Saturday, September 12, 2009

Free Vienna

Prophet's Standard captured by Polish Hussars

Today marks the lifting of the Siege of Vienna in 1683, when the Moslem war horde led by Kara Mustafa was routed by allied Christian forces, thus turning the tide of a thousand years of continuous Islammic aggression and conquest.

Those who believe that the jihadists rallied under the war Standard of the Prophet were a force for progress and peace will doubtless count today as a disaster waiting to be avenged. Some might feel that the whole business was simply an exercise in primitive brutality. Others again, like myself, will be thanking God that central Europe and perhaps the West itself, was spared the dhimmitude promised by the followers of the Prophet.

Te Deum.



Snarky Basterd said...

Except that all of Europe today appeases the contemporary Moslem horde that now lives among them, and is taking them over.

LSP said...

I know; it'll be odd to see all the secular humanists bowing towards Mecca - oh, sorry, they're already doing it! Grr.

Anonymous said...

Their appeasement of muslims is hard to figure. Divide and conquer, perhaps?

LSP said...

It is hard to figure - why would liberals and leftists hook up with their ideological nemesis? Divide & conquer might be part of it, sheer cynicism (SWP etc) is another aspect and genuine TROP denial is another - and lets not forget that both are united in their contempt of the West.

Dylan John Callahan said...

I thought the Viennese were Catholic, weren't they?

Mach Schnell! Der Muslander ist Verboten!

LSP said...

Zu befehl!

The Viennese are catholic, like the Poles who rode to their defense.

Anonymous said...

It's a proud day for Poland and her sons and daughters as well. Jan Sobieski and his forces were key to that victory.

I fear that what the Muslims failed to do by the sword they are now doing by immigration and reproduction.

LSP said...

Well said Foutsc.

Big shout of respect to Sobieski (big scorn to the French).

Viz. fears: its their stated intent, but history has a way of cheating the Prophet(s). Forgive GKC point!

MathewK said...

"Others again, like myself, will be thanking God that central Europe and perhaps the West itself, was spared the dhimmitude promised by the followers of the Prophet."

Yes, but if one takes a look at Europe now, it seems only temporary, they seem to want dhimmitude now.

LSP said...

They most certainly do - has to be stopped.