Showing posts with label Archbishop of Toronto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archbishop of Toronto. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Alien, Rock, ACoC Bishop?

ACoC Bishop?

A concerned and worried Anonymous has just sent this in:

"so today i was cleaning up my yard where my old pourch use to be, and i saw this wierd looking roke half barried so i picked it up and brushed it off and i realized it want a rock its a fossle. 

Terrifying Space Creature

"it scared the living shit out of me. it looked like that little alien guy off of men in black. but anyways i decided to do some reasearch on google looking though pics and from the discription they look freakishly alike.... i want to go and get this checked out but i dont know where? i live in montana..."

We run this Church

Has Anonymous found a fossilized space creature? An old rock? Or just some run-of-the-mill Canadian Bishop?

Mad Grey

Team LSP awaits the photos.

Archbishop of Toronto?!?

In the meanwhile, shoot straight, if you can find any ammo.
