Friday, July 17, 2009


Back in Texas after journalistic foray to California and TEC's triennial General Convention. So what was it all about? Something called "gender identity expression" apparently, which means:

Lifting a self-imposed ban on consecrating "LGBT" persons as bishops
"Developing" same sex blessing rituals
Suing any Episcopalians who disagree and want to get out
Telling the rest of the Anglican world to get with the program or get lost

At least that's the way the world's media saw it, which prompted Jefferts Schori, pictured above, to accuse the press of "so much misinformation". Perhaps she didn't like headlines such as "House of Deputies Goes Gay", or "Retired Bishop Denies Sacrament of Marriage". Maybe she didn't appreciate attention being drawn to the fact that TEC's new budget earmarks $4 million for lawyers to sue parishes and dioceses that are busy leaving her pansexual union - at a rate of around a thousand people a week.

Anyway, as a simple country priest who likes horses and guns I don't think you have to be a genius like St. Thomas Aquinas to work out the fact that some changes in doctrine are valid developments and some aren't. The criterion, I suppose, is consistency and what TEC's been up to in Anaheim is the opposite of around 2000 years worth of teaching and scriptural warrant on Faith and Morals.

Except for a minority of Provinces on TEC's declining payroll, the vast majority of the Anglican Communion knows this and looks set to break off an already tenuous relationship with Jefferts Schori's denomination. My feeling is that she knows this and simply doesn't care.

Why? I'll stick with earlier thoughts about aliens - some say they have a large base on the dark side of the moon, I'd recommend looking a little closer to home, at 815 2nd Ave. NYC and The Episcopal Church Center.



PS. Here's a link to the famous fighting monkey, Jacco Macacco.

Friday, July 10, 2009

GC2009: Aliens?

Its now Legislative Day Three, Session Two of TEC's (The Episcopal Church) 76th General Convention. As all the world knows, the theme of this conference is all about Ubuntu, an African concept denoting unity and ancestor worship. Why, then, is the Convention so keen to adopt one or all of thirty LGBT resolutions which will, in the words of Bishop Love of Albany, "rip the Communion to shreds". It doesn't make any sense until you realise that many of the Deputies and Bishops are not of this world.

How can you tell? I think this (from the excellent Above Top Secret site) helps:

"Many of you people are not actually humans. You may have human bodies and human blood, but you are not humans. You are extra terrestrial beings.

How do you know that you are an extra terrestrial being? Here are 6 easy steps to find out:

1) You always had a feeling that you don't belong here on this planet.

2) You've always felt being very different from humans.

3) You have a strong longing to "go home", although you don't know where home is (but its' not on this planet).

4) You often tend to watch humans and think "Why are they making things so complicated? It's really not that complicated."

5) You have a strong sense of purpose - that you are on this planet for a reason.

6) You may posses supernatural abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, super empathy, etc.

Thank you ATS for helping out - I was confused but now its clear(er). Most Convention goers aren't from this planet, of course they don't think as humans do.

Just a thought between "stories".



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Magic Kingdom

At TEC's (The Episcopal Church) triennial General Convention in Anaheim, just down the road from Disneyland's Magic Kingdom. The Convention costs appx. $4 million to hold and produce and its theme is 'Ubuntu!', which evidently means "I am because we are!"

Are what? Seriously in decline for a start, but surely that wouldn't have anything to do with 'gayness'? Or 'transgenderism'? Would it? I mean there's all these transgenderists here in America who're waiting to fill the pews once TEC tells them how great their sex changes are. Stunningly powerful marketing strategy and its moment has arrived, here in Anaheim, with a good 10% of all resolutions focusing on LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered) rights. Sheer genius - take a church which is losing tens of thousands of members annually and turn it around by... appealing to the very people least likely to be attracted to Christianity! But not to worry, that's been jettisoned in favour of the Zuluist Ubuntu, because as all the world knows, the Zulus were really tolerant of the LGBT 'community'.

TEC's average Sunday attendance is 700,000 and shrinking fast - they don't reproduce you see.

Yours in memory of Rorke's Drift.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Help - I'm Confused!

