Sunday, April 9, 2023

Just Take it Easy Terrapin


Just relax and take it easy, to Terrapin:

Which of you, gentle readers, all three of you, will risk uncertain pains of Hell?



Hey Booms said...

Love this. Initially on conception, there was supposed to be a followup album with the same theme sorta "Tommy" -ish I guess, but alas... Didn't expect to see this here.

LL said...

The pains of Hell - "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"

Eventually, we will be judged. Since no unclean thing can enter the presence of God the question for us is one of cleanliness isn't it?

Wild, wild west said...

Other than this one album, I never got the whole Dead Head chic thing, but do like this one very muchly.

LSP said...

Booms, I do like a blast from Dead from time to time. What a band. Club music, I always think.

LSP said...

Mr. LL, no regrets but a whole lot of repentance. Speaking of which, neat Muller quote, and yes, good question.

Of course we're judged here & now, as we act, which is terrifying but no less true for it. As someone once said, this isn't a dress rehearsal. To put it another way, thank God for giving us another day to repent. Eternal verity, eh?

That in mind, let's not lose sight of the mercy, compassion and love of God.

Here endeth the lesson.

LSP said...

Wild, the Dead hippy thing is annoying, we all know this. Then there's Bob Weir's shorts, hideous.

Still, they turned a good tune now and again.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

One of my favorite Dead albums. I'm still waiting for the follow up: Tortoise Station.

LSP said...

OMG, Infidel, is that the bootleg with Bob Weir's SHORTS?!?