Friday, February 21, 2025

You Shouldn't Do That


Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a deeper State?  You know, they got fed up with  green trans agitprop and the Zelensky fraud.

Just putting it out there, don't say audit the Pentagon.



The Night Wind said...

It is a bit peculiar that the same globalist elites who installed Biden in 2020 ran a wholly transparent and fraud-free 'election' in 2024; and that the same billionaires forced Biden to step aside in favor of the inept Kamala; or that so many who were shouting 'Orange Man Bad' a few years ago suddenly got positions in the new Government; or that the Democrats didn't turn loose their rent-a-mobs like they did in 2016 or 2020; or that Trump and Musk get so many standing ovations at globalist get-togethers. It's also rather peculiar how so many of the New Administration's goals and policies seem so close to agendas like the Great Reset's, if one takes away the 'Conservative' veneer.

But I'm glad that you're asking this question because too many others aren't.

Beans said...

I think what happened is enough people at the 'grass-roots' stage enacted enough voter list control laws and the enemedia could not keep the lid on all the evil, vile and outright nasty shite that was going on that (thanks to the internet and things like Musk buying Twitter) for a perfect moment, a crack appeared and sunlight came blasting through.

Yes, the layers upon layers upon layers of various illuminati exist and overflow and combine like some weird 10 dimensional Venn diagram designed by Satan does exist here on this Earth.

But light, from Heaven, from the Sun, from the beginning of time, has penetrated the layers and crust and scum and filth and smashed bugs that has covered everyone's eyes. Almost a divine miracle. Maybe a divine miracle, or a collection of small divine miracles, what some people call 'God Winks,' like Trump turning his head at the perfect moment, has occurred.

Maybe God wants us to have a little more time, wants us to claw our way back from the Abyss and the hordes of demon-controlled undead.

How else can you explain Milie being elected in Argentina? That the government of El Salvador, once more corrupt than the Ukraine, would see the light and build enough jail space that they could, in one fell swoop, arrest all the gangs and criminals (and have enough space to offer other countries like the US some space?) That Meloni would be elected PM in Italy? That Shino Abe's death would cause an overwhelming right-wing shift in Japan? That Israel would, after being horribly attacked, proceed to stomp the male-reproductive-unit out of Hamas and Hezbollah without any other nation interfering? (seriously, nobody overtly interfered, most backed off, way off.) That Trump would get elected, and then we would find out he's been planning this party since having the election stolen in 2020? That moments after his election, nations that had been pooping on the US would suddenly bow to the US? That Denmark would lose its iron grip on Greenland? That the veil would fall from the Green Nude Eel at the same time that everything else happened? That the alternate media, once dismissed as right-wing conspiracy freakazoids, would expose... everything. That the DNC would go so far as to chase Musk and RFK Jr and Joe Rogan and Tulsi Gabbard and so many others into the fold of the Constitutional Party as controlled by Trump. That the RNC chair would switch from being controlled by leftist RINOs to Trump's daughter and that the newly reformed Constitutional Party (in the guise of the Republican Party) would change everything? That Musk would buy Twitter and usher in a new age of freer speech?

Beans said...

I mean, this is like going into a convenience store and buying one of every type of scratch-off game and winning the jackpot on every darned ticket, then doing it again and winning the jackpot over again, and repeating again and winning again and again.

I'm sitting here watching the deep statists and leftists be slugged snot-less like they're stuck in some bad sci-fi movie and the protagonist has 500 arms and is striking at light speed. It's like Bollywood level of bad action film. And it's happening.

The border wall is going up at record pace by civilian construction firms and is being razor wired by US military personnel.

Countries that hate us are freaking out because the slumbering giant has awakened and is holding them accountable for all their misdeeds.

Like tariffs. Who would have thought that a sitting US president would basically enact Tom Clancy's 'Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act' from his book "Debt of Honor"?

It's like going to a casino with your last $5 and winning bigly, getting all the house comps, and then winning so much the casino asks you to please cash out and go away, which you do and take your money after paying the IRS their cut and then NOT BLOWING THE WHOLE bazillion bucks you now have.

Sometimes, occasionally, the good guys do win.

