Showing posts with label confederacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label confederacy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Swamp Fox Awesome

I like this tune, "Hold on boys, don't lose your grip. When I give the word, boys, let it rip." And they did. But this is good too.

Swamp Fox, awesome, eh?


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rebel Yell Impeach Trump

Why? Because he told the lying, sly, venal, corrupt, elite, millionaire socialist elite media that violence on both sides of the Charlottesville spectrum was wrong.

Oh. What. A. Nazi.

Presumably because he didn't adopt the the culturally ascendant, media-driven rhetoric of the Left and endorse the feces throwing, Soros-funded Antifa protesters. That, he said, was wrong and so were the risible antics of the Klan. 

I'd call that common sense instead of  fascism and I'd bet my fighting monkey that most Americans would agree. However, the debate does spur on the urge to enlist creative people to make up life-size street art images of Confederate Generals. Three for every statue taken down. At least.

In the meanwhile, sorry, BLM and friends, you lost the election and lost hard. The country doesn't like you.



Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Cause, Confederacy

It's not that long ago, the American Civil War, and a bloody business it was too. Some people think that the Confederacy is synonymous with with slavery and oppression, whereas the Union was was a beautiful civil rights movement. Others think that the war was about States' rights and freedom from big government Washington tyranny.

They opted for the latter where I live, and lost. There's a memorial in the Courthouse Square to remember the fallen.

William Henry Parsons raised a regiment of cavalry from the surrounding counties, the 12th Texas, comprised of the Hill County Volunteers, the Freestone Boys, the Johnson County Slashers, the Bastrop Cavalry Company, the Ellis Grays, the Ellis Rangers, the Kaufman Guards, the Ellis Blues, the Williamson Bowies, and the Eutaw Blues.

The 12th Texas went on to become part of Parson's Brigade and it may, or may not be the case that the National Flag of the Confederacy is on display in the courthouse.

For the record, I think our courthouse, which was restored by Willie Nelson, would make for a decent club. "What would you call this club?" asked a church lady, "I would call it Parson's, Ma'am," I replied.

Share your Swag Bags as you will,


Monday, June 7, 2010

Horse Sunday

After Sunday's Masses I drove through the pastoral idyll that is Brandon to visit the new horse and begin her training, and mine, in groundwork. For Geniebelle this is important because she's been left to her own devices for seven years and hasn't been ridden in that time.

Green Broke Thoroughbred

This means that she has to learn yielding, manners, leading, longeing and various basic skills, such as not trying to use humans as a scratching post, or attempting to jump over fences she's tied to... After a high-strung start she did well, and began to show signs of respect/obedience -- standing still when tied with far fewer incursions into my space. She longed fairly well too and didn't act out on the trot when I was in the saddle.

16 Hands

It was hot work and for me the beginnings of a new skill -- I tell you, you've got to be fast on your feet. Big things, horses, and powerful with it. They're not pets, you see.

Must work out a systematic training program for the beast - - I'm looking forward to that; GB's certainly got the potential.

God bless,


PS. Check out Buesun's site - I was moved by the story of the baseboards - and SBW has a neat post about bear hunting.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"The Cause" or "A Tale of the South"

Inspired by moonshine posts on various sites my mind ran to a friend of the family who lives in Oxford, England, the 'City of Screaming Tires.' He's a literary critic and writes books, which is a fine job if you can get it, but his American forebearers in the 1920s weren't so grand. No, one of them was a bootlegger with a mobile still which he'd move about from location to location in his old Ford truck.

All well and good, business boomed and the product was good, so good that its purveyor felt compelled to sample his 'product' from time to time. You know how it is, quality control is key, and the quality in question was excellent, it really worked, so much so that still, truck and bootlegger ended up driving full tilt into the Courthouse in the center of town. Serious offence and what was he charged with?

An illegal still? No.
'Moonshine'? No.
Reckless drunken driving? No.
Destroying the Confederate War Memorial? Yes.

I'm sure he got time for that and doubtless well deserved. Enough 'Memorials' - off to say Vespers, shoot + ride about on horses.

God bless,