Showing posts with label I'm with Her. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I'm with Her. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2018


There's a new movement in town, #WalkAway, in which people describe their journey out of the Party. It's a big thing, echoing the success of Trump in what used to be blue states during the election. But why would anyone walk away from the Democrats?

Well That's Normal #WalkAway

Not because of the weirdness, surely, or the "everything you don't like is Hitler," or the "we hate anyone who isn't part of the Party," or the lies, cronyism, hypocrisy and nihilism of the left.

#WalkAway's been branded as a fake astroturf movement full of Russian bots, spies and double agents. 

Typical Russian Collusion

Unh Hunh, a bit like President Trump himself, the notorious Kremlin agent who had the shameless, brazen temerity to defeat Hillary in an election. Like, how dare he?

Despite #WalkAway's forest fire, grass roots success some people keep can't break their allegiance to the Party. Here's a video.

And here's Wictor's analysis. I'd be careful if I was a member of Antifa, just imagine all those slender undercover feds at your next revolutionary meeting to overthrow the Man.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lena Dunham, You Are A Clay Golem Hypocrite And We Scorn You

MillSoc (Millionaire Socialist) Lena Dunham isn't just a size challenged pretty face, she's also an "average bodied" mouthpiece for today's feminism. But is she a hypocrite? Good question. She's certainly a rich, privileged, boarding school feminist.

And Left Wing Lena champions her anomalously sized female cause in her bestseller book, The Parable of the No Talents, through her fantastically successful lingerie line, on her show Girls and everywhere else. It's what she does.

That's why Lena, popularly known as Clay Golem, excused her writer, Murray Miller, of raping a 17 year old actress. Then she apologized.

Well that's alright then, Lena.

You are a Millionaire Socialist hypocrite and we scorn you. Just like all the other people who follow @lenadunhamapols

So go on, apologize for all you're worth, which is lots, and then move to Canada. While you're at it, why not combine forces with Kathy Griffin.

Chop, chop,