This is the logo for the upcoming General Convention of The Episcopal Church (TEC) in Anaheim, California. But I'm confused; I can't see anything discernably Christian about it. Can you? Maybe I'm missing something - please help!

Yours, psyching up for the Ubuntu of it all,


Good Time Had By All

Had a great time at a parishioner's place the other evening, there was plenty of land and an interestingly twisted tree.

A cacophany of pick-ups

Delicious BBQ and an all round good time thanks to the hospitality of Bud & Jimmie Monroe both of whom are one time rodeo champs (bronc & barrel riding) but now do something with cattle and, happily for me, support the Church. They're also supporting a colony of hogs who're swinishly breaking into the acreage to root about along a creek bed, so they'll be baited and brought to BBQ justice - but first I have to go to Anaheim to write about the General Convention of The Episcopal Church (TEC). Nightmarish prospect and an unwelcome hiatus from the riding and shooting regimen, still, duty calls.

More anon.


PS. Check out the excellent Rabbit Stew for a good riff on the perniciously Manichean PETA.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Independance Day

I know its strange but I was reading Chesterton - does a little go a long way? - and came across the following:

"The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog."


"The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man."

Good man, GKC.

Have a great Ind. Day.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"The Cause" or "A Tale of the South"

Inspired by moonshine posts on various sites my mind ran to a friend of the family who lives in Oxford, England, the 'City of Screaming Tires.' He's a literary critic and writes books, which is a fine job if you can get it, but his American forebearers in the 1920s weren't so grand. No, one of them was a bootlegger with a mobile still which he'd move about from location to location in his old Ford truck.

All well and good, business boomed and the product was good, so good that its purveyor felt compelled to sample his 'product' from time to time. You know how it is, quality control is key, and the quality in question was excellent, it really worked, so much so that still, truck and bootlegger ended up driving full tilt into the Courthouse in the center of town. Serious offence and what was he charged with?

An illegal still? No.
'Moonshine'? No.
Reckless drunken driving? No.
Destroying the Confederate War Memorial? Yes.

I'm sure he got time for that and doubtless well deserved. Enough 'Memorials' - off to say Vespers, shoot + ride about on horses.

God bless,


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pro Patria

On my way to the stables I get to drive through Itasca. It has a Main Street.

It has a sign.

It has a Memorial.

And a little over a thousand people.

God bless Texas.


Friday, June 26, 2009

This Is Not LSP.

It is the gun totin' Pastor from Kentucky, Ken Pagan o. As you probably know, Pastor Ken's organising an 'open carry celebration' in his Louisville church on Saturday, July 27th. As I understand it, this is to show support for 2nd Amendment rights and register a little grass roots, Assemblies of God protest against any attempt by TPTB to take away our guns. The service will evidently feature rousing patriotic music, a potluck picnic and a $1.00 handgun draw, which is a bargain for sure. It all sounds vastly entertaining and, were I in Louisville, I'd probably tip up for the picnic in the doubtless vain hope of winning the handgun. But I like guns - of all sorts, others are less keen and remind me that a "gun service" doesn't sound too Christian, after all, we're supposed to be a religion of peace; Jesus, despite having an especial fondness for members of the professional Roman Army, wasn't a scimitar weilding desert warlord.

So what's to be made of Ken's celebration of the gun? Should we follow his example and take our pistols to church? I have to admit it sounds a little strange, but there is precedent - the Present Arms by an Honor Guard at the Consecration, the sacramental bestowal of Knighthood with a sword, to name several instances of weapons in church; I'd be surprised if Raymond didn't enter the Sepulchre armed to the teeth, alongside Bishop Odo and his fearsome Club. The list goes on, but...

Leaving aside the theology of thing, and there's a fair bit of it, I'm not about to start getting the parishioners to take the sidearms and rifles they're currently leaving in the truck into Mass on Sundays. You see, tempers can get strangely overexcited in church, and I'll leave it at that.

On a completely different theme, someone, or thing, has been ripping off the OBS - see Albert Rasch's excellent Outdoor Chronicles - and for an interesting take on Mein Kampf, Moonshiners and more, have a look at the enormously enjoyable (to me at least) Boomers & BS site.



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just Tell It Like It Is.

