Showing posts with label what utter hypocrites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what utter hypocrites. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Devil Witch?


Years ago this humble mind blog reached out to the people with a simple question, is Joni Mitchell a Canadian Devil Witch? The resounding answer was yes, she is a Devil Witch. And here we are:

Do the stats lie? Is Joni Mitchell, estimated socialist net worth $150 million, a Devil Witch? Or a free and easy champion of liberty and Volk music? You, the listeners, be the judge.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Go Green


How awesome it is to go green and save the planet! said every infantile 16 year old girl ever. But hey, good call, here's an infographic:

go green serfs

Europe deindustrializes? Hurray! Yes, back to the plow and the furrow. And how ya gonna heat your house? By chopping wood? How very heimat. But it's worth it because Ukraine. Don't get me wrong, by all means go back to hunter gather status but if you do don't complain when the Russkies and ChiComs rule.

shocking bad taste

Whatever. Curry here at the Compound while we still have electricity, light and meat, chicken. Then we'll go green, just like all those other seaside millionaires on Martha's Vinyard.

Your Eco Friend,