Monday, November 25, 2024

Army Trannies


Dear readers, all three of you, do you think the rainbow pride trans cult woke mind virus is going to aid our military, our warfighting capacity? Of course you do, because excluding trannies from the armed services equates to losing their valuable capabilities on the battlefront. Here, I rest my case.

See that? Sure you do, and now you're inspired to lay down your life for your rainbow-hued country. It just shouts combat prepared, except that it doesn't, which is curious. Why are the Left baying for war and at the same time doing all in their power to emasculate the military? Good question, and whoever said Satan was sane.

In the meanwhile, our adversaries mock us as degenerate and "gay," and who can blame them? Look, here's evil Putler and the Cossacks going light on P Riot.

Best Frens Forever,


PS. Rumour has it that 47's going to fire our military trannies, those blasphemous parodies of men and women. Yes, please.


Beans said...

I hope we survive these Godless apostates and pseudo-humans. Nothing like giving military power to mentally ill people.

And, yes, please, President Trump, get rid of all of this evilness.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Tsk, tsk. For years, "diversity is our strength", has made our military empowered. Fighting ability? No longer needed.

Anonymous said...

Crusty Old TV Tech here. Da tovaritsch, tear through that evil horde of bolsheviks like Christ himself in the Temple, whipping the money lenders! They are the same old tired bunch of commies, 1st century, 21st century, it's all the same evil. Out demons, out!

Wild, wild west said...

Punch line to old joke: "Glad I got out before it became mandatory"

LSP said...

Beans, please.

LSP said...

I'm more than a little surprised, WSF. Surely you understand DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH.

Or maybe you want to go to a Gulag.

Your call.

LSP said...

Yes, Anon.


Guess I'd better post that, again.

LSP said...

Wild, my eldest is re-enlisting. Trump helped but... kyrie eleison.

Wild, wild west said...

I've thought about his situation a lot, Rev. Even praying for a positive outcome.

Anonymous said...

Feminizing our military is oddly counterproductive even for our Rainbow warriors, since (if I recall some years spent in S.F. back in the '70's) many of them (most?) are attracted to masculinity and would rather have a non-sexual relationship with a non-femininized man than none at all. Funny, that.