Stand fast, never give up.
Yours, except for the annoying surfer part of the infovid,
EU Kaisarin Ursula von der Leyen is all behind the Rainbow Bloc sending billions of Euros to Ukraine, and is warmly in favor of 2TK's incisive military plan to put "boots on the ground" and "planes in the air" to support Cocainsky's faltering Eastern Front against the Russians.
But Ursula, we're confused. How can you invade Russia when you've banned your country's rousing armored anthem, Panzerlied? Aristocratic Ursula did that in 2017, when she was Germany's historically useless Minister of Defense, in case you were wondering.
According to Rueters, Germany's armed forces are at 50% readiness and some may remember Ursula's Bundeswehr resorting to training with broomsticks due to a lack of machine guns.
How many Rainbow Euro Panzers are actually ready to roll into Ukraine? I don't know, but I do know this, they won't be singing Panzerleid. President Trump is, meanwhile, excoriated and scorned by Democrats and their paymasters for attempting to negotiate peace.
Your Friend,
2TK (Two-Tier Kier) is at it again, fawning all over the Midget Mascot of Rainbow Garden Fortress Europa and pledging undying support for Ukraine. Yes, right up to and including "boots on the ground" and "planes in the air."
Come on, Two-Tier, you don't have any boots, you don't have any planes, and you don't have any ships, neither do your Rainbow allies. What's more, you don't have the manufacturing industry to make them, which makes EU Princess Ursula von der Leyen's pledge to turn the Ukraine into a "steel porcupine" seem more than a little hollow.
Perhaps that's why the beloved UK ruler said that his, ahem, strongman proposal needed US support. But what if we don't want to support you, Kier? What if we don't want to subsidize your green, woke, rainbow tyranny, much less your defense. More to the point, what if Blackrock's somehow out of favor in the corridors of US power. Don't say RFK.
In the meanwhile:
Rainbow Garden Fortress Europa will defend plucky little Zelensky's Kiev Junta now that 47's said no. Great, but how? Here, check it out, have a look:
This is the military coalition that will defend Ukraine. Good luck.
— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) March 2, 2025
We live, my friends, in the most remarkable time.
PS. In related news, my eldest tells me he dreamt yesterday of a BLACK WOLF who savaged our dog before we shot the ferocious beast with ARs. Make of this what you will.
Maybe you're still recovering from yesterday's once in a lifetime ambush smackdown in the Oval Office. Like... what? Never seen anything like it, ever, and you'll accuse me of being a sentimental LSP, but it's hard not to feel a little sorry for dwarven Cocainsky. Now he gets to go back to the Ukraine with a loan from 2TK (Two Tier Kier) and no US support. Would you want to be Cocainsky, right about now? Imagine if you can, dear readers, the sound of sharpening knives in Kiev.
Be that as it may, 2TK and the beloved rulers of Rainbow Garden Fortress Europa are fawning over their precious Ukrainian midget mascot and pledging undying support for his cause. Norway even went so far as to refuse a request from a US sub for fuel.
Excuse me? This is insane. NATO without the US amounts to pretty much precisely nothing. Why should we continue to spend billions of dollars to defend countries which actively hate us. Is there any good reason why US taxpayers should continue to subsidize the UK/EU cradle-to-grave socialist welfare state. We have, let's be honest, more than enough problems at home without funding their net zero lunacy.
In other news, RINO Murkowski from Alaska says that Zelensky's smackdown made her "sick to her stomach." Does Lisa Murkowski make you feel sick to your stomach?
"You're all dressed up today," said 47 to the dwarven Ukrainian Narco Money Launderer as he met POTUS in DC. The encounter escalated into all-out disaster for Cocainsky as he talked over, disrespected and acted out like a spoiled child in the Oval Office.
You'll note his veiled threat below. Viz. The Atlantic's not going to protect you anymore. Whereupon Trump goes full Don:
.@VP: "Do you think that it's respectful to come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack the administration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your country?"@POTUS: "You don't have the cards right now. With us, you start having cards ... You're…
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 28, 2025
Wow. Never seen anything like it, ever, and it ended with Z getting booted out of the White House and staffers eating his lunch. Dam. Even Lindsey Graham, a war mongering UKR hawk, excoriated the diminutive, disrespectful and insulting Ukrainian vassal puppet.
Keen-eyed readers may remember a scene in Pulp Fiction. In the meanwhile, Z returns to Ukraine. Will he face prison when he gets there?
PS. Is Z high?!? Serious question.
