Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's Bushcraft Wednesday, Knives!

Bushcraft is an an art, the art of surviving in the field, possibly on your own and without modern conveniences, like the Nanny State and its herd of rainbow unicorns. More than that, it's a craft, and like any craft it demands tools to get the job done.

One of those essential tools is a good knife, which you can use for skinning, cleaning, prepping and eating food. Or for turning into a spear, which you can throw at the opposition when your AR15 is out of rounds.

Here at the Compound, we hope you find this infovideo as helpful as we do.

Your Old Pal,



Mattexian said...

Interesting notion. My experience with throwing knives suggests that it's more fun if you have multiples of the same model, so you don't have to pace back and forth to the target every time.

The closest I've made to a spear with a knife, is drilling a hole thru the end of a hiking stick that fit the awl on my SAK One-handed Trekker, with some lashing, making it useful for cutting down fruits beyond arm's reach. Definitely *not* for throwing!

LL said...

I have a couple of throwing knives including practice throwing knives.

Are they useful?


My Gil Hibben (I've known Gil since the 60's - when he ground his first knife) throwing knives are my favorites. I had an interesting childhood. Gil and others went to Israel to kill Arabs for fun and profit in the early 70's. It was only after he came back that his knife making became famous.

Anyway, I don't carry them in my go-bag. There are better edged weapons and I can throw Hornady hollow points.

Fredd said...

Throwing knives is wildly entertaining on the big screen and at magic shows, and now apparently at LSP picnics. But in reality, one never should allow a weapon such as a knife to leave their grasping fingers. In the heat of battle, when one throws a knife at a moving target, you have one shot. It sticks or it doesn't, but you have no more rounds in the chamber.

LSP said...

I've never made a spear out of a knife, Mattexian, and I was wondering where the man in the video was intending to throw his. For some reason, 8 pints of lager and a curry kept coming into my mind. Take that medicine and unleash the spear! Dangerous...

LSP said...

My go-bag's in serious need of attention, LL. But I wasn't planning to include throwing knives. Still, I can imagine moments when a spear might come in handy. For example, you're taking a stroll in Baltimore, Detroit or DC and you're attacked by savage beasts. Keep them at a distance with the spear. Of course a pistol works too.

LSP said...

That's good advice, Fredd. And I have to admit I'm not much good at throwing knives about, but maybe a spear is more accurate?

LL said...

LSP - The Glock 21 with five loaded magazines is better than a throwing knife. Speed is fine, accuracy is final.

Euripides said...

Guns are all well and good, but what happens when Big Brother comes and takes away all the guns away. I bet spears would seem a lot more useful then. Me? I'm stocking up on crossbows.

LSP said...

I can't argue with that, LL. I like the Glock 21, a lot.

LSP said...

Good call, Euripides. I want one.

Mattexian said...

If you're feeling crafty, there's an article in the latest issue of "The Backwoodsman" magazine on building a "quick and simple Montagnard crossbow." If you hurry, you should find a copy at the nearest Super Wal-Mart, HEB Plus, Barnes & Noble, or other well-stocked newsstand.

LSP said...

Interesting, Crossbow project.