Showing posts with label George Weigel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Weigel. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lavinia Byrne, Devil's Disciple?

Devil's Disciple

Lavinia Byrne is a former nun who was kicked out of the religious life by the Vatican for obstinate, persistent heresy, notably advocating for priestesses. She used to be a panentheist, maybe she still is. 

Church Builder

Panentheism is a Hindu doctrine that says God evolves with the universe but is somehow beyond it. It was big in the '80s and '90s, making for good academic book fodder: Oh! you're a Professor who teaches philosophy of religion and you're a Christian, but you're also a Hindu! Whoa. Here, sign this publishing contract. 

Whatever, Lavinia was into it. I know, she told me.

She also argued, like they always do, that unless the church ordains women, it'll shrink and die, because no one will go to church. She champions the Anglican experiment. George Weigel has this to say, via Let Nothing You Dismay:

Hard experience should have taught us by now that there is an iron law built into the relationship between Christianity and modernity. Christian communities that know and defend their doctrinal and moral boundaries (while extending the compassion of Christ when we fail to live within those boundaries, as we all do) survive in modernity; some actually flourish and become robustly evangelical. Conversely, Christian communities whose doctrinal and moral boundaries are eroded by the new orthodoxy of political correctness, and become so porous that it becomes impossible to know if one is “in” or “out,” wither and die.

But Where Are The Women?

That is the sad state of Anglicanism in the North Atlantic world today: even splendid liturgical smells-and-bells can’t save an Anglicanism hollowed out by the shibboleths of secular modernity. Why British Catholics like Lavinia Byrne can’t see this is one of the mysteries of the 21st-century Church."

Mystery? I don't think so. They see what they're proposing perfectly well and it isn't the advance of Christianity, or anything like it. Empty pews are precisely part of the plan; they're after an entirely new religion and the destruction of the church. They've nearly got it too, with Anglicanism.

Just. Say. No.

So what does that make Lavinia Byrne? The Devil's Disciple.

Just in case you wondered what I really think,


Friday, November 29, 2013

The Pope's a Catholic! Breaking!

What, the Pope's A Catholic?

People all over the world are falling down in shocked wonder at the news that the Pope is, in fact, a Catholic.

As leader of 1.1 billion Christians, Pope Francis I, is "passionately concerned for the poor." George Weigel has this to say, in today's Wall Street Journal:

"The pope is passionately concerned about the poor, and he knows that poverty in the 21st century takes many forms. It can be found in the grinding material poverty of his native Buenos Aires, caused by decades of corruption, indifference, and the church's failures to catechize Argentina's economic and political leaders. But poverty can also be found in the soul-withering spiritual desert of those who measure their humanity by what they have rather than who they are, and who judge others by the same materialist yardstick. Then there is the ethical impoverishment of moral relativism, which dumbs down human aspiration, impedes common work for the common good in society, and inevitably leads to social fragmentation and personal unhappiness."

You can read the whole thing here. Prepare to be amazed at the stunning news that the Roman Catholic church elected a catholic to be their Pope.

Random Saddles & Gun

In stunning contradistinction the Church of England's busy getting gay with the Pilling Report



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Revelation & Morals


I apologize for the flippant shallowness of this blog, well, except for the posts about NWO shills like Piers Morgan, the Government (please stay shutdown), occasional UFOs and the usual "God, Guns, Church and Country Life" bit. All that's fine, but here's something serious to make up for the rest; it's from a talk given by a church member who argues for ethics based on the revealed word and holiness of God. A bit long, for this sound-bite of a site, but have a read:

"On the biblical view, a durable account of 'rights' requires something more than is provided by Thomas Paine or Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Succinctly, pace their successors, including John Rawls, a transcendent authority is necessary, an eternally dependable Giver of moral law, not least because merely human authority cannot provide the security of right relationship except in shifting, transient terms. The answer that Israel’s Revelation gives to questions about how to achieve a flourishing life is not merely, 'God said it,' but rather, if I may paraphrase, that God has disclosed something profound about his own nature in the Torah, namely that he is Holy, and he wills our participation in his health. His call to us to imitate him is detailed as it is because holiness of life – as distinct from knowledge of a right or definition of meaningful agency – must be a matter of sustained living practice. Moreover, and for the entire Judeo-Christian tradition this cannot be stressed too strongly, the commandment to be holy applies not just to individuals, but to communities. Biblical revelation offers no blueprint for political order, but something without which no political structure can be sustained, namely the moral authority of a higher ideal. It has thus political implications, and this is precisely the point in contention for successors of Paine and Rousseau, who wish to substitute another source of absolute obligation, namely government.

