Friday, March 21, 2025

Free Falling

Free falling. Would that be Western Civ, the Church of England, our beloved Uniparty Globalist New World Order or just the song itself. Good question, and I drove to Dallas to find out. 

It wasn't hard, I35 was bizarrely clear at 0700, and there we were, in Downtown Dallas at 0830. Talk about free falling, every indigent POC that ever there was was gathered there today, slumped around the McDonalds, waiting for free Egg McMuffins.

what a total skeevehole

Like what's wrong with us? Every single one of our major cities is a major hell hole, seriously, and guess what, they're all run by Democrats and POCs. Weird, right? Surely there's no connection. Speaking of which, Heathrow airport shut down today.

How could that possibly happen, LSP? you ask with startled breath. Because, dear friends, the genius patrol in charge of Europe's largest air hub went NetZero and shut down their generator, or something like that. You can read about it on the internet.

Point being, punters, when is the collective West going to stop suiciding itself? Imagine yourself, if you can, in a small Irish town suddenly doubled in size and violence by Moslem imports.  I call, with all the charity in the world, trouble. To put it mildly.

We left Dallas on I35 heading south and the further south we went the better it got. Yes, here in the Texas Redoubt we will resist and defeat State tyranny. Check us out and see. Your Clubbable Pal.

See You at the Savage,



Well Seasoned Fool said...

Maybe in the next fours years the question will change, for the better.

Old NFO said...

Sadly, ANY major city seems to suffer from that these days...

Beans said...

Well, to get literate, go read John Ringo's "Watch on the Rhine." It's all about how the Greens/Reds/Internationalists are willing/able/actually want to destroy Western Civilization, which by definition is Christian Civilization.

They, the Greens/Reds/Internationalists, hate us so much that they are willing to destroy everything in order to break the power of Christ on this Earth and wipe out all evidence of Europe from people to art.

And just where is most of Europe's art? Who owns it? What happens to a piece when it comes to auction? If you say "Some Towelheads in the Middle East" then you are correct. If you also say "Some heads of various military districts in Communist China" then you are also correct.

The Left, here and overseas, is a vast conspiracy, nay a collective Illuminati much like The Borg from Star Trek, that is solely aimed at destroying all of us.

To go farther, they actively seek to bring the rule of Hell to this earthly plane, to bring about the fallen times, to force God's and Christ's hand, to actively bring about the eternal reign of evil.

How else could you interpret what's going on? Rape gangs allowed to rape, Child Sex predators allowed to rule us, Soros still alive, Jane Fonda still alive, so many really friggin evil people and demons/devils-in-human-skin walking this Earth. All of this, they are pushing us into the darker chapters of Revelation.

It also explains the falling birthrate in first-rate countries, the love of abortion whether by knife or suction or pill, and other things that civilized people should never even think of.

LSP said...

Good call, WSF.

LSP said...

Just outrageous, NFO. Gotta stop.

LSP said...

Dr. Beans, yes. But let's not forget, "Everything the Left intends or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result."

Keep the Faith.

Beans said...

I disagree with "Everything the Left intends or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result."

That is most verifiably false.

The Left (the top, the people who actually create the evil and promote the evil) know exactly that the intention or statement or product is exactly the opposite of what they say it is.

The simplest examples are their favorite words - Progressive and Liberal.

To normal people, progressive means, well, to do as in to get better and better. Which is the complete opposite of what progressive actually means, which is to stop all progress and to reverse any progress made.

To normal people 'liberal' means someone who is open in mind and soul to all possibilities. After all, if you liberally spread mayo on your sandwich it means you spread it all around. But in reality a 'liberal' is the most close-minded soulless jackwagon ever seen. And 'liberal' causes are always the complete opposite, like 'Planned Parenthood' which isn't planning about anything related to parenthood, in fact the complete opposite.

It's like my previous rant on how people say the Democrats used to be the 'party of the people' and meaning the party of the little people. Nope, not at all. Democrats have always been about the party of the elite people who rule over the little people by hook or by crook, treating their lessers as serfs, peasants, slaves and actual slaves. First as landowners who owned indentured servants and actual slaves, then as company owners controlling company towns and company stores and used to control the companies' employees. Then as labor organizers and union officers who live on the fat of their laborers and cause pain and anguish to the laborers (like, you know, destroying the industry that the laborers labor at while living high on the hog on union dues while not paying strike wages or anything else.)

Republicans have always been the party of the individual man and woman. Republicans are the ones that freed the slaves. They are the ones that tried to support native Americans (and paid for it.) They are the ones that would institute positive changes and better wages before unions or labor boards (run by leftists, of course) demanded safety changes and better wages. Why? Because safe and happy employees work better. Because safe working conditions means less damaged goods or services and means more profit. Profit is good. Profit allows the employer to pay more wages and improve working conditions.

What we see as 'Leftist Opposite speech' isn't something that the prole-level left sees. We see it because we are outside of the propaganda/programming loop of the leftist elites.

The Left is the Borg. Resistance is futile.

The Left are the Bugs from Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" (the book, not that movie.) There are Brain Bugs. There are Leader Bugs. There are Warrior Bugs and there are Worker Bugs. Giant bug pyramid with workers on the bottom (as usual) and sacrificed right and left to protect the upper levels. The warriors do what the leaders tell them to do, even if 10 seconds earlier the order was opposite of what they're being told now, with 100% acceptance. The leaders order the warriors and the workers around. The brains order the leaders around. Some 'queen' bug orders the brains around. Gee, now I think that Heinlein was talking about leftists when he created the bugs (duh...)

LSP said...

My dear Beans, what an excellent Heinlein point!

Beans said...

Except for the weirdness after his first brain attack, Heinlein definitely was able to see through all the smoke and mirrors.