Thursday, August 22, 2024

Love Your Rulers



Yes, love them, because they are true and care for you. Like Michelle Obama who hates corrupt greed whilst living in a hideous multi-million dollar seafront mansion. You know, because climate change and rising sea levels.

Now look, I'm all in favor of a beneficent aristocracy and monarchy; here at the Compound we're not Levellers, far from it. By the same token, this hypocritical, lying, venal, faked up, deceitful, charade has got to be called out and stopped.

How Utterly Hideous

Michelle Obama, champion of the working class? How can you even begin to be fooled by this? Barak and Michelle have an estimated net worth of 70MN$. Not shabby for socialist public servants, eh?

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Look, A Fish Is A Fish


You've visited the sick in Whitney, so what next? Visit the lake and try your luck against the piscine adversary in triple digit climate change. No joke, it's like an oven out there. Unsurprisingly, you're the only man standing on Soldiers' Bluff as you cast off into the depths.

And pull out a ferocious little Perch. Slim pickings after that, the fish were sensibly standing offshore, not unlike US manufacturing itself, and weren't interested in worms and the like, *the like including a shad lure which produced exactly nothing, despite schools of shad in the water. Huh.

Then all of a sudden, Bite! Hookset! And out comes a juvenile Bass. A fierce little beast who went back in to fight again another day. And that was that, eyelids sweating, shins sweating, everything sweating, it was time to head for home and the safe haven that is the Compound.

Your Old Pal,


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Something Doesn't Seem To Fit In


Look at that, Brigitte, who's totally not a tranny. Let's zoom in:

All means all, right?

Your Pal,


Let's Invade Russia


And then there's this.

Paulus went on to live in a palatial villa in East Berlin, the same Paulus who broke Germania, at Stalingrad. What utter catastrophe. And now they're trying the same gambit again, but with far less men. Whatever, here's some inspirational music. Perhaps you're getting ready to enlist? You know, to defend NATO.

Monday, August 19, 2024



Let's calm right down.

There you go, sleep tight.

Your Old Pal,


Democrat Convention 2024


Weirdly Empty

Some of you may remember the Democrat Convention in '68, when Mayor Daley's enforcers sensibly beat up hippies in the windy city. I remember it, just, but not the DNC's anointed figurehead, Humphreys, who lost to Nixon. Flash forward to today and see how history rhymes, with an estimated 100,000 leftist protestors heading to Chicago to stick it to the Man.

Well, not the Man as such, because that would be mysogynist hate speech terrorism, see the UK, but most certainly the DNC's Israel supporting leadership. Killer Kamala, chant Transexuals For Palestine as masked up Pantifa beat their shields whilst larping the Yippies of yesteryear. Who knows, maybe they've been reading Play Power along with Mao's little red book.

So let's see how the DNC Elite and their Overlords resolve such cognitive dissonance, such disturbance in the force. For that matter. will the chosen figurehead of Strength Through Joy remain sober enough to give a speech. Perhaps, dare I say it, she/hers is influenced by the Kremlin?



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Behold Your Beloved Rulers


Does this fill you with confidence? Well it should, because Joe Biden got the most votes of any presidential candidate in the history of history, a solid 81 million ballots and he didn't even bother to campaign. Why would he, he's just so popular.

Vacant, Vapid, Vacuous Zombie Puppet Shill

And it's weird, the most popular, successful, talented, loved president in US history has passed the torch of his blazing popularity onto Kamala, his worthy successor. Kamala, like Joe, is so popular that she didn't even have to compete against other candidates in the Democrat primaries. Why would she bother, she has Rehoboth Beach Joe's backing and with it, his invincible popularity.

You Fraudulent Huckster

Speaking of which, have you been to Rehoboth Beach, Lesbian Capitol of the World? I have, and used to enjoy crab legs there, so tasty, right by the boardwalk and all of that. Would I go there now? No sir. You'd have to pay me a whole lotta Burisma cash, Kursk salient dollars for that laundry gambit. Ahem, waiting.





Why don't you post anything positive and uplifting, so-called "LSP"? you ask in that complaining kind of way as you hoist a mint julip in derogatory salute. Good question and you know the slogan, "Train Hard, Think Positive, Fight Easy." Think positive. So let's set the record straight.

One of the first positive things I think when I think about La is joy, about her joyful laugh, her joyful day drinking at the pool vibe and her, above all, joyful message. There she is, smiling, drunk, laughing, kacklin' with unrepressed joy, because she's so totally joyful. And isn't that what our great nation needs so desperately, joy?

Of course it does, and our entirely free, objective, independent cadre of truth seekers in the Press, that envy of the modern world, agree. Here, have a look.

You see? They all agree, which is why we know it's true, follow the Science. So here's to La and Kuddly Koach Walz, the very harbingers of joy, and not just to us, to the whole world.

At the risk of being extradited, yours joyfully,


Friday, August 16, 2024

With Apologies To Our Lady


Have the people had enough? Maybe not quite yet, but you can feel the simmering discontent as prices continue to rise and the richest amongst us, our Beloved Rulers, grow moar richer than they already are. Is greed like an addiction, as in can't get enough?

