Showing posts with label space aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space aliens. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Beautiful Vigil Masses at the Missions then a scarifyin' drive to Dallas, where had turned in for the night. So I took advantage of the lull to watch a program about an alien base at Dulce; curious.

Regardless of the impending "disclosure event", here's an interesting, if slightly somber thought:

"When the unstoppable bullet hits the impenetrable wall, we find the religious experience. It is precisely here that one will grow... Heroism could be redefined for our time as the ability to stand paradox."

Robert Johnson wrote that, I found it on the Shirt of Flame blog.

Mind those bullets!

Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The Most Powerful Space Alien Woman in the World!

You'll have to forgive the lack of posting, but things have been hectic. In the midst of it all I noticed that powerful space creatures are waxing strong in Washington D.C. Of course everyone knows that they took over The Episcopal Church (TEC) long ago.

Speaking of which, here's a picture of Rev. Carter Hayward.

Carter Heyward

Here's what she thinks about 'reproductive health':

"Abortion would be a sacrament if women were in charge. Abortion should be a sacrament even today. I suspect that for many women today, and for their spouses, lovers, families and communities, abortion is celebrated as such, an occasion of deep and serious and sacred meaning."

If any of you are interested in 'abortion as sacrament', check out the French witch, Ginette Paris, who wrote a book on it. She thinks in terms of blood sacrifice to Artemis. Nice.

God bless,


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Resist The Invasion!

Top British boffin, Simon Conway Morris, professor of evolutionary paleobiology at Cambridge University, has announced that space aliens are likely to be "just like us", according to the U.K's Guardian newspaper, ATS and GNN.

Morris warns that human look-alike extraterrestrials will probably be looters, on the lookout for water, minerals and fuel, driven by "greed, violence and a tendency to exploit others' resources."

This will come as no surprise to LSP readers who have followed this site's longstanding disclosure reportage of off-world attempts to subvert Church and State.

Resist the invasion! Trijicon, Aimpoint, Eotech and Schmidt & Bender will help, as will high cal. precision rifles, custom knives, mastery of horsemanship, a renewed SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta, RIP V.F.) and the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Victory.

Deus Vult.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Evil Space Aliens

I just read the most remarkable thing, about space aliens. Here's an excerpt:

"The Alien spiritual mission is to spread the gospel of the New Age Movement and to deny Christianity. They also highly encourage their contactees to participate in occult practices such as channeling or mediumship, automatic writing, clairvoyance, mental telepathy, out-of-body experiences, and other New Age related activities. Others who have been abducted have become obsessed with dabbling into the UFO phenomena and occult activities, which, for many, leads to bondage, despair, destruction and suicide. Surveys that have been taken discover that the majority of those who have been abducted have shown an interest in paranormal or mystical activities, involvement in the Eastern religions, and New Age movement. Other have also claimed they have had a past involvement with astral projection, astrology, channeling, Ouija boards, witchcraft, and so on. These things are clearly forbidden by God in His word (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)."

A Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Funes, had this to say:

"Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures over the earth, so there could be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contradiction with our faith, because we cannot establish limits to God's creative freedom," he told the newspaper. "To say it with St. Francis, if we can consider some earthly creatures as 'brothers' or 'sisters,' why could we not speak of a 'brother alien'? He would also belong to the creation."

Interesting - can both be right? In the light of The Episcopal Church's 'Bench of Bishops' and their Pelosian allies in government, I'd have to say that Fr. Funes is guilty of wishful thinking.

God bless,


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reptilian New Year

Its long been suspected that things are not quite as they seem behind the privileged doors of '815', The Episcopal Church's (TEC) spiffy Manhattan H.Q. Above Top Secret reports on the latest round of Ecumenical discussions endorsed by the numbers-small but money-rich denomination:

"Independent sources have claimed an on-going set of face-to-face meetings between U.S. military Episcopal Church officials and extraterrestrial life.

The sources reveal that senior U.S. Navy officers Episcopal Bishops have played a leading role in an inter-services intra-denominational working group responsible for the meetings, and that different extraterrestrial groups are allegedly involved.

One source claims that the contact involves extraterrestrial groups known as Reptilians, and a siliconbased life form dubbed ‘the Conformers’. Another source claims the extraterrestrials are called Ebens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, but known colloquially as the Grays.

TEC Bishop

A third source claims that human looking extraterrestrials representing an association of star nations are liaising with military officials. Two of the sources have been interviewed by this writer who has been aware of their claims for more than a year, and finds them credible."

Thanks, ATS, for for revealing the sinister links between TEC and the Off-World takeover of our planet. Remember, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

God Bless and Happy New Year.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

1st Church of Space Pelosi

Rare LSP Bullseye

After a hearty but probably unhealthy lunch of bacon and dove my mind veered towards religion and the civil war that's going on in North American Anglicanism. What's happening is that traditional dioceses and parishes are leaving TEC (The Episcopal Church) and TECis suing them for their property and assets.

That would be fine except that TEC doesn't have any laws in place (Canons) prohibiting dioceses from leaving, which isn't surprising because its a voluntary association - at diocesan level. A judge realised this yesterday in Texas and you can read his comments here, and detailed commentary here. But the question is, why would TEC appeal to their laws, or 'Canons', when they're silent on the subject?

Some think its because they've made the fundamental mistake of believing their own marketing, other experts posit a different reason. Its because they're 'pelosian' space aliens; you see, they just don't think as we do.

Well, time and the Courts will tell. I'm for the Diocese of Fort Worth and the other seccessionists; why should they be forced to be part of a Union run by creatures from another planet? Check out Black Widow's blog for a similar argument.

In similar vein, you'll notice that the People's Republic of Camden has banned Christianity. Lets hope that doesn't happen here in the U.S.; next thing you know they'll ban prayer in school and start issuing Moslem postage stamps. Just you wait and see.
