Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Understanding Afghanistan


How do we come to terms with the massive scale of our defeat in Afghanistan, was it engineered, the result of a sinister globalist plan, some kind of Hegelian inevitability, sheer, utter incompetence? Perhaps a mixture of all of that and more. Then again, maybe the Taliban took a look at the Biden administration and thought let's go. Here, have a look yourself.

Well they weren't wrong, were they, coz everyone knows Terry runs from a tranny. And I'll leave it at that.

Your Friend,


The Art Of War


Sun Tzu was a legendary Chinese general, strategist and philosopher, famous for writing the Art of War, a treatise on military strategy.

Though written in the 6th Century BC, the Art of War is widely studied today.

Especially at the highest levels of the US Department of Defense

And by the Commander in Chief himself.

Yes, the New World is no stranger to the wisdom of the Old.

Thanks, Dr. Swankenstein, for the tip and to Jack Posobiec for these compelling infographics.

Lao Tse forever,


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Golden Void


I tell you, it's hot enough to melt porch furniture and cast it into bullets (what? Ed.), but whoever said life'd be easy? No one, but the band plays on and this mind blog's mission to document the Apocalypse continues. Steadfast.


Golden Void,


Crooks Liars Thieves And A Saint


Is this too harsh? Via The Federalist:

The whole-of-government approach to failure in a 20-year, $2 trillion fraud and money-laundering scheme has resulted in an epiphany for Americans: their country is ruled by crooks, liars, and thieves.

The abysmal failure of America’s once-vaunted and widely respected military to even face the truth of its own incompetence heaps salt on the wounds of this epiphany. What country leaves thousands of its own citizens behind enemy lines to fend for themselves, with nothing more than an apathetic shrug of its shoulders? A country ruled by arrogant fools looking to line their own pocketbooks and who care little or nothing for the citizens that are their nation’s raison d’ĂȘtre, that’s who.


The damning scribe continues:

The military, the intelligence community, academia, journalism—the list of institutions plagued by moral bankruptcy and Baghdad Bob-level f-ckery goes on and on and on. Few Americans have confidence in America. Pile on a huge helping of COVID-19 hysteria, lockdowns, mounting shortages in housing and basic consumer goods, a quickly growing income gap between society’s poor and wealthy, and all-around lies and gaslighting—America is in trouble.

Like with the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, our defeat there has exposed the nation’s failed leadership busy looting and wrecking what is left of our country. We can now see that we are led by the worst of humanity—a collection of garbage elites, tyrants, and political grifters. Like the Soviets before us, there are two only two classes in modern America: the ruling class, and everyone else.


Solution? Time to clean house. Good luck with that, perhaps at the ballot box. Sorry, just kidding. In marked contrast to the epic chicanery of our rulers, today's the Feast of St. Louis, 12th c King of France. He was famous for his holiness of life:

He was renowned for his charity. The peace and blessings of the realm come to us through the poor he would say. Beggars were fed from his table, he ate their leavings, washed their feet, ministered to the wants of the lepers, and daily fed over one hundred poor. 


Louis was also a warrior, a knight, as opposed to a grifting, lying, thieving, corrupt, cowardly mountebank.



Monday, August 23, 2021

Rocky Paths


Some of you enjoy idyllic trout streams and rivers full of salmon or walleye, others again spend their time sea fishing off the coasts of fabled islands. Me? It's mostly all about Lake Whitney and, to be fair, the mighty Brazos, which is where I went this morning in a desperate bid to escape the crazy.

"Maybe getting out in the clean air of Texas will do you good," I thought grimly to myself as I loaded a couple of rods into the bed of the rig, "As opposed to staring in slack-jawed Francoist consternation at the end of the world."

And yes, it was good to get to the lake and cast off into the depths, and there were plenty of fish, no doubt about it, I could see them gliding by the bank and jumping with fierce predatory aggression. But did I catch any?

No. I did not. It was like our wars, Enemy 1, Home Team 0, but what am I saying. Every moment spent under the free sky of Texas is a moment worth living, a victory in itself. Just you try it and see. 

Ye Olde LSP

In the meanwhile, the Specialist called in and's settling down well into his his new unit, 57th ESB (expeditionary tactical signals). He has, predictably, asked to be sent to Central Asia, but fortunately that's off bounds for now. Not a good deployment, eh?

