Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Via Zero:

The time for an accounting has arrived for former senior members of the FBI and Intelligence Community. They aided and abetted in propagating a false narrative about the Trump campaign colluding with Russians, accused the President of the United States of being a “traitor,” and misled the American people. 

Payback? About bloody time, and you can read the whole thing here.

Drain the swamp,



LL said...

The Deep State promised to protect the traitors. Watch for the corrupt, lying, elite media laying everything on the line to characterize the scum who plotted a coup as "heroic".

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Don't expect much until President Trump's second term. Then? Oh my, order more popcorn.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

Never. Going. To. Happen. The Law does not apply to Democrats. We have a two-tier justice system (as all aristocracies do.) The proletariat, the Republicans, the deplorables, are punished. But the elite, the Democrats are free from all consequences of their actions.

And that's just the way it should be in an aristocracy like ours.

Allah bless our elite!

Kid said...

Allowing the lawlessness over the last couple decades (at least) and certainly the last 10 years to go unpunished is to surrender America to the mob/democrats/communists/fill in the blank.

Trump does not want to allow this. I think it's his prime directive. Can he get it done. We'll see.

LindaG said...

Not enough demonrats have paid for breaking the law in the last I don't know how many years.
But it will happen eventually.

Hope the weather last night wasn't too hard on you all, Parson.

LSP said...

Quite the spectacle, LL.


LSP said...

Yes, please,

LSP said...



LSP said...

Some kind of serious challenge, Kid. Have to say.

LSP said...

Linda, we survived!