Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advent 2014

It's Advent now, which means I have to at least attempt to be serious and positive on this lame excuse for a "blog." But I'm not sure this is possible without help; so I enlist Austin Farrer, who described the season like this:

"Advent brings Christmas, judgement runs out into mercy. For the God who saves us and the God who judges us is one God. We are not, even, condemned by his severity and redeemed by his compassion; what judges us is what redeems us, the love of God. What is it that will break our hearts on judgement day? Is it not the vision, suddenly unrolled, of how he has loved the friends we have neglected, of how he has loved us, and we have not loved him in return ; how, when we came (as now) before his altar, he gave us himself, and we gave him half-penitences, or resolutions too weak to commit our wills? But while love thus judges us by being what it is, the same love redeems us by effecting what it does. Love shares flesh and blood with us in this present world, that the eyes which look us through at last may find in us a better substance than our vanity."

Judgement runs out into mercy.

So Money

Maybe there'll be some for Bishop "Dick" Harries who thinks England should have a Muslim coronation ceremony. "Dick" once wrote a book called Is there a Gospel for the Rich? which featured him grinning on the front cover.

Go figure,


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Happy Saturday

One of the very few people that look at or read this hot dog stand on the information superhighway, set me a challenge. "LSP," they said, "try and post something, anything, that isn't negative. Go on, give it a go, be uplifting!"

With that in mind, I won't describe the 100 or so white people I saw protesting outside a Walmart yesterday. Or the way their white leader was telling a black cop that "black lives matter."

No, I won't bang on about that, but I will leave you with some Obama magic.

Is that ever neat or what?


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Katharine Jefferts Schori Racist

The leader of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, has stated that ghetto thug Michael Brown's death might become a "sacramental offering."


According to Schori, "Michael Brown's death was and is a tragedy, and has become a powerful witness to those divisions between human beings in this nation. His death also carries the potential to become a sacramental offering - if it continues to challenge us to address our divisions and the injustices in this nation that are far more than skin deep."


Jefferts Schori appears to be saying that Brown's death should be seen as a sacrifice that will encourage America to stop being racist. 


Maybe the top bishop of the Episcopal Church should leave her multi-million dollar 5th Avenue (?) penthouse apartment and live in Germantown, Philadelphia, or Detroit, or Baltimore, or even St. Louis. Or any one of any number of urban ghetto hellholes that are a festering sore in this nation.

Perhaps she'd learn enough to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Or not.



Martyr Saint Hero?

Holy civil rights martyr?

Victim of endemic racism?

Or just another ghetto thug who rushed a cop and got shot? And an excuse to loot and burn your neighborhood.

And then there's Al Sharpton.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

No Indictment

Presented without comment.


Big Sky Open Carry

People say that Texas has a big sky. I won't disagree, it does. Maybe soon it'll be a Big Sky Open Carry (BSOC) state too, as the Mississippi Rebel reports.

But after looking at the enormous sky, I went for a quick spin around Malone. It doesn't have paved streets, but it does have a smoker in the form of a pistol.

I like that.

Malone was prosperous, once, but not anymore, even though it has has several saloons.

God bless,


Sunday, November 23, 2014


I know. They're still at large in Washington DC, along with all the other clowns and crooks. But maybe the impossible will happen and one day that will end, just like Lois Lerner's missing 30,000 emails were miraculously found.


Hope, we're told, is a virtue.


Feast of Christ the King

Today's the end of the church's liturgical year and it's marked, appropriately, with the Feast of Christ the King. Why is this appropriate? Because our Lord reigns as King over the year of the Christian life.

Good Anglican

I'll spare you the theology, but you'll be glad to know that General Lee and the Duke of Wellington featured in the homily.

Bad Anglican

That made it a good sermon on at least two counts.

God bless,


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Get Out in the Field

Sometimes you get to that point when you think, "What next?" You've taken care of business, walked the dog, checked the news and there's an hour or so left over to do something profitable for mind, body and spirit. You could go to General Synod and get down with the pathetic fiction of women bishops. Or you can get out in the field and go hunting. I chose the latter path.

I set out under an ominous sky to find bunnies and squirrels, thinking both would complement existing meat in the freezer for a post-Thanksgiving small game feast.

Sure enough, I'd soon flushed a rabbit but by the time my rifle was up and crosshairs on, the bunny had made it to the safety of its burrow. I marked that for future reference and moved into the woods to see if I could call any squirrels in.

I did, with one coming in quite close, and on the ground too. I was just about to squeeze the trigger when off it took like a psychic. Lucky squirrel.

Then it began to thunder like the Second Front and I made my way back to the truck.

Moral of the story? Any time spent in the field is better than going to General Synod. Also, if I'd taken a shotgun I would've returned home with rabbit and squirrel for the pot. Well, I'll go out again tomorrow and see if I can't make up the deficiency.

Remember, Global Warming is settled science. Crony Capitalist, limolib NWO tax science, that is.

Shoot straight,


Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama Dissolves Parliament!

President Obama is now ruling by Executive Fiat, regardless of what the the people want or voted for. That didn't work out too well for Charles, King & Martyr. Maybe our Muslim dictator will do better. 

He says he hasn't "dissolved Parliament." 

So what are the DOJ and the IRS? The Star Chamber?

The words "root and branch" spring to mind.