Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ride English, in Texas

You can ride English in Texas, there's no "rule," and that's just what I did, drove over to visit a church person and tacked up, English-style. Blue Posting Trot came along too; he enjoys being out in the country with the other dogs.

I rode out at a post to a fanfare of barking, and headed off down the dirt road to a big plowed field. It brought back memories, because I used to run the ill-behaved Thoroughbred, JB, there. So I paused for a while and remembered that, then moved on.

The Arabian mare wasn't too sure she wanted to endure being separated from her pasture pals, but tough luck, horse, ride on. I picked up a gallop(s), too, though mindful of the uneven ground. No point in injuring the horse, or yourself, on a sun-baked boulder of plowed dirt.

Ready, Set, Go!

All in all a great ride, and I enjoyed riding English for a change. What are the benefits, if any? I'd say it gives you more contact with the horse; there's simply less between you and the animal. This lends itself to greater control, if you know how to use it. Some say that dressage skills make for better Western riding, and that sounds right to me, but I'm no expert.

Typically Happy Texan Dogs

What I do know is that it's a world of fun going fast, at one with the horse; slow too, and perhaps riding English has an advantage, because of closer contact, unlike our President's epic fail in Syria. But that's a different story.

All for Texas,


Monday, September 21, 2015

U.S. Foreign Policy Caught on Camera!

U.S. foreign policy was captured on film by two hikers on Mount Rainier, in a revealing photo showing two ghostly figures clasping hands in a rainbow halo.

Known as a "Broken Deceptor," US foreign policy appears as a shadow on mist or cloud, causing a circular rainbow halo to form around it.

Obama Waves Goodbye to Foreign Policy

According to one of the hikers, "As the day went on, the Deceptor would last longer and was more prominent and colorful. The best display was in the evening, when the Deceptor appeared very clear, large and a short distance from us, right before thick clouds rolled in and obstructed the sun."

NATO Cultural Attache to the Kremlin

Rumors that Elton John, NATO cultural attache to the Kremlin, has been asked by President Obama to take over from John Kerry as Secretary of State have not been substantiated.

Russia is now fighting ISIS in Syria.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Thief!


I stole this photo from LL, who tells us he took it from Woodsterman, who took it from someone else again. And who can blame us?

Ride on,