Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017


I was standing in the harsh Texan T shirt winter of a Walmart car park and looked up at the sun. It glowed with incandescent light through the high clouds, like an angel on its flight path down to the rigs and shopping carts parked right there on the asphalt. 

What are angels? The Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, teaches us that they're purely spiritual, intellectual beings and therefore incorporeal, necessitated by the "perfection of the universe" and the nature of divine creation.

A Typical Angel

Angels, we learn, are without form and matter and exist fully actualized, beings of almost pure act. They are, however, inferior to God because they are contingent upon Him. Good stuff and you can read all about it here. But maybe this is all a bit highbrow, form and matter, species and genus, essence and existence and all of that. Let's bring the definition down to earth by reflecting on what angels aren't. 

Here's a helpful infographic:

These aren't angels, at least they're not the good kind. Don't ask for their help.

Vicious rumors that top Democrat Party operatives practice ritual magic and commune with demons are entirely with foundation.

Moral of the story? If you're going to get into it with angels, choose the right sort.

God bless,


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Last Debate

There were no flies on Hillary tonight, as she defended partial birth abortion and accused WikiLeaks, and presumably Julian Assange, of being Russian saboteurs.

Really, the Podesta emails are a Russian plot? As one commentator put it, "So the Russians hacked their emails, but what's in them?" Nothing good for the Clinton campaign, which is perhaps why Hillary seemed off-balance at this debate, often stumbling in her delivery and resorting to endless ad hominem attacks on Donald Trump. Sure, smug blasts of shrill maybe one form of attack, but it didn't sound good.

Unlike Hillary's self-assured "strong defense of borders" delivery, which sounded great until she was asked by the moderator to explain her  leaked speech to Brazilian bankers stating, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” That sounded bad, as if, sink me, she was a liar. 

Hillary tried to explain that away by referring to bankers and the movement of money, or something. Whatever, it sounded weak, and that's just it.

Hillary sounded shrill and lame tonight and Trump sounded more assured and on top of the debate than he's done so far. Perhaps that's not saying much, but there it is. Not so much the mad bomber as the less-orange-than-he-used-to-be President in waiting and a man who wants to reverse the hollowing out of America. 

Face it, let's get jobs and industry back resonates.

Hillary pretty much began the debate by defending partial birth abortion and concluded by telling the world that she was the champion of children. 

The flies were obviously invisible.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

What, You Won't Fight Our Frenemies?

ZeroHedge -- As is by now well-known, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s previously classified 2012 report on the origin of the Islamic insurgency against Bashar al-Assad was released to the public on 18 May 2015, and it revealed the Obama Administration’s knowledge, at least since that time, that «the Salafist [Saudi-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic], the Muslim Brotherhood [Qatari-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic] and AQI [Al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria», and acknowledgement that «the West, Gulf countries [Saudi Arabia and Qatar mainly], and Turkey support the opposition [to Bashar al-Assad], while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime», so that the U.S. Government is, in fact, allied with Al Qaeda there, to overthrow Assad.
This pro-Al-Qaeda position was news, however, to America’s military personnel in that region.

Reflect on the NWO skulguggery, malfeasance and outright perfidy of our globalist elitocracy and ask yourself how happy you'd be, defending our Jihad frenemies under the command of Barack Obama and his chosen Illuminati puppet successor, Hillary. Maybe not so much.

I'm off to clean an AR.

Kick out the JAMS.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The New Despotism

I know. This so-called blog is a frivolous mixture of clowns, guns, side-swipes at random mountebanks and anything else I care to get into. But here's some serious thought, from Guido De Ruggiero, summarizing Tocqueville:

“As compared with old-fashioned personal despotism, this new despotism which is growing up in the democratic nations of our day is more sweeping and less painful; it degrades men without torturing them. It expresses itself through an absolute State power, detailed, uniform, provident, and mild, which would be paternal had it been designed to prepare men for a life of maturity; but its true intention is to arrest them permanently at the stage of infancy.”

Ruggiero was writing in the 1920s, Tocqueville in the 1830s and I'd say both are right on the money today.

Thanks, DC, for that.
