Showing posts with label 4th Reich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4th Reich. Show all posts

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Space Reich?


A Space Reich, Nazis on the Moon, Leni Reistenthal and Hanna Reitsch. "What about that, darling, do you not love?" I asked an old and liberal friend of the family who religiously follows the science of NPR. "You do realize, old girl, that they were women, courageous women, perhaps you know that with your background in film."

She paused, "Yes," but perhaps, I suggested, "you scorn these women because they're somehow... right wing?" Uh huh, exactly. And my friend would gladly throw real women off the bus and onto the tracks of trans inclusivity.

Readers, they have eyes, notoriously, but do not see. Leni became an underwater photographer and Hanna went on, I think, to command the Ghanaian airforce. Respect.

Ultima Thule,


Monday, November 16, 2015

Germany Awake?

Germany's anti-immigration movement, PEGIDA, staged a rally in Dresden this evening, drawing some 20,000 people. 

They believe that a massive influx of Muslims into Germany might result in Paris style terrorism. How could they think that?

I mean to say, how misguided could you possibly be. Muslims = Muslim terrorism? Why would anyone think that? It's ridiculous. And racist. And absurd.

Who knows, maybe Europe will grow a spine, because if it doesn't Deutschland Erwache! might just rise up to bite, and we don't want that. 

Good luck, Germany.