Showing posts with label Kherson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kherson. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Mince Pie Maleasance


A man in his 70s has been given a 6 month gaol sentence for selling mince pies at a shooting range during a scamdemic lockdown. Where? North Korea? China? No, in England.

Via Spiked:

Picture the scene: Maurice Snelling, a British pensioner from Staffordshire, was serving wine and mince pies in December, bringing some festive cheer to his local area. For this ‘crime’, he was reported to the police. This then set off a chain of events that have now landed him in prison. This is because Snelling was selling his mince pies in December 2020, the first winter of the pandemic – a time when the world was gripped by Covid hysteria and England was under ‘tiered’ lockdown rules.

Snelling served his pies on the premises of his Cloudside Shooting Club. At the time, Staffordshire was under ‘Tier 3’ lockdown restrictions, meaning that hospitality venues were only allowed to operate as takeaways or drive-throughs. But Snelling was allowing people to gather, eat and drink on the site.


Wow. Snelling had the sheer, brazen, literal temerity to break Tier 3 Lockdown with malfeasant mince pies. What an enemy of the people. Now this 72 year old criminal can serve well deserved time for his so-called "festive cheer." Good thing his neighbours reported the old age perpetrator to the Stasi.

Take a deep breath and remember the old line in the song, "Britons never, ever, ever shall be slaves." No, not slaves, maybe serf peons of the rainbow ascendant NWO. In other news, Russia pulled back from Kherson to take up defensive lines on the Dnieper. Check out pro-Russkie RWA's intelligent analysis if you're interested.

Then there's us, here in the States, the most powerful, advanced country in the world which, apparently, finds it hard to manage the free and fair mechanics of an election. Don't say Zimbabwe.

Libera Nos,


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

State Of The Union


Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words. That said, what's with the sign language obsession. Are more people deaf now, their eardrums blown out by the sheer volume of vacuity thundering across our airwaves like an MLRS barrage on the Dnieper? Possibly.

Speaking of which, Old Joe's gonna give those Russians a lesson they won't forget. That's right, no more US airspace for you, Russkies, you can't fly here, just like you couldn't during the pandemic. Take that. We can imagine Z Force sheepishly withdrawing from the Donetsk/Luhansk breakout and rolling wretchedly back across their start line. But that's not all.

No, Joe's going to beat inflation by raising wages and lowering costs, and it works like this. You have a business with workers which makes a product, say T 14 power plants. These were already expensive and now, thanks to supply chain snarl ups and associated costs they're even more expensive. Problem. 

Solution? Raise wages, that way your product's even more expensive which is why it's cheaper. Not unlike Climate Change aka the weather; the hotter it gets the colder it becomes. You see, there's a logic to this and the market responded, pushing WTI crude to just under $110 a barrel on the heels of the Commander in Chief's SOTU encouragement. The Russians were taken aback too, reportedly advancing in Kherson and Mariupol. 

I'm afraid we're in for a rigorous Lent.

Your Old Pal,