Showing posts with label can't pay won't pay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label can't pay won't pay. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2022

In The Metrosprawl


Sometimes you have to leave the rural haven of bucolic old Texas and venture forth into the metrosprawl, the DFW connurb. And that's what I did, climbed into the rig and headed for Dallas. Why? To sort out a hernia issue with the medicos.

First step, pull into Ma LSP's place, which was fun, as always. Well done, parental LSPs for buying into the 'sprawl where you did, when you did. Result. 

The next day was all about an "initial consultation." The surgeon, a very pleasant chap, asked me, "So, mission priest, what's your day job?" I looked the medical sacerdos straight in the eye and said, "That's it, and I edit a magazine, no money you see." He sized this up, "Right, self-pay." Exactly.

The next day I drove down Central Distressway to Northstar Diagnostic for a CT scan. Northstar's in a medical complex/hospital which looks like a boutique hotel, though far more pricey and much less fun. That done?

Drive to the beautifully named Lovers Lane for bloodwork. You see, all this must be accomplished before scalpel meets femoral hernia. Thanks, horse. But whatever, you do what you gotta do, and it was neat to motor tour around Dallas.


In other news, the eldest returns from Eastern Europe tomorrow, mission accomplished, and I'll get him at the airport. Surprised by that, you'd think they'd fly the troops back to Ft. Hood directly.
