Sunday, December 13, 2020

China Doll

Just a brief musical interlude in the midst of making tortillas. China doll fractured? Buck up! I'd be surprised if patriots would let this country be taken over by the dam CCP. Of course that remains to be seen.

Rock on,



LL said...

I was confused whether you were talking about Swalwell's bang-bang with Fang-Fang (and friends) or the Grateful Dead.

Life is very confusing these days.

LSP said...

I know, nothing is clear these days, LL.

Is the China Doll only fractured? I guess we'll see.

Old NFO said...

That brings back some memories... I was stationed At Moffett in 73!

LSP said...

NFO, you are a veteran!

I've been humming that song all day while producing a MAGAzine and editing articles. Some of the writing's pretty good, pleased about that.