Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Feast Of The Assumption


It's the great Feast of the Assumption today, in which we honor Mary, the Ever Virgin Mother of God. Now, some people think that's idolatry, others don't think about it at all, but exorcists tell us with unerring consistency that the demons hate, fear and loathe Mary. For them, an Ave (Hail Mary) is like a "blow to the face." No wonder, her purity and faith stand diametrically opposed to demonic filth and disbelief.

No wonder, again, that she is Our Lady of Victories, not just at Lepanto but against all evil. Ask for her powerful intercession as we fight, and the fight is increasingly simple if not easy; it's Good v. Evil, Light v. Dark, Heaven v. Hell. A ferocious, heavenly struggle and Our Lady is our ally, and the Christ whom she bears to us is Life, Light, Good and Truth.

If you stand against that, which you're free to do, you will be relentlessly destroyed, like the Moors in Spain. Mark my words.



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Devil Went Down To Georgia


But, dear readers, perhaps you're not convinced? Here's a musical infovideo, check it out:

Well ain't that the case. You'll be curious to know Brian Kemp's net worth is an estimated 8MNUSD$. Hey now. Get. It. On. All hail the Rainbow path to unlimited Uniparty wealth. What an utter traitor.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Devil Lives In Dallas


Yes, we do requests. Thank you, Wild. Does the Devil live in Dallas? Not at my Mother's Compound, there is that, but elsewhere? Sure he does, aplenty. Perhaps you doubt me, and that's fine, just go out yourself and see if Rusty Wier ain't right.

Your Old Buddy,


Utter Disaster Averted


You drive back from the mighty DFW Metrosprawl and get to the Compound a little after noon, and what do you see? A veritable river heading down to the street by the side of the house. What? Is the AC exhaust going turbo, is there some kind of mains leak? 

Good questions, so you exfil the rig to have a recce. Sure enough, water is bubbling up outta the ground, right where the boys installed a couple of clean outs. You stare at this, entranced by the cool water flowing up to water the earth. How beautiful, but this isn't some blessed, newfound aquifer, no, it's an aquatic disaster. Just picture, if you will, the mains meter spinning out of control, as if USGOV debt. 

Problem. Solution? A neighbor drives up in his lifted Chevy, "What's up, man?" and you point to the watery adversary. He takes this in, a plumber, and says, "I'll dig that up and fix it. First I'll turn off the water at the mains with my cut off," which he did.

Some 30 or 40 minutes later we'd located a burst pipe, hose attached to PVC and split at the joint, and D produced some relevant SHARK BITE fittings, right sized PVC tube, and fixed the line. Utter disaster averted, and I asked, "How much do we owe you?" He replied, "Nothing." I shook his hand, "Appreciate you, brother," and that I do; you'll be glad to know I let him park his rigs in the church car park, gratis.

At the time of writing, this line holds. And there is a moral in this short story of country life in Texas, if you care to draw it.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Dallas Reflections


When you think of Dallas do you think of the ancient TV show featuring JR Ewing? Perhaps, but regardless, one of the things you get to do in LSPland is drive there, down the murder expressway called I35. I did so today, bumper to bumper tailgating crazy at 85/90 mph. Whatev, same old.

Before long you get to the outer reaches of the massive DFW connurb, but keep on, foot on the pedal, and then there it is, rising like a gunmetal OZ, Dallas' skyline. No small thing and especially emerald impressive at night.

Don't be fooled, though. Get in amongst those gleaming glass and steel towers, which rise Babel to the sky, and what do you find? Beggars, indigents, homeless encampments and associated ne'er do wells chancing it in triple digit climate change. We've moved, you see, into SUMMER. It's like this ineluctable climatic progression.

That in mind, take the Illinois exit, head south on Zang past old and new ghetto housing and ride on 'til you hit Davies and Bishops Arts. Marvel at the throngs hanging out at various bars and eateries, wonder at multiple apartment blocks which have sprung up in the last couple of years, and mourn the tragic passing of Ten Bells and Hattie's, two BA stalwarts which went under post COVID.

Oh well. Hang a right opposite the appalling PHD Pourhouse sports bar and into this neat wine shop. Buy a bot and get into a convo with the staff. Like this: 

"Hey, man, I saw you went into here by the door." You pause and reply, "Yeah, that's what I did."

"But why did you do it that way, was there, like, a METHOD?"

"Say again?"

"A method?"

"Sure there was. I walked in the door and spotted some kind of white zin on offer and wanted to look further, that's why I ended up by your fridge and this great bottle of Malbec."

"Wow, man, you sound like Elon Musk!"

"Is that a good thing, brother?"

"Yeah it it is, all good, man."


