Monday, April 10, 2023

Just Marking Time


We're psyching up to put that rib in the oven, Oh yes indeed, defeat the New World Order and its Illuminati shill dupes. People keep, gentle readers, attacking the above with less than stellar result. Dance on.

And draw the parable as you take it,



Old NFO said...

They are obviously having fun!

Wild, wild west said...

You can be certain there are no Bud Light swillers or made-up pronouns in that bunch.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

X2 Www

LSP said...

They clearly are, NFO!

LSP said...

Wild, I get the feeling there's not a single they/them in that crew.

LSP said...

Can you imagine any of then, WSF, cracking open a trans Bud Lite? Neither can I.