Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Doves - Snakes

Wanted to go Dove hunting this morning but ended up going to a 'Church Women's' meeting instead, it extended to lunch and the Church Women fell to talking amongst themselves. The primary topic was snakes; I'll give you a precis:

"Well, I heard a mighty bang and figured the air conditioning was out again, but it was only Gene with his gun," nods and grins all 'round, "next mornin, there was a rattlesnake with his head clear blown off."


"This snake comes sliding out after my puppy and gits distracted, so he wraps himself 'round a water pipe, so we start throwing stuff at it to gittim to move, which he does and my husband shoots him right there. Biggest dam snake..."

After snake-talk we listenned to a poetry recital by John Pelham who writes 'cowboy poetry'. He got emotional talking about his Daddy, as did I, hearing him. Speaking of snakes, you might enjoy this "Don't Tread On Me Fuhrer video" - thanks to All Seeing Eye. Or you might not...

Doves Friday, God willing.



Dylan John Callahan said...

Well, that video was shockingly vulgar.

Shockingly. What was the point of that?

LSP said...

Too shocking? Maybe I should pull it.

The point's simple enough - people comparing T party protesters to AH/Nazis are crazy & absurd. Bit sweary though.

Barking Spider said...

It tends to be a bit like that over this side of the pond, as you know, LSP! I thought it was very funny and I wasn't at all shocked by it - pretty normal British blog humour, really. I must have become immune to the swearing!

LSP said...

Thanks Spider - I thought it was quite funny, but then again I've been following the UK blogs... The Ainsworth site's particularly enjoyable. Probably couldn't get away with it here.


LL said...

I love the Hitler parody videos.

Sorry Son3, I disagree. It's a way of communicating a message.

Amusing Bunni said...

Wow, that's scary! The only snakes we have in Chicago are the Politicians!

Dylan John Callahan said...

Yes, LL, I know, only cool guys cuss, because cussing is cool.

Sorry I harshed your mellow, I just didn't think one needed a parental filter for an Anglican priest's blog.

LSP said...

S3 - fair priest point - I think, so I'll take a 'cuss' rebuke.

Still, lots of people, such as LL, find the AH vids an effective way of getting the anti statist/lib message across. Do you think they're wrong? No big deal, simply asking.

LL - very much enjoy your commentary across the sites. Like the parody vids too.

Bunni - I know, the snakes are scary...

God bless.

Dylan John Callahan said...

LSP, I hope I didn't make you think I was condemning you; that I could look past the beam in my eye to get at the splinter in someone else's is a silly thought, I just wasn't expecting to see so much language.

I was thankful that I hadn't called in my much younger brother in to see the video before I watched it, which I considered doing, since he loves Hitler parodies.

Parodies of Hitler are great and accurate, in my humble opinion, but if one doesn't have the vocabulary enough to refrain from the sort of language commonly found in boys' high school locker rooms, I can't help but dissent against their use.

Detracts from the message, you know?

LSP said...

S3 - thanks for the polite response. Cheers.

Dylan John Callahan said...

Cheers, mate!

(I'd make a pretty good Brit, eh, Govnah?)

Paladin said...

Good luck with the Birds! I had to work on opening day. There are fields large enough in the town were I work, that people can legally dove hunt right in town. It's cool being in the middle of town and hearing shotguns in the (not too far) distance :)

Makes me jealous, but still cool none the less.

Snarky Basterd said...

And now Bunni's snakes are running the country.

LSP said...

S3 - I'm sure you'd make a great Brit, but you'll have to learn to say 'innit' (unfortunately).

Paladin - that sounds extremely cool (had a recce in force against the birds today, didn't get any though, annoyingly).

And yes, the snakes seem to be in the ascendant...

Mattexian said...

Sorry I came by too late to catch the vid, tho I found something that I think was it on the All Seeing Eye.

I'm not too worried about my chaplains cussing. My old Russian Orthodox/Methodist minister would do it sometimes, tho only in his office in private conversation, and another Methodist preacher (who was very bipolar) cussed a fair bit, again never from the pulpit. I find it more assuring that a minister would curse in public, as a demonstration of still being human, and not some type of "holier than thou" snob who has the superior willpower and/or upbringing that prevents him from cussing. That said, LSP, don't start sounding like the lyrics of some gangsta rap with cussing left and right.

LSP said...

Thanks Matexxian - not about to become a gangsta, or, hopefully, a holier than thou snob. Nasty breed, the HTTS.