Cooking with LSP? Excuse me? Hold fire, skeptics, this is how it's done. Go out and shoot some quail, then congratulate yourself on a "mixed bag." Put the birds in the freezer. Narnia over, remove the quail, defrost and place side by side on a cutting board with jalapenos.
A remarkable thing, and reverie over, slice the peppers in half, scoop out the seeds without wiping your eyes in an attempt to see better, and fill those empty beasts with cream cheese.
Next up, cut the meat from the quail breasts, embed avian goodness in the cream cheese filled peppers and wrap those delicious morsels in bacon. Then put 'em in the oven at 400* until they're crisp and ready for action. They should look something like this:
But there's no rule. Fall upon those bad boys when you're ready and eat that scoff.
Yes, like a Warrior,