Sunday, April 30, 2023

Ma LSP Update


I drove to Dallas after the Sacred Mysteries to check in on what Mr. Wodehouse liked to call "the aged P," aka Ma LSP. And there she was, sitting up in bed at Methodist hospital, recovering from surgery on a herniated diaphragm.

The op was a success, thank God, and while quite weak she was in good spirits, if annoyed to be in hospital. Being sick or infirm ain't her style at all, let the reader understand. 

So I left and returned in the early evening to find her rallied, which was reassuring. It's no small thing for a person pushing 80 to go through pretty major surgery.

She thanks you for your prayers, as do I. Please continue to pray for a strong recovery.

Pax et Bonum,



Ed Bonderenka said...

Father, please give Ma LSP a speedy and full recovery.

Prodigal Son said...

Great news about your Mother! Continued prayers and support from us.

By the way, Wodehouse was recommended to me by a friend earlier in the week. Alas! It seems the do-gooders, the tolerant-until-disagreed-with, those weak in character, ever dependent on their hormones and Faucian-science, those drawn to a form of devilish worship...

They want Mr Wodehouse censored.

Anyone have a "pre-tranny" version for sale.

I'll trade ya" a 6 pack of Shiner and a nice rare steak for it!

And a hearty toast to Ma LSP!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Good news. Determined lady.

Dad of Six said...

Prayers offered up for your Mom. Saint Joseph Hope of the Sick, pray for us!

LSP said...

Thanks you, Ed. And he has so far. Great result.

LSP said...

Ha! Prodigal, I think you can still find uncensored PGW online, maybe.

LSP said...

She's tough, WSF.

Adrienne said...

I can sympathize. It's the getting up and down when you're abdominals are not able to help much that sucks. Wishing Ma LSP a speedy recovery and prayers being offered.