Sunday, March 16, 2025

Enter By The Narrow Gate

"Are there many who will be saved?" asks an anon of Christ in Luke 13. What a question, but Our Lord doesn't answer back directly, instead he says "strive to enter by the narrow gate" so that when the man of the house shuts the door he'll recognize you when you knock. "Lord, let me in!"

To some he will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you." To others, repentant sinners, he will welcome into the kingdom of God. They will sit down at the heavenly banquet with Abraham, the Patriarchs and the Prophets.

Long story short, which side or gate are you on? The narrow way, which is Christ crucified, or some other thing, the broad way with its wide, iniquitous lintel. In St. Paul's words, is your god the belly and do you glory in your shame? Or are you focused on Christ and the Cross. If the former, take heed, your path is destruction, you are enemies of the Cross of Christ. If the latter, stand firm and double down. You will receive your reward, the reward of everlasting life. 

That's what we're shooting for, dear friends, life itself. Embrace it and renounce darkness, evil, and the fools' gold of the world, the flesh and the Devil. Embrace life and the Cross instead, the narrow gate, the strait way, which is Christ crucified.  Is such a thing easy? Try it and find out; you will be blessed abundantly in the endeavor.

Here endeth the Lesson.

Your Best Buddy,



Old NFO said...

Interesting interpretation, but no disagreement here.

LL said...

Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus uses the metaphor of a narrow and wide gate to illustrate the paths to life and destruction, respectively, with the broad path being easier but leading to ruin - and many enter therein.

Paul M said...

I have always operated that if the crowd is going one way, I go the other. Don’t pitch my tent near anyone in the backcountry, and will move yours to the opposite end of the lake if you pitch it near mine. Prefer the narrow gate.