Sunday, October 19, 2014

What Difference Does it Make?

So what difference does it make? 

Good question.

Ask the monkeys.

And Ambassador Stevens.

And our friends in Saudi, Qatar and Raqqa.

In case you're wondering, our soldiers fighting Ebola in Liberia won't get hazmat suits. After all, what difference does it make?

Ask the monkey.

God bless,


Get Gay or Go to Gaol

Well that didn't take long. Two Christian ministers in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, have been told by city officials to perform gay wedding ceremonies in their marriage chapel or go to jail, or pay massive fines, or both.

Get Gay, Donald Or Go To Gaol

The city claims that Donald Knapp and his wife Evelyn would be in violation of non-discrimination laws if they didn't get gay and perform same-sex marriage rituals in their Hitching Post chapel. Coeur D'Alene's aggressive gay advocacy follows recent federal court decisions overturning Idaho's voter-approved constitutional amendment, that defined marriage as being between a man and a women.

Ernst Rohm

The Knapps have refused to perform a homosexual wedding ceremony and face 180 days in jail and a fine of $1000 for each day they refuse to conduct the gay ritual. They are being defended by the Alliance Defending Freedom against the gay city of Coeur D'Alene.

You see where this is going. To be against homosexual marriage is fast becoming unconstitutional and therefore illegal. 

New World Order of Gayness

People need to stand up and put a stop to this garbage. I mean for God's sake, if you want to "tie the knot" with your SSP (same-sex partner) just go to an Episcopal church. It's not hard, if degenerate.

So this is my message to the Couer D'Alene Gaystapo.

Leave the Knapps alone.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Missing in Action, So Hit the Links

You know what it's like, one of your agencies, the CDC, has gone off the rails, maybe it was never even on them. And you're seething. It looks bad, real bad. 
The Most Powerful
The whole nation's scratching their heads and wondering, "Who's in charge of this operation, the Three Stooges or the Keystone Kops?"

Man in the World

So what do you do? Hit the links, obviously, for four hours and work out the stress of yet another scandal. 
I Want the Chop.
Then go to an Ebola briefing in your cleats and wonder why your new Ebola Czar isn't there. Again. Dammit. Maybe he's at Bobby Van's, Morton's the Steakhouse, Prime Rib, District Chophouse, the Capital Grille. Who the Hell knows. He's not here.
Good thing we're not dealing with anything serious here, eh?

God bless,


Dallas Almost After Midnight

So what's it like, LSP, spending an evening in America's viral hotzone? Well I'll tell you. There weren't many people about for a Friday night in Bishop Arts. But there were some and one of them sneezed, loudly.

This caused Crystal, who waits tables and has a gold nose ring (real gold, mind you) to say, "Oh. Thanks for your Ebola!" The sneezer turned back to his Lone Star, appropriately chastened.

No Protocols Whatsoever

Also, the youngest of the LSP sisters raised an eyebrow when someone threw up onto the sidewalk from the front patio of the Oak Cliff Social Club. No protocols in place there, then.

Bolsa Was Empty

So we fell back to Bolsa, where it's safe, and found it empty. No one was driving south of the river from North Dallas, apparently, and maybe that's a good thing for the south. Self-quarantine.

But look here Dallas, and America. There's nothing to worry about because our President has told us that Ebola is "actually a difficult disease to catch," and that "we know how to fight this disease. We know the protocols."

Nothing To Worry About

I guess that's why a man from Liberia died in Dallas, three schools are shut down, two nurses are infected with the virus and God alone knows how many people have been exposed to this thing through sheer, mind-bending, deadly, incompetence.

On the positive side of the ledger, I was invited to a friend's ranch in West Texas for some long distance shooting and hunting. Off Mesas, thank you very much, and Lapua Magnum take the hindmost.



Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola, Government Gets More Dumber and Stupider

Just when you thought that that things couldn't get any worse, President Obama has appointed an Ebola Czar, Ron Klain.

Limo Lib Apparatchik

Klain's main qualifications in leading the effort to contain this deadly disease are that... he doesn't have any.

Some people have said that "the wheels have come off the trolley" when it comes to America's response to the killer virus and that seems to be true, except in Dallas, where there weren't any in the first place.

Rumors that the Keystone Kops are in charge of this operation are entirely true.

Stay tuned for on-the-spot, real-time reporting from Dallas, America's viral hot zone, where local nurses say in private that they're "terrified of Ebola." 

Mosquitoes may or may not be Ebola vectors.

Be safe, 


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Vomitflight. You're Kidding, Right?

What typically happens with Ebola is that you throw up a lot until you die. So when a man died on a flight from Nigeria to JFK, after vomiting his life out, well, people were worried.

But not the CDC. After a "cursory examination" they said there wasn't any danger of Ebola and everything was just fine. Apart from the poor guy who threw up to death in his seat. He wasn't fine, of course.

I guess the CDC is right, just like they were in Dallas. Nothing to worry about here. Except that there is.

Smart African Countries have quarantines in place, unlike the U.S., which says that they encourage the spread of disease.

Sure they do. In Opposite Land.


Get On The Dove!

The day started pretty early, before first light, when I teamed up with GWB for a Sausage McBiscuit and a cup of coffee. The idea being to get some scoff before shooting dove. 