Speaking of which, have you noticed the Church of England's dropping the word "Church" from its profile? Well, if the shoe fits.

With apologies to the Blessed Virgin,


A Lament


Like all true patriots I was going to post memes of Harambe tonight, along with not so subtle references to the UK's NHS screening men for pregnancy, Two-Tier Kier locking people up for mean tweets, and the bizarre apotheosis of Kackling Kamala. Or "La," as she's now known on Joy to the World Leftist agitprop media like the View. Yes, that's what I was going to do, but we're in the Octave of the Assumption so here's something altogether more serious, a Lament:

In the wrackes of Walsingam
Whom should I chuse
But the Queene of Walsingam
To be guide to my muse?

Then, thou Prince of Walsingam
Graunt me to frame
Bitter plaintes to rewe thy wronge
Bitter wo for thy name.

Bitter was it, oh to see
The sely sheepe
Murdred by the raveninge wolves
While the sheepharde did sleep.

Bitter was it, oh, to viewe
The sacred vyne
Whiles the gardiners plaied all close
Rooted up by the swine.

Bitter, bitter oh to behoulde
The grasse to growe
Where the walles of Walsingam
So stately did shewe.

Such were the worth of Walsingam
While she did stand
Such are the wrackes as now do shewe
Of that so holy lande.

Levell, levell with the ground
The Towres doe lye
Which with their golden, glitt'ring tops
Pearsed oute to the skye.

Where weare gates noe gates are nowe,
The waies unknowen,
Where the presse of freares did passe
While her fame far was blowen.

Oules do scrike where the sweetest himnes
Lately wear songe,
Toades and serpents hold their dennes
Where the palmers did throng.

Weep, weep O Walsingam,
Whose dayes are nightes,
Blessings turned to blasphemies,
Holy deedes to dispites.

Sinne is where our Ladye sate,
Heaven turned is to helle;
Sathan sitte where our Lord did swaye,
Walsingam, oh, farewell!


What pain in those lines. The purity and innocency of the Faith, exemplified by Our Lady; think Piers Plowman and Urban, the first Crusade, and the Lament itself, this had been trampled underfoot by evil men. 

You see, what had happened was that a syphilitic despot needed money, he was short of cash, both for himself and to pay off and create an aristocracy loyal to him. Problem. Solution? Sack the church, not least the holy shrine of Walsingham, England's Nazareth, and rake in the loot. Which is exactly what he did, and make no mistake, there was plenty to loot, over half a millennium of continuous giving and associated endowments. Rich pickings.

So, well done, Henry, you got your Field of the Cloth of Gold and created a whole new class of millionaire who waxed fat off of Church lands and went on in the next generation to cut of Charles' head. Bad enough, to say nothing of the catastrophic effect on England's piety. 

England's piety, consider that. A country which had been known as Mary's Dowry, the most Marian realm in Europe, became a place where even the Rosary was illegal. Imagine, a land whose people had the greatest devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, Theotokos, were banned from asking, publicly, for her intercession. As in, how dare you, traitor. Now we're going to draw out your entrails, and burn them as you hang. Traitor to the State.

Yes indeed, Sathan sitte where our Lord did swaye.

Fast forward. We're reaping the rewards of Henrician blasphemy now, Godless despotism and Satanic degeneracy masquerading as tolerance and love; endless deceit barely covering bestial profiteering, see Ukraine and everywhere else. But surely, LSP, you go too far, how can Walsingham's ruin count as our own?

In every way. One of the civilized, Catholic provinces of the Western Empire gave itself over to ruining the Church for profit, and from there to giving its weight to a Reformation which without her would've been still-born, a confusion of Eastern Germans. With her, it became a powerhouse as England expanded on her late Medieval genius and went on to rule the world.

Industrial Revolution, anyone? And with that, what Vigo Demant called "the greatest disaster ever to befall the world," (I remember him intoning the Angelus at the end of Mass at S. Mary Mag's, Oxford) exported her disbelief around the globe. And you will note that the same country whose Puritan army smashed the monasteries, convents, iconography, altars and windows of its churches, which banned devotion to the Mother of God, doesn't believe in Him anymore. The whole Reformation experiment, powered by the great Catholic Medieval Power, England, poisoned Christendom with disbelief and every kind of vice. And all, at root, for cash.

We're suffering from it here, when you think for half a second on it. Problem. Solution? Pray for the powerful intercession of the Immaculate, Ever Virgin Mother of God. Her seed, you'll recall, will crush the serpent's head.



Thursday, August 15, 2024

Choktaw Bingo


Per Wild, "It's a stone-cold miracle that Ray Wylie Hubbard has lived as long as he has." Good call, Mr. Wild. Me? Go, RWH, even if you are a nasty old hippie and a Dallas boy to boot. So how, like RWH, did Waylon get to live? Mirabile dictu or in other words, I dunno know, miracle.

Still, serious question; many of my pals didn't make it and they were fractions of all the above. Maybe they simply lacked the strength. Whatever, rest in peace kids, and may the blessed Ever Virgin Mary intercede for you, ad aeternum.

Then there's Oklahoma.