That aside, there is an equestrian club at Ft. Hood which practices boot-to-boot cav charges, swords out, run! I told him, "Well you can ride, so join in. Just don't fall off and skewer yourself with your wretched sabre." Always paternal, you see.

Your Best Pal,


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Farewell to Kings?

I'm all in favor of Kings, being a 12th level Monarchist, but if kingship's lost its savour, when the people have lost their faith in it, then anointed monarchy's days are clearly numbered. The same goes for our new corporate sponsored, technocrat, managerial elite. They've shown themselves to be utterly, stupendously incompetent and unfit to rule anything, much less prosecute a war. As such, the King, embarrassingly, has no clothes. 

Check this out, via Splendid Isolation:

The managerial class increasingly appears as a sort of funhouse mirror inversion of the doomed russian nobility of the late tsarist era; they no longer know how to run a country and only seem to parasitize on the body politic while giving almost nothing of value in return. In tsarist Russia, the nobility proved increasingly incapable of winning Russia’s wars or running its ministries, making their legitimating narratives proclaiming them to possess some natural-born right and capacity for rulership increasingly impossible to believe in. In modern America, it is the meritocrats who now openly lack any merit or ability to rule, quickly undermining the ability of the average person to believe in the very foundational claims behind the managerial order. And by what right does the collective of non-divine kings rule? To borrow from Schmitt: by the same right as the collective of stupid and ignorant technocrats. In other words, by virtue of simply not having been replaced yet. Nothing more.


In modern America, it is the meritocrats who now openly lack any merit or ability to rule, quickly undermining the ability of the average person to believe in the very foundational claims behind the managerial order. 

Right there in the X Ring and then some. Do yourself a big favor and read the whole thing here. Excellent. But here's a cheery Sunday cartoon in the meanwhile.

Prescient, don't you think? But not to worry, it's just a cartoon and an old(?) one at that. So move along, nothing to see here, maskserfs.

Your Pal,


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Mimetic Amusement


Can't be miserable all the time, so here's some mimetic amusement. Good to see 45's back on Twitter.

Gotta hand it to the Big Guy.


Remember how Trump was going to lead us into forpol disaster because such a stupid idiot fascist?

Hate to say it, but maybe Terry's got a point.



Friday, August 20, 2021

Arabian Alleluia

Did you know that, outside of Iran, Afghanistan has the fastest growing Christian community in the Muslim world? Right about now would be a good time to pray for them, to say nothing of a renewed commitment to the Faith in our own land.

That, the Faith, is in deficit right about now, with disastrous results. About time we made a deposit and turn the present wickedness around.

God bless,


Killer Klowns


Everyone loves a clown, they're so jolly and, ahem, gay. All the colors of the rainbow. But what if something sinister lurked behind the makeup?

Something unsettling and wrong, something deadly.

What if that something was USGOV. Where would you run?

Perhaps the sheer, utter, jaw-dropping incompetence of the clowns would save you, as it has the Taliban. Which was perhaps the plan all along. Either way, turpitude, chicanery, malfeasance and  gross dereliction of duty hold sway.



Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thank God For The Paras


Reports are coming in that the UK's 2 Para have been running patrols into Kabul to save British citizens left behind by the US surrender of Afghanistan and its capital city to the Taliban. Scandalously, it's alleged that US command on the ground, to say nothing of its hide-away leader, Puppet Prez Biden, haven't communicated with their allies, despite thousands of Americans being stranded in a country overrun with Islamist fanatics. Via Alex Wickham:

Well, thank God for the Paras and you know the 82nd Airborne would be in there right away, if it wasn't for someone forbidding them from fighting the enemy. Some say that's the story of our Afghan adventure over the last two decades, and what does it mean?

At least this. A political class getting rich off of de facto, and cheap, mercenaries who they couldn't give a dam for, as long their lives make them moar money and moar power. What an utter betrayal of our young men and women who signed up to serve our country. Patriots in the service of self-serving traitors.

To say nothing of our friends in Afghanistan who can look forward to being hunted down, tortured and executed by our enemies. Enemies led by the very same people Barack Obama let free from jail. I tell you, I am beyond disgusted. I'd imagine 82 Airborne isn't too happy either.

