Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Cooking With LSP


Wow, you're gonna do that, cook with LSP? Good luck, brother. So they say, but it's not hard. Get out in the field, shoot some dove, clean the birds and let the diminutive breasts rest in brine overnight. Easy.

Next step? Buy some jalapeno peppers, they're cheap, slice 'em in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon or something, just don't wipe your eyes, obviously. Then fill the hollow pepper halves with cream cheese. Behold the evolution, well done, you've got this far.

The next bit's intuitive. Fillet the meat off the doves and place it on the cream cheese filled peppers, then wrap those bad boys in bacon. Yes, bacon. Secure the little rascals with toothpicks then put them in the oven at around 400, maybe 425's better, your call, there's no "rule."

Then lo and behold, 20 minutes later, delicious poppers. Stand back in amazement and fall upon your scoff.

Like a Warrior,



LL said...

I guess that if I wanted to take a shortcut and not go hunting, I could pound chicken breasts thin and substitute them. I'm not outing myself as lazy, just saying.

LSP said...

LL, chicken works just fine and you don't even need to pound, just slice the right amount. Tasty.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

You wrapped them in Kevin Bacon? But he's one of our finest actors. What? Oh. Just bacon. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

I'ma gonna try that with grouse

LindaG said...

They look tasty, Parson. Glad you enjoyed them.
You all be safe and God bless.

Old NFO said...

Also works well with brisket as a 'filler'... Just sayin...

Wild, wild west said...

There are other things you want to be careful touching besides your eyes after handling jalapenos.

Do not ask me what they are, or how I know this.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The mouth waters but the aging stomach says, "Are you crazy?"

LSP said...

Oh, grouse! Good call, Anon. Pigeon works too.

LSP said...

It was tasty, Linda, and a good result for a very rusty shooter!

LSP said...

Now you're talkn' NFO.

Must try that.

LSP said...

WSF, yes, it does seem extreme. But here's the thing, the Jalapenos mellow in the baking/grilling. Perhaps worth a shot? Can always sub dove for chicken, grouse or nothing at all. I like plain old poppers with cream cheese and bacon alone, yum.

Anonymous said...

Someone ate Kevin Bacon.


LSP said...

My dear Anon, yes. What a hideous end!