Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Behold Your Rulers

Ask yourself who controls, rules and governs this country. Nooses down the Mall, anyone? Zero gives a minimal drill down, if you care to read it.




LL said...

Wait! I didn't see my face on any of those states, and I didn't see yours. Somebody made a mistake.

And EVERYONE knows that Adrienne runs Idaho.

LSP said...

LL, it's a seriously DEFECTIVE infographic. I was just looking at it and thinking exactly that. Several faces missing!

Adrienne said...

We can give VanderSloot a pass on his questionable Melaleuca MLM company since he supported first Marco Rubio and then got behind Trump. He also was behind the anti-same-sex marriage constitutional amendment in Idaho and many other conservative causes in Idaho.

Idaho is chock full of MLM types with the "Amway House" on the market for almost 8 million. The monstrosity is right next to a good friend of mine in Post Falls. Hey - maybe we should get together and buy it! I may need a bit of help with the cleaning since it's 28,469 sqft with 13 BR and 13 BR.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Well, I don't have a shot at it.

Kid said...

I'm not happy that it seems EVERYONE are calling politicians "Our Leaders". Not good.

LSP said...

Adrienne, just look at that monster! Good Lord. Me? I'd like a civilized plantation house for a fraction of the cost, or maybe a pleasant Georgian country house somewhere. Hmmmm. Need to sort that out.

LSP said...

Ed, I applaud your humility.

LSP said...

That, Kid, is a VERY good point.