Showing posts with label Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Devil Witch?


Years ago this humble mind blog reached out to the people with a simple question, is Joni Mitchell a Canadian Devil Witch? The resounding answer was yes, she is a Devil Witch. And here we are:

Do the stats lie? Is Joni Mitchell, estimated socialist net worth $150 million, a Devil Witch? Or a free and easy champion of liberty and Volk music? You, the listeners, be the judge.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, November 1, 2014

What Should I Call This Dog?

A couple of days ago a Blue Heeler tipped up on the porch and he stayed. I fed him; maybe that helped. So have various church people, who like him a lot.

And I had this resolve, "He's not coming inside the house," I thought grimly to myself. But he has, as far as the kitchen, until I get a doghouse for him to live in outside. I'm obviously getting softheaded.

But here's the thing, what should I call him? Here's the suggestions so far:

Welby (heh)
Rudel (as in Hans)

I need a name for this dog. Help, please.