Yes, Pam Bondi, JD Vance and all of that, but what about the actual Savage, the Savage Club in London. Good question. The illustrious Savage began in 1857 at a pub in central London, as a place where journalists and theater people who couldn't make the Garrick could hang out. Bohemian gentlemen, if you like.
For decades the Savage moved from place to place, finding a home in the jolly old NatLib until they were kicked out for not allowing wymxn to join. Now brother savages have found a new home off of Covent Garden. I look forward to visiting the new club house later in the year.
Their tie features a Red Indian with feathered head-dress. What an excellent symbol for an excellent Club.
Felicitatis Petenda,
Keen-eyed readers of this shallow mind blog may recognize the headline as a veiled admonition to go to Confession, and so we should in case of grievous sin. That in mind, perhaps you've noticed news of pervert kink treason in the sacred rainbow halls of our beloved Intel Community:
The NSA maintains a chat system for the "intelligence community" called Intelink. The servers are supposed to be used for government work, but gender activists have hijacked at least two channels—LBTQA and IC_Pride_TWG—to discuss fetishes, kink, and sex, all legitimized as "DEI."
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) February 24, 2025
Well that's nasty, it get's worse:
One popular chat topic was male-to-female transgender surgery, which involves surgically removing the penis and turning it into an artificial vagina. These male intelligence agents love the feeling of penetration and of peeing with their pseudo-vaginas.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) February 24, 2025
Here at the Compound OPERATION CLEAN UP has moved into phase 2, and we're getting rid of the dirt. Good luck, Tulsi, on cleansing the above Augean Stable. What filth, and to think, paid for by you, the taxpayer. They're laughing at us. No, I take that back, they really hate us.
PS. Long ago, back in the halcyon days of the 90s. I smashed a glass at a clergyman's house in Maryland, "Well," I exclaimed, "At least it wasn't family crystal." He looked at me, "We don't have any." Oops.
Now look here, so-called 'LSP,' all that silver and crystal ain't gonna clean itself. To say nothing of guns, if you still shoot, which we doubt. Admonition in mind, I set about cleaning the Compound today, polishing the sterling, shining the floorboards, and glinting up the glassware.
Must get more and better servants, I uttered grimly, all the while polishing mahogany, cleaning up Steuben, it glitters, and making silver shine. And don't forget guns; clean those dirty beasts to inspection level. Good work, Commandant. Next step? Vacuum all those Moslem rugs and take the cleanliness evolution upstairs, to the rooms of the Mess.
Well, whoever said life'd be easy, eh? So we clean our houses in the same kind of way that that the house of government should've been clean but most clearly wasn't, up until now, we hope. Speaking of which, what's you're take on Bongino?
A human zoo, a suicide machine?
Say no, and rise up against the Satanists who hate and would destroy you.
Your Old Friend,
"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you," turn the other cheek, says Jesus, and it sounds a bit like a pacifist manifesto, but isn't. Our Lord is not issuing a divine command to the Joint Chiefs of Staff forbidding the use of lethal force in a just war or self-defense. He is ordering us to love our enemies, which means willing what's good for them and acting accordingly.
This doesn't mean we've got to like or agree with them, much less feel romantically inclined towards them, but we must will and act in their best interest as opposed to lashing out in wrathful hate-filled vengeance upon them when they attempt to destroy us. So tempting, don't do it. Our Lord sums up the spirit of the thing:
Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven..."
Love, mercy, forgiveness. Divine values which conform our hearts to the heart of Christ, instead of the satanic anti-values, vices, of hatred, vengeance and wrath. Embrace the former. That in mind, a churchman came up to me after Mass and said:
"Father LSP, I've thought a lot about those verses and know them by heart, but here's the thing. A few years back someone stole all the tools out of the back of my truck in Itasca," bear in mind, readers, that this is a contractor who needs those tools for his livelihood. He continued, "Well, we got his license plate on a game cam and reported it to the police, who did nothing."
"Huh," I replied, "That's entirely useless," and he agreed, "Right, so what we did was trace that plate to an address, a meth lab, loaded up with AR15s and shotguns and paid those boys a night time visit." I pondered the scene:
Midnight, meth lab, pock-marked malfeasants cooking away under fluorescents with a shop full of stolen tools as our guys turn up, weapons hot, "What then?" My friend looked me in the eye and said, "They gave us our tools back. Was I wrong, Father?" I looked him right back in the eye and replied, "No, you were not. Good thing the place didn't blow up, eh?"
If you had told me, back in the early '90s, that I'd be a rural mission priest in North Central Texas some 30 years later, I'd have laughed. You know what? I'm not complaining.
Here Endeth The Lesson,