Wittman notwithstanding.

Stuka Rudel

Today? The West finds itself on exactly the wrong side of the bet it's wagered everything on. Viz. We'll never, ever, ever have to fight a conventional war again ever again and after all, all those immigrant votes don't come cheap. Doubt me? Just examine the risible state of UKLF.

Whatever and oops, 30,000++ shells a day argue otherwise, all you Ivy League, OxBridge morons. And here's a thought, maybe you'd be better off organizing tranny pantomime than FORPOL. 

Panzer Whittman

In the meanwhile, Bakhmut's heading for a fall, despite Russia's lack of ammunition, computer chips, fighting ability, supply lines, common sense, people, slavic idiocy, corruption, washing machines,  (enough - Ed.).

So, and with utter respect to the fallen on both sides, perhaps history rhymes.



Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day Report


Well that was a lot of fun. A delicious rib roast, cooked to medium rare perfection, Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes, carrots, and tasty as you like gravy conjured from the roasting pan. Good work, team, and well appreciated by a young soldier. And all served on these awesome plates, have a look:

What an awesome plate!

But food and Confederate crockery weren't the stars of this Christmas show, no, that honor belonged to a drone. What a nifty little beast! Off it zoomed, hovered and ran on recce missions over the Compound's back yard and perimeter.

So that was useful, chalk it up to "training." But now it's Boxing Day and the Feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr. Reflect on that. We no sooner celebrate the Nativity than we find ourselves honoring martyrs, Stephen and the Holy Innocents.


The message is clear, witness, μαρτυρία, martyrdom, flows from the Incarnation. Christ lives in us, as he lived in Bethlehem, and we must incarnate this. Where does that end? For St. Stephen it ended in execution. For us? Who knows, but rest assured of this.

I call this "Festive Cheer"

If we stand up for the Faith, and we must, the satanic, godless, secular power will round on us with all the rage of the insane beast it is. Be sure, too, that the reward will be great in paradise. Here endeth the Lesson and bless you all.

Your Best Pal,


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Climate Change Eschaton


This small farming community in North central Texas faced down ferocious storms on Monday, but it was nothing compared to Dallas. Our Old Adversary, the Weather, changed with a vengeance and flooded the Metrosprawl.

Like no kidding. Torrential rain turned suburban streets into raging torrents and shut down the Mix Master, an insane highway complex in the center of town which is a nightmare at the best of times. A woman died in Mesquite, caught in her car as it was carried under by the current. May she rest in peace.

Even the world famous Margaret Hunt bridge was threatened with disaster as the waters rose with primal, apocalyptic fury. Yes, the levees hold, for now. And it's a here and now issue because, apparently, that's not some kind of God-given thing. Work it out, Dallas.

In the meanwhile, Ma LSP's house rests on high ground and I'll be sure to swing by and make sure all's well, safe from marauding hordes of waterborne looters. On that note, smart people are investing in BOATS.

Row Jimmy row,


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cinco De Mayo Apocalypse


Rain lashed down as lightning cracked across a darkening sky and thunder rolled across the firmament like massed guns on the Donbas salient. Terrifying. Of course I set up on the porch and braved the elemental power of the storm while the Compound shook and shuddered with each blast of celestial fury. 

Then it was time to head to the kitchen and make coffee, wondering at the day turned to night. Was this the apocalypse, the Eschaton, brought on by our Old Enemy the Weather? Will there be anything left of this small Texan farming community when the waters subside? Discarded weaves, tamale husks, meth bags? Such is the wake of the flood.

Blue Ahab didn't venture an opinion, being unable to speak as well as blind, but he looked in need of a treat or two, delicious Alpo Variety Snaps, which he loves with fierce abandon. "Have these delicious snaps, my furry Bulgakov," I uttered, giving the faithful protector a couple of irresistible chicken flavor dry biscuit things. Yum. 

Doggerland Utopia

At last the storm's subsided, and this part of Texas still stands firm above the waters of chaos. We have not sunk beneath the flood unlike the hapless DOGGERLAND.

Stay Safe,