Showing posts with label State of the Union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label State of the Union. Show all posts

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tucker Rips Biden's State Of The Union


Did you watch the ranting, deranged Old Crook speak the other night? I won't comment, Tucker says it all, crazy talk. You'll note, in passing, the Democrats baying for war while Mike Johnson nods in agreement. 

There will be a reckoning,


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

State Of The Union


Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words. That said, what's with the sign language obsession. Are more people deaf now, their eardrums blown out by the sheer volume of vacuity thundering across our airwaves like an MLRS barrage on the Dnieper? Possibly.

Speaking of which, Old Joe's gonna give those Russians a lesson they won't forget. That's right, no more US airspace for you, Russkies, you can't fly here, just like you couldn't during the pandemic. Take that. We can imagine Z Force sheepishly withdrawing from the Donetsk/Luhansk breakout and rolling wretchedly back across their start line. But that's not all.

No, Joe's going to beat inflation by raising wages and lowering costs, and it works like this. You have a business with workers which makes a product, say T 14 power plants. These were already expensive and now, thanks to supply chain snarl ups and associated costs they're even more expensive. Problem. 

Solution? Raise wages, that way your product's even more expensive which is why it's cheaper. Not unlike Climate Change aka the weather; the hotter it gets the colder it becomes. You see, there's a logic to this and the market responded, pushing WTI crude to just under $110 a barrel on the heels of the Commander in Chief's SOTU encouragement. The Russians were taken aback too, reportedly advancing in Kherson and Mariupol. 

I'm afraid we're in for a rigorous Lent.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Trump Beat 'Em Like A Drum

Did you watch the State of the Union? How President Trump beat the outwitted Democrats like a drum? There they were, with no choice but applause.

Except the #Resistance weren't too keen on clapping for the lowest ever minority unemployment, and no wonder. Low employment = government benefits and Democrat votes. Get paid to play, and don't say votes.

And they didn't like:

We are born free and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a Socialist country.

But other people did, as in most of the country.

So what does it mean? The President struck a common chord with the people and made his opposition look weak and foolish. Melania, on the other hand, was beaming.

She wore black.

Trust the plan,


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump Rules Kennedy Drools

President Trump took to the podium tonight to give his first State of the Union address. Tax cuts, energy independence, respect for the military, law enforcement,vets, God, the lowest ever recorded African American unemployment  and on.  

Trump came on like a blast from the American past, like the old America striking back. Speaking of old America, the Democrats trotted out their new pony, Joe Kennedy, by way of response.

Frat Boy Joe drooled and channeled Obama, jerking, stuttering and sounding just about as sincere. 

Spot the drool?

Memo to Joe, no one's convinced and why were you drooling? That aside, the Dems refused to stand for the President's speech.

Black unemployment? No, scorn it. US manufacturing? Can't stand. More money in your paycheck? Despise. Pull together to make America great? How hateful. Not unlike millionaire socialist, Nancy Pelosi's face itself.

Trump fans chanted USA, USA at the end of the speech. Democrats walked out.