Thomas Paine

"Construing the goal of ethical standards as nothing more than an adequation of normative behavior, a kind of hyper-Baconianism, has become de facto the reflex of our current legal as well as political culture. If Hollywood is what most people appear to want, the Court will ensure that’s what all will get. If insufficient numbers want it, we will be scolded. Ironically, we have created thus a new absolute authority, effective not least because daily proclaimed by its own prophets, the media and entertainment industry. This oracular voice from the sky includes of course the “news,” which we consult each morning in order to learn what we are supposed to think. And do. And then encourage others to do. Nor is that enough; we are prompted almost daily to join in an obligatory chorus, celebrating those as courageous, even 'heroic' who invent a new, perhaps previously unthinkable 'norm.' Defense of notorious in-your-face performance vulgarities by third-wave feminists as 'body-positive' exemplify increasing pressures to approve public behaviors such as might repel a hog in rut. Other, less vulgar displays attempt to seduce by behavior re-enforcement into private imitations of the unholy, ad nauseum et ad infinitum. But can we ignore the enormous costs that have accrued to this sorry substitute for civic idealism?

Go Miley! 3rd Wave Feminism?

"Whether we consider the disappearance of moral authority as Hannah Arendt construed it, or believe the issue of moral authority to be inherently problematic, we cannot evade the evidence that consequences attend not only upon ideas, but follow in real time from actual moral choices made by cultures as well as individuals. 

"It would seem that 'breaking bad' implies the possibility of the good, of a return to health, even of “breaking good.” And something else, perhaps: unacknowledged exhaustion with the ‘conceptual morass’ of an ethic whose highest principle is ‘thou shalt not criticize thy neighbor.’ What if a gesture of fraternal correction might be the only life-line we have to offer our neighbor in the hope he or she may avoid self-destruction? Keep your opinion to yourself, say the courts and the media. In this paralyzing context, the ideal of holiness – namely that the most whole and healthy way of life available to us is by way of imitation of something far higher than ourselves – merits at least a review. Perhaps we might include the texts of ancient Israel in our humanities curriculum, with thoughtful attention to the relation between holiness and moral order as there articulated, not least in relation to the inevitability of consequences. If, as George Weigel says, we are now in a widespread civil war over the very meaning of the human person, then perhaps any hope for a restorative resolution of our crisis of cultural authority must come, as he says, 'from a reformed culture in which Jerusalem is once again linked to Athens and Rome in the foundation of the West.'

East Side Detroit, Shape of Things to Come?

"Reason without Revelation hasn’t been working all that well for us. Perhaps those of us who continue to value reason ought to move beyond serial post-mortem analyses of our cultural demise to a fresh consideration of the legacies and ideals of Revelation that have formed and sustained us in healthier times. We might begin by acknowledging that no higher ideal for moral order exists than that which asks us to regard self and neighbor as made in the image of God."

I like that and will link to the whole thing when it's published.


Monday, July 27, 2009

European Death Wish

L'Arche de la Défense

One of the interesting bylines of the dismally failing, alien driven, Ubuntuist secular humanist project, is European demographic suicide.

2.1 children per woman are needed to replace the existing population. In 2004 Germany's birthrate was 1.3, Italy's 1.2, Spain's 1.1, Italy's 1.2, France's 1.7 and so one, with 18 countries in the E.U. failing to reproduce at replacement rate. This will mean, amongst other things, that over 50% of the European populace will be will be at, or over, retirement age by mid-century, supported by a shrinking workforce. Pundits, such as Mark Steyn, predict the collapse of current social programs and the advent of "Eurabia".

Perhaps Steyn is right, but one thing's certain, we're witnessing a crisis of Western civilisational morale - the demographics listed above represent a greater population decline than at any time since the Black Death. Why has this come about?

George Weigel, in the fortunately easy to read "The Cube and the Cathedral" (see picture of neo-brutalist 'Cube' above), believes World War One acted as a sort of catalyst for various destructive currents of thought - he lists Comte, Fuerbach, Nietzche, and others, while quoting Solzhenitsyn:

"That war (WWI)... took place when Europe, bursting with health and abundance, fell into a rage of self-mutilation that could not but sap its strength for a century or more, perhaps forever. The only possible explanation for this is a mental eclipse among the leaders of Europe due to their lost awareness of a Supreme Power over them... Only the loss of that higher intuition which comes from God could have allowed the West to accept calmly, after World War I, the protracted agony of Russia as she was being torn apart by a band of cannibals."

Powerful words and, I think, true. What's needed, according to Weigel and Benedictus XVI, is a recovery of the value posited by the authour of Gulag Archepeligo et al. I would agree, but what do I know? I'm just a country LSP.

Anyway, off to make a dent in the hog demographic tomorrow - setting up at first light with enough weaponry to take on what's left of the British Army.

More anon,