Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Horse

A very kind person donated a horse to the cause today, a nine year old thoroughbred mare called Genie who was trained for the track but never raced. We worked her out a little on the lunge line and she did well, then rode her about after being told she hadn't been ridden in seven years and, you never know, I geared myself up all kinds of trouble. It never came, though there'll have to be some work on forward movement and she had a tendency to toss her head about...

My feeling is that she'll go fast, which is fine, and people who know about such things say she could work well at dressage.

So we'll see; I'm looking forward to getting to know a new horse.



Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fruits of the Spirit

Church of England Bishops

They say that the miter worn by Bishops represents the 'tongues of fire' that rested on the heads of the Apostles at Pentecost.

Make of that what you will.

Have a blessed Pentecost!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ride & Shoot

Downtown Brandon

I've made a new resolution to ride and shoot more, which means going out on Tuesday morning, through the bustling little town that probably never was Brandon, and saddling up at a farm just outside it - less fancy than the last place, but a lot more room to ride.

A place to ride

And to shoot, so I unleashed the AR on some targets from around 50 yards and successfully killed a tuna can and some of its Arizona Ice Tea brethren. The latter give a satisfying explosion when full...


There's plenty of room to hunt too, but I've yet to scout it out. All in good time.

Two flyers, two on

Now back in the day I would've scoffed at the AR, because of plastic components and the 5.56 of the thing. For me it had to be solid wood and steel or it wasn't real. That changed with the L1A1 and I'm perfectly happy blasting away with the carbine - still, when budget permits I think 7.62 in the same platform would make sense, you know, because of all the walls you have to shoot through...



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

That Great Leviathan

Drove off into a storm with my Wittgensteinian friend GWB, an all 'round sportsman, to go fishing.

Got through the storm to the lake,

and caught some fish.

And for me, that was an excellent result. Must go fishing far more often.

God bless,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good Sunday

Woke up to a beautiful morning and birds all over the church car park. They were quiet because of intense pecking after food. Then pick-ups arrived...

and the Mass was sung. Managed to get horses and guns into into the sermon, which seemed to go down well. Then it was on to the next Mission, where everyone seemed pretty fervently into the service. Had an interesting conversation about red-dot optics with one of the Ushers - I've discovered that mounting my Aimpoint copy co-efficient with iron sights brings the dot more sharply into focus. He found that the same thing made him see double, which is confusing, but I have to admit I don't know the biology of the thing. The proof, I suppose, is in the shooting.

With that in mind, have a blessed Sunday.


Saturday, May 15, 2010


Interesting article about ammunition in Pajamas Media...

"Scan the ammunition shelves at sporting goods stores, your local gun store, or even Walmart and odds are that you won’t find what you are looking for. The most common cartridges are in short supply, and many stores ration ammunition a box or two at a time to spread their meager stock among their customers.

This isn’t new. But why is this nationwide ammunition shortage still happening?"

Why? Unprecedented demand, especially from LE here in the U.S. and, in China, a burgeoning market for raw materials; but still, millions of rounds are left unaccounted for -- stockpiled?

Maybe and you can read the whole thing here, but for myself, well, I tend to shoot them as fast as I buy them.



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hail the day that sees Him rise

After an invigorating evolution of strong coffee, Morning Prayer, and cantering about on the horse, I set my mind to the Feast of the Ascension. I liked this, from Austin Farrer's 'Crown of the Year',

“All his life long Christ’s love burnt towards the heart of heaven in a bright fire, until he was wholly consumed in it, and went up in that fire to God. The fire is kindled on our altars, here Christ ascends in fire; the fire is kindled in the Christian heart, and we ascend. He says to us, Lift up your hearts; and we reply, We lift them up unto the Lord.”

Farrer was, to my mind, genius and a holy man with it.

Have a blessed Feast,


PS. Some people have rashly supposed that this site is against Mr. Steyn. That is not true.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ridiculously False Statement

Tom, of Boomers fame, sent me this quote from Mark Steyn:

"Most mainline Protestant churches are, to one degree or another, post-Christian. If they no longer seem disposed to converting the unbelieving to Christ, they can at least convert them to the boggiest of soft-left clichés, on the grounds that if Jesus were alive today he’d most likely be a gay Anglican bishop in a committed relationship driving around in an environmentally friendly car with an “Arms are for Hugging” sticker on the way to an interfaith dialogue with a Wiccan and a couple of Wahhabi imams."

There is absolutely no truth, whatsoever, in Mr. Steyn's absurd analysis of Ms. Jefferts Schori's thriving Episcopal Church and its tiny cousin, the ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada).



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Roving About

A gun, one of Tom's

The last few weeks have been busy, taken up with guns - I need more of them, but who doesn't -


Bishop Iker, Good Man



Cats on the porch - they're not allowed inside,

and plinking.

Horses have moved to new pastures, where there's far more space and plenty of opportunity for going fast, which I like. Opportunity for coyote hunting too - not to be wasted. More anon.

God bless,


Monday, April 19, 2010

Fire on the Mountain

Being a fan of Velikovsky, and catastrophism in general, I was struck by pictures of Iceland's volcanic eruption - of biblical proportion.

According to Ayatollah Sedighi, disasters like this (especially earthquakes) are caused by sin and the notoriously lax morals of Persian women.

That's ridiculous, everyone knows they're caused by Episcopalien Boy Bishop Jefferts Schori and her diminutive pelosian ally, ACoC.

In the meanwhile, ash is falling over Europe. Stay tuned for the next Ice Age - just you wait and see.

God bless,


Friday, April 16, 2010

Ordain Them All!

My old friend, the Fact Compiler, reminded me of the latest Episcopalien addition to Holy Order; you can read about her here. Now, where's the gay deacon doll? Apparently in the making.

On a different theme, had a thoroughly enjoyable encounter with horse and gun yesterday, achieving a "counter canter in a ten meter circle." Evidently it's something to be proud of - I wasn't aware of that, just cantering about in a circle before galloping fast and foolishly in the direction of the stables. The beast was picking up speed, which I encouraged, before sensibly obeying the signal to turn away from a near invisible 'hotwire.'

We'll have to see if WAC (Worldwide Anglican Communion) has as much sense.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Space Junk

Broken Down Space Junk ACoC?

According to the Sun newspaper, a British stargazer has taken an amazing video of a UFO crossing the face of the sun Anglican Communion.

"Malcolm Park was taking a series of photos of the huge star through a specially filtered telescope when a strange object began to drift across it.

Malcolm, of South West London, said: 'I was recording activity on the sun when I caught this strange encounter. It looks like an irregularly-shaped lump of rock and is clearly rotating very quickly.

'I wondered if what I captured was a piece of space junk or, with the way it was tumbling, a small asteroid the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC).'

Malcolm said he had ruled out the possibility of a plane or a bird because of the strange shape and absence of any wings."

Due to its unpredictable course, experts wonder if the tiny but erratic ACoC will fall into the Sun and explode, or hurtle into deep space.

Head Astronaut +Michael Ingham

ACoC's scientific expert, The Rt. Rev. Michael Ingham of the Diocese of New Westminster, was unavailable for comment.