I patrolled down to Montes Mexican Diner, keeping a keen eye out for Daesh terrorists. They could be anywhere.
Takfiri safe house?
Is that Daesh, hiding under a pile of trash?
And what about here?
Perhaps you see a dumpster. I see a hardened defensive position. Clear.
A snake. Good thing I'm armed. With a Glock.
Think twice before you walk down this road. Situational awareness is key.
The patrol ended without incident, apart from a tasty helping of Huevos Rancheros, and this time ISIS stayed under cover. Smart move, guys. But seriously, people are saying that CHL holders have a duty to carry. That might not be such a bad idea.
In the meanwhile, the real war, the War on Weather, continues, with a fine drizzle of rainy attrition. Like being back in the Old Country.
Gun rights.