Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Airborne Forever...

I seem to spend most of my time in airports these days. Some are better than others and Terminal E at DFW is in a constant state of turmoil and construction. Avoid it, if you can.

When I'm not in an airport, which is rarely, I walk my dog. He is fierce and loyal.

God bless,


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Back in Texas -- Happy 4th of July!

I'm back in Texas now, in the countryside, and it's good to be back after the writing challenge that was the 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. 

I managed to write a quick article at the airport, accusing the iniquitous TEC of "systemic racism," and then it was over, mission accomplished.

As I write this in depth "thought piece" a very small white chicken is pecking about in my back yard. It escaped, somehow, from its colleagues next door.

Have a great 4th of July!


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Africans Rip The Episcopal Church

I've enjoyed being at the Episcopal Church's General Convention in Salt Lake City, even though I'm not part of the dwindling denomination and disagree with it almost entirely.

It was especially neat to climb into the press room and discover that the primates of the Global South had rebuked the small but richly gay denomination.

In a July 2 statement, Primates of the Global South, representing over two thirds of the worldwide Anglican Communion, ripped into the Episcopal Church, accusing it of deliberately rejecting the Communion's teaching on human sexuality and acting without regard for the well-being of the Anglican Communion and the mission of the Church writ large.

You can read the whole thing here, and if you do, wonder at the irony of the whitest group of anti-racists ever, telling Africans how to live.

What's the phrase, white privilege?

Back to Texas tomorrow,


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Katharine Jefferts Schori Tribute

Katharine Jefferts Schori, who has been called a "boy bishop," a "rock star," and a "bishop," got a stirring tribute the other day from the floor of her church's General Convention in Salt Lake City.

Here's what some of her admirers had to say, via Virtueonline:


The newly elected Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, declared, "She was the Presiding Bishop this church needed for the last 9 years," and not only "called us to maturity in Christ," but had a "forceful, prophetic voice." Curry went on to extol Jefferts Schori as "deeply wise, quiet yet strong. That word has become flesh in Katharine Jefferts Schori."


The Bishop of Connecticut, Ian Douglas, was also glowing in his praise for the Presiding Bishop, saying that she had "deep wisdom, acuity, compassion" and worked for "reconciliation and restoration."

Not to be outdone, the Bishop of Los Angeles, Jon Bruno, described the departing leader of the Episcopal Church as "a woman of power, courage, and strength" as well as "vitality," and "wisdom."


That's our Schori! You can read the whole thing here, and as you do, ponder the $40++ million Jefferts Schori has authorized in litigation during her tenure.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Is the Episcopal Church a Frothing Water Feature?

Is the Episcopal Church a frothing water feature? Foaming attractively for the amusement of shoppers in the mallspace of American religion but going, ultimately, nowhere?

Here's the Dean of Virginia Theological Seminary, Ian Markham, gushing from General Convention about the Episcopal Church:

"So why is this General Convention going to be historic? It is because we offer a “product” that our age needs and wants; the immediate cultural war is coming to an end; and we now have leadership in the Church that is ready to be imaginative about our programming for the future. I am confident that in 50 years’ time, the General Convention of 2015 will be the moment that historians identify as the turning moment in the fortunes of The Episcopal Church."

This is Markham foaming about culture:

"now The Episcopal Church is where the majority of Americans are (especially the younger demographic). Large evangelical megachurches are very aware of how they will alienate the young if they are too overtly hostile to the inclusion of gays and lesbians. Being pro-gay is good in modern America; and as we have seen with the Supreme Court decision last week, the affirmation of equality embedded in the American story from its founding finally reaches our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters."

Right on, Ian. All the secular liberals and the people that just don't care are going to start flocking to your gay church. Really? Just like they did with the ordination of women? Maybe you remember how that was going to fill the pews, and dismally didn't.

The Episcopal Church has lost over a quarter of its worshiping attendance in the last decade, some 200,000 people. Let's see if Markham's froth and foam will turn that around.

Your Pal,


Monday, June 29, 2015

The Mind of the House of Bishops Bonking

I went searching for the mind of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church, and I found it in an atrium, in Salt Lake City.

A Bonking Wind Chime

I heard bonking, somewhere up above me, and looked up. There it was! The mind of the House of Bishops!