And we've stepped back from Global Thermal Nuclear War that we were heading to under the Biden regime. Though the EU is flapping their gums about going to war, but that's mostly barely warm air considering the state of most all of the EU's members' armed forces.

Anonymous said...

I had been thinking I was the only one that both knew of and liked Hawkwind - since at least the early 70s.

The Night Wind said...

Beans: I think that a simpler explanation is that the Globalist Elites simply changed their marketing tactics, like they did with Bush Jr. did in 2000.

LL said...

Ok, maybe not the Pentagon - but what about the Pentagram?

LSP said...

Yes, NW, it is a bit odd.

And full disclosure, I was paraphrasing Alexander Dugin. Interesting thinker, too bad about his daughter.

LSP said...

Beans, I especially like this: *But light, from Heaven, from the Sun, from the beginning of time, has penetrated the layers and crust and scum and filth and smashed bugs that has covered everyone's eyes. Almost a divine miracle. Maybe a divine miracle, or a collection of small divine miracles, what some people call 'God Winks,' like Trump turning his head at the perfect moment, has occurred.

Maybe God wants us to have a little more time, wants us to claw our way back from the Abyss and the hordes of demon-controlled undead.

LSP said...

Beans, it's remarkable, by any standard. Never seen anything like it. Mind you, never saw anything like the Biden thing either, so we're clearly living in an age of extremes!

LSP said...

Now that, LL, is an extremely good point.

LSP said...

Anon, you pull rank on me, only been a Hawk since the late mid-70s. You'll be amused -- I asked a man what he thought of Hawkwind, this was back in the early 80s in London. He replied, "I saw them in 69 and couldn't work out when the sound check ended and the gig began." Heh.

IMO they peaked at Warrior on the Edge, but that's just me.

Rumours that Michael Moorcock and Baron Brock are running a 2nd hand car dealership in Monmouth are entirely that, rumours.

LSP said...

But NW, is there an elite beyond the elite? Like a hierarchy. Some say white hat v. black hat, so there's that too. Not that I pretend to be an expert.

The Night Wind said...

The political class are not the 'elite'---or at least they weren't until last month. (The Bush Family was a notable exception; but even they didn't turn Government agencies over Corporate CEOs and proxies). The rulers behind them are the interlocking Boards of Directors at Globalist concerns. They aren't ideologues: they'll support Marxists or Fascists---whichever group keeps them in power and serves their interests.

The Night Wind said...

Maybe LSP would be better to comment on this: but isn't there a certain character in Biblical eschatology who survives a wound to the head, promises a Golden Age in return for unaccountable power, and is looked upon as a Messiah even 'deceiving some the Elect?'

Beans said...

We have consistently seen the Biden thing. LBJ's stupidity was much like it. Carter's malaise and the corruption running rampant throughout all the agencies. Clinton's corruption and the destruction of the banking system led by Barney Franks (the fat ffff.... copulator.)

Then there's Fascist Spain, Fascist Argentina under the Perons, Fascist Italy, Natso fascist Germany (play on words there...) and...

Biden's thing was just soooo over the top and obvious, obvious that they didn't care that we could see the strings of the puppeteers. That was the remarkable part, that they did everything out in the open because they thought they could get away with it.

Beans said...

I think, NW, that the neo-feudalists, which is what they are as they are wanting to return to a feudalist system where the elites control land or manufacture or function run by peasants tied to the land or manufactury or function, thought they had it all and didn't care enough to even put a cover on what they were doing.

As to the elite behind/beyond the elite, there's an old Steve Jackson game called "Illuminati" based on the book series of the same name. Basically, you (playing the elite behind the elite behind the elite) acquire and develop tentacles and tendrils and interlocking webs of connections. So you, the Fnord Motor Corporation (the 'n' is silent...) can control the Sisters of Enlightenment through your ties to the eco-terrorist 'Nuke the Gay Baby Whales for Jesus' and other groups.

From what I've seen, the game and the books aren't far off the mark... Especially since the scandal of the USAID shows the interwoven web of corruption and evil.

Beans said...

I think I know how to reform the Pentagon. Call in all the workers, all shifts. Issue them paintball guns and equipment. Fight! Anyone who has an issue with doing this is either too stodgy or too serious or a complete poopoo head and needs to be gone.