Showing posts with label Pope Francis I a catholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pope Francis I a catholic. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Pope's a Catholic! Breaking!

What, the Pope's A Catholic?

People all over the world are falling down in shocked wonder at the news that the Pope is, in fact, a Catholic.

As leader of 1.1 billion Christians, Pope Francis I, is "passionately concerned for the poor." George Weigel has this to say, in today's Wall Street Journal:

"The pope is passionately concerned about the poor, and he knows that poverty in the 21st century takes many forms. It can be found in the grinding material poverty of his native Buenos Aires, caused by decades of corruption, indifference, and the church's failures to catechize Argentina's economic and political leaders. But poverty can also be found in the soul-withering spiritual desert of those who measure their humanity by what they have rather than who they are, and who judge others by the same materialist yardstick. Then there is the ethical impoverishment of moral relativism, which dumbs down human aspiration, impedes common work for the common good in society, and inevitably leads to social fragmentation and personal unhappiness."

You can read the whole thing here. Prepare to be amazed at the stunning news that the Roman Catholic church elected a catholic to be their Pope.

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