Spent the last couple of days holed up in the Press Room at St. Vincent's Cathedral, Bedford, developing carpal tunnel syndrome and trying to put out something meaningful about the first Provincial Assembly of the new 'Anglican Church in North America', or ACNA for short. Well, its not shooting, riding, or vicariously connected with your friends catching huge great fish but it was a bit of history in the making - especially Metropolitan Jonah's address this morning. He called for the full communion of Orthodoxy with the new Province. Excellent but what would Anglicans have to do to make this happen? Jonah pulled no punches:

"Full affirmation of the orthodox Faith of the Apostles and Church Fathers, the seven Ecumenical Councils, the Nicene Creed in its original form, all seven Sacraments and a rejection of ‘the heresies of the Reformation.' His Beatitude listed these in a series of ‘isms’; Calvinism, anti-sacramentalism, iconoclasm and Gnosticism. He went on, the ordination of women to the Presbyterate and their consecration as Bishops has to end if intercommunion is to occur."

Nice one Jonah, all good grist for the LSP mill, not that I have a problem with the procession of the Spirit from the Father and the Son, you understand, but what about ACNA?

Scary New York Boy Bishop

The last I heard more than a few had a perverse regard for Calvinist anti-sacramentalism - but at least they're not dismal devotees of the Sharia peddler that occupies the throne of Augustine, or fans of the Boy Bishop in New York either; maybe that will save them in the end.

I hope so, much as I dislike the 'heresies of the reformation' and the various detestable enormities of Sola Scriptura, infantile hymns and slavish devotion to Puritan 'divinity'. Despite all that, and far more, I'd like to see ACNA succeed because I think they really do want to believe the Faith, which is no bad thing. Only time will tell if they find it.

More of that anon. Looking forward to another episode of 'Horse & Stable' tomorrow a.m.



Saturday, June 20, 2009

Shoot the Lee!

I've been saving a couple of boxes of .303 British thinking, for some reason, that they were hard to come by, which they're not. This foolishness had stopped me firing my Lee Enfield for the last month or so until today, when the scales fell from my eyes. "Don't be stupid, LSP,'" I thought to myself, "take the SMLE out for a spin, you can always get more ammo."

Struck by this ammunition epiphany, I loaded up some weapons and drove off to my Treasurer's farm for a shoot. First off I stalked the acreage with a .22 looking for rabbits - no joy, doubtless because they were 1/2 a mile away gorging on vegetables in the plot behind the barn.

Nothing daunted I set up a target by some hay bales and fired off a box of .45 ACP to decent effect, somewhere in the region of 3 inch groups at around 20 yards. Shot lower left of target initially but got things together after a time and pulled up close to the center.

Then it was off to the combine harvester with the Lee. The advantage of the CH being that you can sit up high on the machine and shoot safely down on the target from appx. 60/70 yards.
Despite ammo paranoia induced lack of practice, the rounds grouped well, albeit a little low. Used battle instead of peep sights - perhaps an error. But that was less important to me than the sheer enjoyment of the action of the rifle, which I find robust and well engineered.

Shoot over, it was back to church for Vespers and a conflab with parishioners who were setting the hall up for a Father's Day reception after Sunday Mass. They figured it should have a theme and chose "On the Beach." I don't know why and didn't ask, but did congratulate their ingenuity.

Have a great Father's Day.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stay on the Horse, Mate!

Lamenting the dismal failure of The Administration to do more than give a handringing rebuke (worse the French for goodness sake) to the barbarians in Tehran - and the breakdown of AC in the parsonage, I decided to leave the Sweat Lodge and head for the stables. Several miles of dirt roads later I was there, welcomed by assorted flags, not least the Union Jack. Good to see that flying.

And by 'BeBop', who put up with my novice horsemanship for a few hours while I posted, practiced two point and generally horsed about. It felt good, probably because I'm beginning to get the rythm of the horse and sensibly managed not to fall off. Total enjoyment; the ultimate goal being to go really fast for a long time while jumping over high obstacles. Well, progress is being made.

BeBop looked after, it was advance to contact at the Stock Tank where the opposition were suppressed by a furious hail of bolt action lead. Great fun - message to market: Don't stay at home reflecting on political and air conditioning failure when you can ride and shoot.

God bless,