Monday, August 1, 2022

In The Second Second Of Forever


All hail Bob Calvert, Space Rock Supremo:

In the sixth second of forever

I saw your mouth whispering something I could not hear

In the fifth second of forever

I thought of the vermilion deserts of Mars

The jewelled forests of Venus

In the fourth second of forever

I could remember nothing that I did not love

In the third second of forever

I thought of rain against a window, I thought of the wind

In the second second of forever

I thought of the pair of broken shades lying on the tarmac

In the first and final second of forever

I thought of the long past that had led to now

And never... never... never... never

Space Rock Forever,



LL said...

Space Rock - rocks!

Old NFO said...


LSP said...

LL, it's like biker rock, note Lemmy's in the line up, but in space. What's not to like?!?

LSP said...

I'm partial to a bit of space rock, NFO. Of course Captain Calvert was a little... unstable...