Saturday, May 9, 2020

So What Next?

The states are starting to open up again as we discover the Chinese Plague bioweapon's not going to kill everyone. Thank God. So, what next? Don't forget, readers, anything could happen in the next few months and let's hope it's not a shooting war in the South China Sea.

In the meanwhile, the former head of the CIA, Commie, Islamist John Brennan is getting poetic on social media, and the Magic 0's making panic calls to try and keep Ukraine quiet. 

Some argue space aliens live amongst us.

Ad Astra,



Kid said...

Aliens definitely live among us but the jury is out on whether they are from outer space or just related to democrats.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

+1 Kid

Jim said...

Yes they're here and they hold several governorships as well as seats in congress.

LL said...

I expect giant alien space ships to appear over major cities on Independence Day. I mean what's left? It has to be aliens...or flesh eating zombies, but they had their shot with the plague.

LSP said...

Kid, maybe it's "both and."

LSP said...

They're certainly here, WSF.

LSP said...

I've heard the control the universities too, Jim.

LSP said...

LL, I scan the ufo news daily, expecting just that.

And we do seem a bit closer to disclosure, curiously.