In the meanwhile, the most powerful military force in the history of the world has no plan to deal with cave-dwelling, head-chopping, medieval savages, and we have to ask, is this deliberate? In the meanwhile, thank God for the Paras.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Once More Over The Rainbow


The savage woman beating, enslaving, Biden trolling Taliban were two months off from taking Afghanistan in what has to be the most humiliating, catastrophic, blunderous, incompetent American defeat since Vietnam, and our guys were pumping out this, in June. Here it is, from Understanding Men and Masculinities: Towards Creating Egalitarian Gender Relations in Afghan Society:

This paper examines how Afghan men from diverse socio-economic, ethno-linguistic and age groups challenge and redefine masculinities in the face of socio-political and economic changes. Understanding diverse and shifting masculinities and the men who practice more equitable gender relations by departing from hegemonic masculinity can help to inform more effective gender-based initiatives. The paper demonstrates the ways in which masculinities are constructed, deconstructed, and change over time and space in different ways for different men.

What were they thinking? Not much, as in no kidding. The author, Munazza Ebtikar, is or was a doctoral candidate at St. John's, Oxford. What a beautiful college, and who knows, perhaps she made it out before Afghan men decided to get all hegemonic on her compound. Let's hope Ektibar hasn't been reconstructed. You can write her here, to find out:

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) Shahr-i-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan, Post Box number: 38–015

Have you noticed how everything the ProgLeft proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result? It's like an axiom. In the meanwhile, here's the Commander-in-Chief of the, ahem, Free World:

Some kind of joke? No, this one's deadly serious.



America's Elites Are Trash


"America's Elites are trash" and "China knows it." Former CIA Ops Officer Bryan Dean Wright isn't too happy with the Afghan debacle. Here he is, via twitter:

Former US intelligence colleagues are angry and deeply worried at what has happened in Afghanistan.

Here's what I'm hearing, and why there's nearly universal belief that America and the world are in for one of the most dangerous, unpredictable times in modern history.

Afghanistan has shown the world -- enemies & allies alike -- that our military & intel assets are largely irrelevant because we can't deploy them successfully.

The blame lays at the feet of multiple Presidents. The Generals. The Spies. The Congress.

America's Elites are trash. 

China knows it.

They will become emboldened, covertly & overtly. War over Taiwan and contested islands in the S. China Sea and E. China Sea is now more likely.

Russia will consider similar covert & overt moves, focused on Crimea, & former Soviet satellites. 

The fear is that China & Russia will act in concert.

Why? America was whipped by a tiny rebel force and couldn't even retreat properly.

Meanwhile, the American people are angry, COVID weary, & divided.

If there were ever a time to push American hegemony aside, this is it. 

If Cold War III grows hot, America will need to quickly build up & work with foreign counterparts.

But who will trust America after Afghanistan?

Who believes we have the leadership to use our military might well?

Who will trust us when we say "We Will Stand With You"? 

Beyond China/Russia, others will take gambles too.

Terror orgs like al-Qa'ida & ISIS are degraded but not dead. Their ideology is very much alive.

Iran's Hizballah -- with terror cells throughout the US -- may see an opening to create chaos too. 

Meanwhile, the disaster inside Afghanistan is only just beginning.

The Taliban will launch a terror campaign against American collaborators. The pictures will shock the conscience of the world, further degrading American moral authority.

Biden & Co will struggle to respond. 

There's also the nightmare of tactical weaponry now awash in Afghanistan, in the hands of the Taliban and -- soon -- on the global black market.

These arms will fuel chaos around the world for decades.

The Pentagon has no idea where this stuff is and no plans to destroy it. 

Finally, if Afghani refugees pour into the US, there are profound implications for security, culture, the economy, & politics.

Are they properly vetted?

Do they hold Western/tolerant values re: women, gays?

Do they bring skills/education?

Which party will they support? 

The existential problem is that America needs good leadership to right its ship but there is none.

Our federal bench is weak.

Biden is a corrupt old man. Impeachment is a long shot; VP Harris is an unpopular paperweight. The Legislature is a feckless cabal of empty suits. 

Leadership could come from a state Governor, it's true, but not soon enough.

The above threats by China, Russia, & Co will metastasize well before the 2024 elections, and even a heroic new President will need years to clean things up.

Again, our enemies and allies know this. 

Upshot: There is fear and outrage streaming through former intel officers over the Afghanistan debacle.

America is rudderless. And the world now knows it.

Grave dangers lie ahead, some predictable, others unimaginable.

Keep your loved ones tight. Pray. And vote for change. 

I can't add to that except to wonder if "voting for change" still has any... meaning.

God bless,