Showing posts with label Prep Up or Die. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prep Up or Die. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

Prep For The Eschaton

Rain's lashing down, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes and we're listening to Waylon while loading magazines and cleaning actions. Be prepared, right?

For what? The Eschaton. That's getting mighty close, lately, and I ask you, have you seen the doomsday clock tick-tocking more dangerously?

Pray, please, that we don't go to war. Again. Especially as Al-Qaeda's air force and the army of Saudi Arabia.

Lock up the pedo globalists instead.

Your Pal,


Monday, April 13, 2015

Houses of the Holy

Don't get me wrong, country life is great, but I decided to drive to Dallas this evening with Blue Zeppelin, to grill out with GWB and his old pal CB. CB sells Old Masters; who knew there were any left to sell? Well, there are, but it's a "niche market." A good one to be in too, I'd imagine.

With that in mind, I made the drive to the frozen metrosprawl of Northern Texas in 45 minutes. I35 was apocalyptically deserted, which made for the good time. Of course some EOTW/SHTF scenarios would leave the highways impassible, choked with the wrecks of cars and trucks.

A good off-road vehicle might be helpful in that situation, or even better, the presence of mind to have a place in the country and the forethought to be there on time.

Be prepared,