The House of Bishops

The bonking wind chimes have just passed Resolution A036, making the marriage canons of their church gender neutral.

Well done, team.


Sunday, June 28, 2015


OK, that's enough Rainbow Unicorn awesomness for now. Here's sa pic from Salt lake City instead. I like the covered malls downtown and think it's a neat use of space.

Speaking of which, everyone seems happy in the mallspace. Perhaps that's because they're rich, or they haven't checked the prices, or maybe they're just happy to be knocking about.

Whatever the case, have a blessed Sunday.

I'm off to church.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Episcopal Church's Long March to Gaydom

Everyone knows that the once respectable Episcopal Church has gone gay and that they're mirroring the US Supreme Court. I guess their tax exempt status will remain intact.

As the 78th Convention of the Episcopal Church prepares to enact legislation that will enshrine gay marriage in its internal laws, or canons, church leaders expressed satisfaction that this would be the culmination of 39 years of pro-gay activism.

In response to the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage, Rev. Brian Baker, Chair of the Convention's Marriage Resolutions Committee, announced to the Press that the Episcopal Church had "been having a conversation around this for 40 years," and that "today was a significant, monumental day."

The President of the House of Deputies, Rev. Gay Jennings, agreed with Baker. This was "a momentous day," she said, "General Convention has adopted over a period of 39 years, advocacy for the support of... civil rights for all citizens."


Quite the march, eh? But bear this in mind, the Episcopal Church lost 200,000 people between 2003-2013 and that shows no sign of slowing.

How many will be left to enjoy the Pink Rainbow Utopia?

Your Pal,


The Mysticke Rainbow, or Scalia Gets it Right

Here's Scalia on the new mysticism of the law:

"If, even as the price to be paid for a fifth vote, I ever joined an opinion for the Court that began: ‘The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity,’ I would hide my head in a bag. The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

Scalia's referring to yesterdays SCOTUS decision to go gay; he might just as well have been describing the theology of the Episcopal Church.

Ad Astra,


Friday, June 26, 2015

Supreme Court Goes Gay, Episcopalians Rejoice

If you want a vision of the future Winston, imagine a rainbow wellie boot stamping on a human face forever.

There was a lot of crying on the floor of the General Convention today, tears of joy, as the Supreme Court's decision to get gay percolated through to the delegates in Salt Lake City's Pillar of Salt Palace. 

Within hours, the Episcopaliens were living it up at a Eucharist presided over by the world's first ever lesbian bishop, Mary Glasspool.

Following the news of the Supreme Court's 5-4 June 26 ruling that gay marriage is a constitutional right, delegates to the church's 78th Episcopal General Convention worshipped at a Eucharist celebrated by the partnered lesbian bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool, here in the Salt Palace.

Glasspool was consecrated on December 4, 2009, as the assisting Bishop of Los Angeles and the world's first ever partnered lesbian bishop.

After moving joyously to an opening liturgy set to jazz and swing, rejoicing worshippers sat to hear a sermon by the President of the Deputies, Rev. Gay Jennings. Speaking to John 17, and St. John of Patmos, Jennings spoke eloquently of the need for mystical language to express heavenly truths. The "suitcase of human comprehension is not big enough for the concepts Jesus has to stuff into it," she told listeners, to laughter and applause.

You can read the whole thing here if you like, and as you do, ponder the nature of a court that's higher than the one ensconced in Washington DC.

Some feel a Rubicon has been crossed.

Civil Disobedience,


Presiding Bishop Ignores Jihad

Is the outgoing Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, shy of Jihad and the ongoing persecution of Christians by Muslims? 

In her sermon at the opening Eucharist at this year's 78th General Convention, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, drew attention to murder, oppression, and suffering in the U.S., Africa, the Caribbean, and elsewhere. She ignored the brutal and, in modern times, unprecedented persecution of Christians by Muslims, which some commentators believe amounts to genocide.

You can read the whole thing here, and while you're at it, ask yourself why Jefferts Schori gave an old Brazilian occultist a look-in, but passed over the tens of thousands of Christians who have been driven from their homes; to say nothing of those crucified, beheaded, raped, enslaved and killed by Islamists.

Maybe she ignored that because, you know, Islam is the Religion of Peace.

ISIS Laughs,