Home of the Sausage McBiscuit

I say "scoff", but English readers might be confused. The Sausage McBiscuit has nothing whatsoever in common with anything you would think of as a sausage, or a biscuit. It's more of a scone type of thing with a thin patty of spicy(ish) meat in the middle, that may or may not have some resemblance to sausage meat. American readers might be confused too. The Sausage McBiscuit has about as much resemblance to the real thing as the $1 McCheeseburger has to a real cheeseburger. But hey, I like both, even if they are entirely different "food" items.

Where's the Bloody Birds?

That aside, we set up in the traditional treeline and waited for the birds to fly. Sure enough, a couple flew in and GWB brought them down. Nice work. Then, as he was retrieving the birds, a cloud of the avian acrobats appeared out of nowhere and I blazed away, like a Flak Tower.

There weren't many fly-ins after that, so I went for a walk-about, saw a couple of bunnies, which I didn't shoot, and some dove, which I missed.

Shadow LSP

I consoled myself with taking the odd "shadow selfie" and generally being pleased that I'm not living in the Dallas "hot zone."

Just a few more days of dove season left, must get some more birds.



This Gets Better And Better

Why is "Clipboard Man" not wearing protective gear as he supervises the team taking Amber Vinson onto the plane?

Because it's safer that way, obviously. Here's what Phoenix Air had to say: (via ZeroHedge)

"Our medical professionals in the biohazard suits have limited vision and mobility and it is the protocol supervisor’s job to watch each person carefully and give them verbal directions to insure no close contact protocols are violated.

"There is absolutely no problem with this and in fact insures an even higher level of safety for all involved."

So the less protection you have the more protected you are? Good thinking, guys.

Filled with confidence in our preparedness to deal with this disease? Neither am I.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dallas to Declare State of Disaster

Amber Vinson, who treated Ebola victim Eric Duncan, called the CDC several times and was given the "green light" to fly from Cleveland to Dallas. Apparently her 99.5 degree fever wasn't a symptom of the deadly disease, except that it was.

Remember, they have this disease totally under control. Good thing it's not very contagious and isn't "airborne," except that it might be. That's why we aren't restricting air travel to infected countries. 

The phrase "gang of killer clowns" springs to mind.

See LL's post for reflection on the theme.

Hope you've invested in respirators.


Houston, We Have A Problem

And the problem is Annise Parker, Houston's aggressively lesbian Mayor. 

Parker has subpoenaed five Pastors, demanding they turn over all sermons and pastoral communications mentioning homosexuality. If they refuse, the Houston Five will be held in contempt of court.

The Pink Steamroller

Whatever happened to freedom of religion and the First Amendment? Parker and the pink steamroller don't care about that.


Those who do, need to step up to the plate and remind the Houston Lesbyterians that they're "public servants, not 'Big Brother Overlords.'"

Demented NWO Stooge

If Parker wins, be sure that other cities will be sure to follow Houston's lead.

Don't let that happen.


Three Cal Pistol Shootout

Tuesday evening seemed like a good time to get some well-needed pistol shooting in. So that's what happened, the contenders being a Smith & Wesson .38 Special snubby, GWB's Sig 2022 and a Beretta PX4 Storm.

Well Done, Sig

The Sig shot the best group of the day, with GWB sending three 9mm rounds neatly into the X Ring.

Shoot the Snubby, LSP

I was pleased with the little .38 too, which consistently put bullets somewhere near the center of the target... But don't be fooled, this diminutive old-school revolver can shoot much better than that, I just need practice.


There was nothing wrong with the Beretta either and as always, fun to blast away with the explosive power of a .45.

Finished off with some rimfire plinking. And what's wrong with that? Nothing at all. Except in England, where it's banned.

Keep squeezing the trigger,


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just Get Out And Shoot

Sunday afternoon being as good a time as any, I loaded some guns in the truck and went for a shoot. Part of that meant taking down White Flyers which were placed at various ranges in these cunning brackets that stick into the ground on a spike.

It was neat shooting the clays down with a Ruger American .17 HMR and I told myself that the targets simulated small game, like rabbits. These notoriously glow bright orange. My ancient enemy, the green silhouette, took a beating too, with a CMMG AR15. Lots of fun to shoot and I worked on breathing, which affects accuracy.

Some Ancient Old Guy With A Gun

Sometimes I'm tempted to hold my breath when I squeeze the trigger. Don't do that. Here's an excerpt from Art of the Rifle on how to breathe:

"Say you’re in the prone position. You’ve slung up, gotten your position just right, found your NPA and you’re ready to fire. Inhale. You’re reticle should drop. Now relax and let your breath escape naturally until it stops on its own. The reticle should rise. If your NPA is truly on, your reticle should rise and stop exactly on your target. You should now break the shot within 3-5 seconds. If you go longer than that, take another breath and start over. If you wait too long, you’re likely to have trouble focusing your vision, you’ll feel panicky and rushed, and your trigger finger may not perform its duty as well as you’d like.

"Now you know the proper method of breathing for optimum accuracy. What if you are in more of a hurry and the demand for accuracy is less pressing? Then just do what you need to do that will work to get the job done in the time allotted. This is rifle shooting, not dogma. One method may not apply to all situations. Just use your head."

Just use your head. I like that, good advice.

Shoot straight,