Showing posts with label Cinco de Mayo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinco de Mayo. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cinco De Mayo Apocalypse


Rain lashed down as lightning cracked across a darkening sky and thunder rolled across the firmament like massed guns on the Donbas salient. Terrifying. Of course I set up on the porch and braved the elemental power of the storm while the Compound shook and shuddered with each blast of celestial fury. 

Then it was time to head to the kitchen and make coffee, wondering at the day turned to night. Was this the apocalypse, the Eschaton, brought on by our Old Enemy the Weather? Will there be anything left of this small Texan farming community when the waters subside? Discarded weaves, tamale husks, meth bags? Such is the wake of the flood.

Blue Ahab didn't venture an opinion, being unable to speak as well as blind, but he looked in need of a treat or two, delicious Alpo Variety Snaps, which he loves with fierce abandon. "Have these delicious snaps, my furry Bulgakov," I uttered, giving the faithful protector a couple of irresistible chicken flavor dry biscuit things. Yum. 

Doggerland Utopia

At last the storm's subsided, and this part of Texas still stands firm above the waters of chaos. We have not sunk beneath the flood unlike the hapless DOGGERLAND.

Stay Safe,


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Cinco de Mayo


Don't Say Devolved

We forget, perhaps, that the French were beaten by Mexicans in the last century at Puebla. Take that, so-called Napoleon III. Here at the compound we're celebrating this great victory with some tasty grilled chicken and a glass or two of white wine. 

Random Children's Book

On the other hand, Eduardo and Maria, who run a chicken operation next to the manse, aren't doing anything at all. I'm told this is typical but who knows, perhaps they're at a Tecate fest elsewhere. Power to 'em, they're good neighbors and bring me eggs.

A Shiba

In other news, the Peoples Currency went white hot yesterday, smashing through ill-prepared Bonapartite resistance at fifty cents and then surging victoriously into sixty before testing an all time high at .70. Good work, pup, this lambo's not going to buy itself!

Dog-faced crypto aside, if you want some fascinating info on narco subs check out Virtual Mirage. Value.

God bless,


Sunday, May 6, 2018


Friday dawned dark as Llandrindod Wells in June, with thunderheads glowering above. Then it started to rain like a Weston Super Mare Bank Holiday and that continued until we got on the road for Dallas. Such is the apocalyptic nightmare of climate change.

Weston Super Mare

By the time we got to Dallas we were half a million strong, thanks a lot, I35, but the air was crisp and clean and the sky clear and blue. Sorry, Chicago, I know it's not fair but that's just the way it is, you need to pay a steeper weather tax.

A Typical Etonian

We set up for Ma LSP's birthday party, which went famously and didn't stop until the next evening; good work, team, stay at it. And you may not know this, but champagne with a little orange juice is a traditional Cinco de Mayo drink. Some find it goes well with beer, others don't, there's no rule.

Party over, we headed back to the rural elysium of the Compound and got ready to worship on Sunday.

As I type this dispatch from the Southern Front of the War on Weather, Pedro and Maria are powering out Mexican music in the back yard, peacocks shriek, roosters crow, something Mexican's on the grill and God is in His heaven.

Fishing's most definitely on the schedule tomorrow, maybe a shoot too. Can you have too much of a good thing?



Friday, May 5, 2017

Cinco de Mayo

It's Cinco de Mayo, when everyone celebrates the improbable victory of the Mexicans over a French army at Pueblo.

That means, in this bucolic rural haven, that Latino house pounds into the night sky as dogs bark psychotically and the odd crazed peacock screeches approval. You think I'm joking? No, I'm not. It's like a Mexican problem farm.

Bankster Obscenity

But I don't mind, Macron's been 9 gig hacked by /pol. Good work, guys. Pop open a Tecate and consider it a job well done. But maybe you think the Russians did it. What can we say?

Those pesky kremlins get everywhere.



Thursday, May 5, 2016


Listen up, you lot. It's the Feast of the Ascension today so you'd better get to Mass. Here's a prayer, and none of your newfangled nonsense, either:

GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

It's also Cinco de Mayo and the commemoration of Mexico's great victory over the Frenchmen. I'd say that was cause enough for a double celebration.

God bless,