I looked at my tattooed counterparts, what were they, extras for Pirates of the Caribbean?, and gave both boys a sunny hello goodbye. Yeah, they'll be laughing when they're extradited to England. Good luck with that, stoneheads.

Vinter's done, fall back to Ma LSP, who's watching a neat show called, "Why Does Everyone Hate Meghan Markle?" What a good show. Surely not because she's a D-List, simpering, fraudulent, delta minus semi moron, social climber, gold digging Hollywood fool. Surely not, and a witch who ensorcelled Harry with her witch power. He, of course, is obviously an idiot.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Tay Tay!


Back to Tay Tay. Is she an icon of the far right, a National Socialist heroine or just a vapid pop singer? Photo evidence proves the former. Here, have a look:

Well that's pretty Das Reich, Tay Tay. Maybe the UK needs to extradite her, and just look at this:

Proof positive, see what I'm sayn'? Looks pretty NSDAP to me, which is obviously a problem. So what's the solution?




For Goodness Sake Simmer Down LSP


OK, there's only so much Taylor Swift Jihad, Rwandan savagery, Big Brother Rainbow Stasi, US Clownshow politics a man can take. So what to do? Go fishing, that's right, in the heat of a Texan day in August. Would the fish bite or would they be in some kind of piscine climate change shock, immobile like their human counterparts. I drove to the lake to find out.

Sure enough, it was mighty hot, right there on the tortured limestone of what had once been part of a fibrous reef in a vast inland sea, and's now Soldier's Bluff. So it's hot, that's a given, would the fish bite, not a given, but undaunted by prehistoric reverie and the searing light of the Sun, I cast off.

Whoa, tugs and bites at the first cast, probably a small, ferocious perch. And that's exactly what it was, a perch. I tell you, even if they're small they're big fun to catch on a light rod, they fight you see. Some five or six fish later it was time to head for home and Evening Prayer, 1928 BCP style. I just prefer it, the language is worshipful, liturgical and beautiful. Here's a link.

So that was that, an hour or so catching fish at the lake in the sun and clean air of the so far Free State of Texas. What a lot of fun and a good antidote against the appalling wickedness which surrounds us.

Das Boot

That in mind, I find fishing brings you right down to earth and calms the soul, or excites it when the catch is on. Not unlike shooting and riding, when you think on it.

Fish on,


Friday, August 9, 2024

Take Note Heathen


Well it's all going on in the UK. Here in the US we're looking towards the Bosphorus.

That's right, Hagia Sophia, let's have it back. In the meanwhile, apologies to Stella Gibbons.

Your Best Pal,


Alright Boys


How much is enough, what's you're break point, here there or anywhere? Whatever, just throwing it out there, take it easy, please don't extradite me, UK Rainbow Fag Cops.

Whatev, here's an inspirational video. Seen it before? See it again:

Mark my words and mark them well brothers, the above is prescient. You either get that or or you don't. Can you spot the glowies in the crowd? Well, it's not hard. Boys, word to the wise, train, train, train.

Clubland Forever,


Words Are Violence Or Are They


Have you noticed, dear readers, all two of you, that the Left, and it is the Left, have supercharged words? Perhaps you have. In the formerly united Kingdom of quondam Great Britain you can be arrested and sent to gaol for words. Say the wrong thing, go to prison, criminal. You can even, they threaten, be extradited. Yes, extradited to Belmarsh and put in solitary for WRONGTHINK, because of your words. Like wow, we've come to this. 

Granted, some words are nasty, I try to avoid them on this mind-blog, but still, does LSP writing SEND THEM BACK DEPORT THEM YOU TRAITORS = a punch in the face, an head butt or a glass inna face, Kray Twins style? Hardly. One is most definitely violent and the other is cognitive, an assault to the mind.

Sure, that can and does hurt, but are the two comparable? Imagine, if you like, 50 divisions of Putler's Thought Police Troll Farms spewing disinfo across the internet. Disaster. Just like the OPERATION BARBAROSSA, except that it's most obviously not.

Several things. First: The Left believes reality is a construct and so they attempt to govern it through speech. Resist this linguistic tyranny at every turn, it's bogus thought despotism. 

Second: People that don't believe in Truth will peddle lies, constantly. Again, resist this with the Truth. Cold hard facts wreak havoc with their rainbow Marxist, tin-pot Maoist imaginations.

Third: They're utter idiots. No, words are not violent, dumbasses, like a knife in the gut or a howitzer raining down hell on your position, so call them out. Just say no.

Fourth: Going to war over mere words betrays brittle insecurity. Take heart in that. If they weren't worried they wouldn't be taking refuge in WORD POLICE. For goodness sake.

you total fags

You get the point.

England Forever,