Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sermon Time

It went well at the Missions this morning, in a country church kind of way. We heard Christ in the Gospel tell the world that he came to bring a sword instead of peace. And so he does, the world is confronted by Jesus, divine reality who claims to be the way, the truth and the life. To which side of this do you fall?

An aggressive, vocal minority in this country rejects it all out of hand. They hate Christ, Christianity and the culture of the Faith, the culture of the West. That's why they're intent on destroying its monuments and symbols.

Make no mistake, this is a prelude to destroying the Church herself. The same creed, Marxism, with its utter hatred of Christianity isn't content with destroying statues of Columbus, Washington and Lincoln. No, it wants to overthrow, root up and destroy the foundation itself. That'd be Christianity.

Go on, let's see you.

I tell you this. The moment one of those Red fools gets on the porch is the moment they'll wish they hadn't.



Saturday, June 27, 2020

How Totally Not Awesome

Swept away on a rising tide of corporate sponsored, holographic Maoism, Archbishop of Canterbury Justsin Welby's calling for a purge of statues in the Church of England's places of worship, including Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral.

“Some will have to come down, some names will have to change,” said Welby on the leftist BBC's Today Show. In the same interview, Welby, who sources say suffers from deep depression, appeared to come out against portrayals of Jesus as white.

When asked whether the "way the western church portrays Jesus needs to be thought about again," Justsin replied, "Yes of course it does, this sense that God was white... You go into churches (around the world) and you don't see a white Jesus. 

"You see a black Jesus, a Chinese Jesus, a Middle Eastern Jesus - which is of course the most accurate - you see a Fijian Jesus." 

Wow. Here's the titular leader of the world's third largest denomination, thanks to the British Empire, bowing, scraping and appeasing a Marxist fauxtrage mob which hates Christianity.

Of course the insult's compounded by Justsin being an Etonian, his work for ELF, and membership of the Travellers Club. All of which we love, except for Elf, obviously.

But humour aside, the Faith, handed down to us by Christ himself, is under full-scale attack and the denominations appear unable, with notable exceptions such as Cardinal Vigano, to do anything other than "take a knee" and bow in risible subjection to their Marxist rulers.

I'd argue they've been doing that for forty years and more. Awesome? No, not awesome at all.



Friday, June 26, 2020

How Totally Awesome

Perhaps you disagree, perhaps you're a Frankfort School Marxist attempting to burn it all down in a fit of self-loathing, privileged white angst meets idiocy. But replace it with what? Here's a photo:

What's better? You, the reader, be the judge.

Love and Peace,


Wednesday, June 24, 2020


We love Space Rock at the Compound, and hope you do too. Asgardia, uplifting in a high orbit Rhodesian kind of way. But of course Space is Deep, right?

Ad Astra,


Calling All Catholic and Christian Men and Their Allies

As you know, hooligan gangs of crazed Maoists are threatening to tear down the statue of St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri.

This is a call out to all Catholic and Christian men in the St. Louis, Missouri area to join us in public prayer to save the iconic St. Louis statue in Forest Park.
It’s time the good God-fearing men in this country stand up.
We cannot allow the continued assault on our country, our history and our culture.
Please meet with us on Saturday at noon in Forest Park at the St. Louis Statue on Art Hill.
We will recite a rosary — the prayer used by St. Louis of France.
If you are Catholic, Christian or an ally we urge you to join us.

Rise up, Christians, and be counted.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Right And Wrong

Part of the problem with objective standards of right and wrong, with ethics, is that they're oppressive, they apparently stand in the way of personal freedom. "You can't do this!" thunders the beastly Truth, "Or you'll destroy..." fill in the blank. 

So boom, out goes Truth. At last I'm free to be what I wanna be. But in the absence of truth, of an ethical standard outside of yourself, what fills the vacuum?

At least two things, principally Force and Lies. You don't agree with me? I'll make you do it because I've got  bully power behind me. And failing that, I'll just lie. Remember, there's no objective standard here, it's just you and what you happen to think or want. So go out and get it, there's no "rule."

We've seen this play out time and again over the last 100 or so years, and it's a philosophy that's resulted in mountains of bones; in the massacred millions of thought criminals who dared stand against the dead-handed scourge of the Left. Or didn't, who simply got in the way, like Cambodians who happened to own books. 

To return to the question, what fills the vacuum? Self or pride, and we know the angelic author of this vice. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he rages because he knows his time is near. 

In the meanwhile, we're faced with #BubbaSmollett. Not content with racism, Bubba had to make some up, to lie so he could force his point. Now Bubba's exposed as a mountebank race war goon. Zir's non-hierarchical, millionaire rainbow rulers also.

The truth will out,


Monday, June 22, 2020

White Guilt

That's all,


Tear It Down!

Who knew that June 2020 would bring a Maoist Cultural Revolution to the US, as in some kind of holographic Tet. 

Well it has, statues are toppling, cities are burning(ish) and everywhere you look it's we hate America and the West, burn it down! And replace it with what? Marixism, obviously.

That in mind, I've preached on today's leftist spasm for the last two Sundays. "If it's a statue of General Lee, George Washington and Christopher Columbus today, who's it going to be tomorrow? Watch my tracer and mark my words, they're coming for the Church. They hate us." And so they are and do.

Shaun is a Risible Mountebank White Blacktivist

A statue of St. Serra was pulled down in San Francisco the other day, his crime? Being a white oppressor. How dare he convert and love Indians. And today we've got Shaun King calling for the destruction of colonialist images of Christ and his virgin Mother. Smash it up, Shaun, you blackface mountebank.

Leaving aside the peculiarity of Shaun, who's white but pretends to be black, how are we going to react, how's white America going to react at being slandered, defaced, reviled, ridiculed and mocked by a gang of Marxists masquerading as a civil rights movement?

Teddy Roosevelt Was Awesome

Not too well, and maybe the Left will create, discover and meet the enemy that so far exists in their imagination. When that happens, and odds on it will, they won't like the beast they've made. Nor, for that matter, will the 13% of the population who commit 55% of all crime and 85% of all violent crime.

We know who they are because it's obvious. Hint, they're not White Extremists. Patience, my friends, is wearing thin.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day

This year's Father's Day was good because both my sons are OK. One's fixing to ship to South Korea, as opposed to somewhere else, and the other's passed his tests and's working at a friend's construction company. Good boys. Well done.

To celebrate the awesomeness of this, I grilled up some chicken and sausage. Surf 'n Turf without the surf, sort of thing (No, nothing like surf 'n turf... Ed.) And yes, a sharp Kukri's always helpful. Thanks, LL.

And there it is. Pull down a statue of a Founding Patriarchal Oppressor Father or fall on your scoff, like a warrior.




Saturday, June 20, 2020